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Posts posted by Alusq

  1. Alusq, would you mind leaving a link to Sword of heaven and earth too? It seems the patch isn't in the uploader anymore, I just can't find it


    Unfortunately, this and the Green patch are the only Japanese FEGBA projects that I cared to download before whatever happened to the uploader. I also have the archive of FE4/5 tools/etc, but that's it.

    edit: updated with the latest version.

  2. theme is optional

    .................................................................................................... poop.

    I'm guessing everyone just got used to the theme being optional so it became an unspoken rule. Or I'm just a dumb, but that goes without saying


    [spoiler=making of] DkEoWk0.gif

    I told you it was bad plsnokill

  3. I apologise because I almost never post here and I think this has too much customing, but it was too much fun to make:

    I was going for hidden villain, but honestly I've got an idea for what I would do for something sinister too, so I might just make an entirely different entry later/if this one has too much customing to qualify. This was one hell of a splicing set~

    edit: alcohol makes people do strange things, like making bad splices that don't fit the theme and submitting them to a contest that I have no business submitting anything to. Again I apologise.

  4. It is at this point that I realize I have nothing more to do, and no way to end the chapter.


    One more talk convo to round out the patch! ^ш^ (talking to her a second time ends the chapter.)

    This seems like it will be a very odd relationship... I mean, they basically skipped the whole "seeing if there's actually chemistry" part...

    I'm pretty sure that the text that got skipped lets you know that they're strictly drinking together. Or maybe the country folk are just that rowdy after all.

  5. should new chapters for pre-existing hacks be allowed in the competition? That may bolster progress for some new hacks out there.

    My opinion: only if the chapter can stand on its own and the project creators are okay with releasing the chapter publicly. A lack of people being able to get their hands on the entries rubs me the wrong way.

    @Sham I did play them both and even got the video of Ciraxis's entry recorded, but I lost everything MAFC-related in the Laptop Theft of 2013, unfortunately. I dismissed the original MAFC as another one of my badly thought-out community ventures afterward and let it fade away.

    As for base games (roms fexna etc), I think anything is fine as long as it's an FE chapter.

  6. The big thing about MAFC that sets it aside from Ragefest is that it is solely a contest to make a fun chapter, while Ragefest is about pandering to one person (Marc) and making him rage just as much as it is about difficulty. For example, I knowingly designed my RF4 entry to have not just real difficulty, but also bullshit fake difficulty to make Marc laugh deliriously when he found himself in an unwinnable scenario for the umpteenth time. It (like almost all RF entries) wasn't received well.

    Here's the original post from TЕB if you're interested in looking at it. It can be changed up, have inspiration drawn from it, or completely ignored.

    [spoiler=original post]Make a Fun Chapter, as the name implies, is a contest to make a fun chapter, inspired by the Make a Good Level contest of raocow's talkhaus.
    You'll have several months to make a custom chapter in either FE 7, 6, or 8, and submit a patch. I will play through the submissions in video recording (or screenshots if something borks up) in the order in which they are submitted when the time comes.
    The tentative submission period runs from now (mid-March) until the end of the month of June (this will probably change as I figure out when I'll have free time on the real life side of things). It originally went until May, but I recalled that a lot of people here have school until June so I've decided to extend it until then.

    Obviously the results will be pretty biased if I'm the only judge: there are a lot of different views of what is and isn't "fun" out there. If you're interested in judging, then let me know. You don't have to record yourself playing each submission, but I would like a good description of what you found good and bad about each chapter, maybe with some highlights in screenshots, as well as a score.
    Because I expect three or so submissions at most, the scoring system used be a judge will be left up to them. I will probably be using a scale of 1-5, 5 being best and 1 worst, and then listing the submissions in order of best to worst if that's necessary.

    Some basic guidelines:
    ·Submit your chapter in the format of a .ups patch and make sure to say which game it patches to. NO SUBMITTING ROMS, full stop.
    ·All gameplay must be contained in one chapter. If you replaced a chapter other than the prologue, you are allowed to change the prologue so it sends you to the relevant chapter, or maybe you have a super-long dialogue scene with events that you don't want the player to have to sit through each time the chapter is restarted. Just no bullhell like "My Chapter pt. 2xx: Now You Fight THESE Guys!".
    ·Your chapter must have custom events. While you are welcome to re-use other assets of the vanilla game (maps portraits etc), be sure to try to use them in interesting new ways if you do. Nobody wants to play through "Vanilla chapter but with different weapons".
    ·Your chapter should focus primarily on gameplay. Story is a great bonus, but something that is fun to play is the primary objective.
    ·The difficulty is up to you, with "slightly harder than vanilla FE7" being encouraged. However, you're welcome to make an easy or hard chapter. Just make sure it's reasonably playable and beatable.
    ·Gameplay gimmicks, while not required, are encouraged. Switch things up as much as you please.
    ·Submissions will be reviewed in the order that they were submitted, so it's in your interest to be first to go and leave a good impression.

  7. I think we all get it. TIL dialogue in an RPG is bad, but you guys have seriously beaten the dead horse far beyond its expiration date by now. I was honestly hoping to read some thoughts people had on the game beyond "so many words; better complain about all the words for the umpteenth time".

    Keep in mind that almost all of the talk conversations in the game are extras meant to give a glimpse into the characters. The only place where there's really an excess of non-optional dialogue is 2-1, which I'm guessing is why the entire chapter is set aside for it. It's boring to look at in a screenshot let's play where most of the screenshots are the same portraits and speech bubbles over and over again, but that's a flaw of GBAFE as an engine (which Bloodlines does the best a Fire Emblem mod possibly can do to fix by having different portraits for emotions and lots of CGs to look at, things that most projects lack). This is no Sacred Dawn.

    Dynasty Warriors 8 is a valid excuse for not updating, though. You haven't lived until you steal Lu Bu's horse on Ultimate mode and get away with it.

  8. vbwmWNe.png

    Dew the undewable! Bite the unbiteable!

    Row! Row! FIGHT THE VIPER!

    [spoiler=Clarification on Redahli/Gillian/Naillig]

    Redahli is female: Gillian is the name she uses when among humans. She disguised herself as a man named Naillig in ch2. The name Gillian is a variant of Jillian and is pronounced the same way, but a lot of people probably thought of Gilliam from FE8 if they hadn't seen the name Gillian before, leading to a bit of confusion.

    Also, warning to those who don't like dialogue: ch2-1 contains no fighting whatsoever. If that annoys you, you may wanna skim the next episode.

  9. Looking at this guy's profile, it says his class is supposed to be "sister", which makes me think these are LUCIUS'S growths instead!

    The "Class" category in the Nightmare character editor only refers to the map sprite that represents the unit in the support viewer: the actual class is decided by events. There's a good chance that the maker of GhebFE was too lazy to change some characters' support viewer classes to match what they're actually loaded as.

    It seems that Oliver has a gigantic constitution bonus, so see if that matches up for his slot in the character editor.

    It seems like this chapter is one of the most "gauntlet of strong enemies with little rhyme or reason" yet... although I guess that's not saying a whole lot.

    Dear diary: today, I saw a unit die to Eclipse. o____o

  10. Promptly proceeds to give a 5 minute monologue. I actually have a problem with this! If Kadven can talk for this long, he is NOT beyond saving! Nobody who has the energy left to deliver a massive exposition dump is beyond saving! Maybe if it was one wham line, sure, but this is an ENTIRE SPEECH!

    I seem to recall Malcolm saying in the chapter intro that the party was a day's travel from Amphret, meaning that even if Kadven had hours left it wouldn't be enough to get him to anywhere with meaningful medical care. Also, the fact that a staff can't heal him makes me think that there's something majorly, physically wrong with him, like a broken wing, limbs bent the wrong way, etc. I would include "severed limbs", but with those he would die from blood loss long before getting his whole speech out. I'm not saying that there aren't problems with the scene, but there are ways of at least partially rationalising it.

    Frog djuron

    If you make it, they will come. I mean, given the precedent set by the bees and all...

  11. Also, I'd always thought this before, and now it looks even more the case, but Jace looks a lot like a standard JRPG protagonist.

    "Character who thinks he's the protagonist, but isn't the protagonist" is a hilarious archetype~

    ... After Nickt's Keiran, I think maybe it would be beneficial if you put the names and personalities of the characters in addition to their portraits? As cool as the armor is, maybe the hilarious clash with the character's personality (which struck me as the opposite of flashy) could have been averted.

  12. Sadaati has strength and not magic as a side effect of the "arbitrary number of weapon types" patch (the reason why, for example, Bram only has a sword rank in the R-menu and not "--" ranks in all three other phys weapons). Since she can't use any type of magic, the game doesn't know to assign her class the Mag label for the stat instead of the Str one.

    Now join me in working to convince Ghast to make valkyries use some sort of rod-type physical weapon. [shot]

    I'm still reading all of your updates, but I rarely post my reactions because I rarely have anything to say. I did notice that they've been declining so I figured something was up. Don't sweat not being able to update as often: real life should always come first.

    Wow. Dewey literally just ate a whole pegasus, or at least enough of it that the rest was a bloody mess.

    What is it with this dog?

    For some reason this made me think of Cubivore, where after eating enough of a certain type of enemy your animal-main-character mutates and gains the enemy's characteristics. Too bad something similar can't be done in the FE engine...

  13. I'm done with Jace; if anyone wants to do anything with him, feel free. I tried to fix the hair a little but when I tried to do too much with it it progressively began looking worse, so I came to a compromise.


    Re:Legato, since his design is asymmetrical (one shoulder pad spiked), may I suggest having another version where the opposite shoulder pad is spiked for when he's loaded on the other side of the screen, so the same pad is consistently spiked? It would be similar to how both of Nergal's forms have a flipped mug so his turban/Nergal-eye never switch sides on his face.

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