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Tchyrimi or halfrohp

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    Pro-Coffin since 1996.

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. I live bitch. (for the next 4.5 seconds) EDIT: Here they are in action https://streamable.com/exnqqf GHOST/POSSESSED WEAPONS
  2. Hey pholks. I did things look at them. 1. A (super racist) brute-looking map sprite. Idk if I'll do anything more with it. 2. Multiple attempts at a cow, with male and female versions. They feel off to me and idk why. Should I even bother with spots? 3. Some 'Militiamen', aka Villagers with weapons. I'd be interested in continuing these, maybe. 4. Ghost Hand boooooOOOOOOooooOOOOooooo... ...bies. Definitely want feedback on this one. I plan to -ahem- flesh it out. 5. An archer for another of my "THIS IS HAPPENING" hacks. His name is Kan. Is the hair low enough to warrant no eyes? 6. Another character. He's going to be a cavalier once I finish up the base. His name is Alto. I feel like his eyes are wrong. 7. I tried to make the cleaver used by Death Sword in Twilight Princess, but I wasn't sure how the runes turned out so I went ahead and made a 'generic' cleaver type thing, with a Silver version too. 8. Next, we have some alternate things for the boss/VIP shield icon. A heart, an angel, and a scale. 9. Jam, a shaman and another character I had planned. I was rusty af when I was making him, so I ended up just splicing him. Now for something cool. I'm gonna make the other weapons later. A sword possessed by a ghost. The frames aren't all lined up here, but I'm sure we all understand that it floats up and down. Eventually I'm going to take a stab at battle sprites, and we'll have some dope shife.
  3. Awesome. Ghost sword, here we come! Thanks m80.
  4. don't b& me please I have a wife and 3 children I hope I don't come off as dim, but I searched through Resources and couldn't find any other topics about inserting map sprites. I was wondering how I would go about that. Would I just replace a vanilla sprite with the custom one in GBAGE using the import bitmap option, or is there some other way? Do I need to mess with palettes?
  5. Idk if this goes here or has already been addressed, If needed I can walk through what I did. Thought I'd share.
  6. This is literally my jam. Can I get some feedback from professional item people?
  7. I'm not promising that this is going to go anywhere fast, or at all, but to start off I need someone who can draw me a reference for Siegfried from Soul Calibur 1. I already got started on it, but I don't feel like I could go any farther without a ref. Yeah, yeah. Practice. The project, for which I promise nothing, is basically to follow Sieg as a main character through some of the events of the Soul Calibur series. I want to give FEXNA a shot. this is happening
  8. Hey guys, I know it's been another really long stretch of time, but I lost my laptop at school a while ago. I got myself a new one, but I only recently decided to start back in the whole Fire Emblem thing. A whole lotta shit happened this semester. I want to start a project, but it's gonna take a while for it to unfold the way I want. I don't have any money to pay anyone, but if anyone wants to help it would be greatly appreciated. Also all of my other sprites are gone except for the ones still up on here and TEB.
  9. Who says princesses with puffy shoulders can't use swords? I know the shading is pretty whack, so I'm still working on that. If anyone can suggest how to muck with it that'd be gucci. I also decided to include my less-than-half-assed attempt at making my own neighbor from when that was the craze around here. Never touching it again.
  10. Hey Serenes, it's been awhile hasn't it? What better way to re-enter (sort of) than with some sprites? I don't know what I'm doing with Ohonen. I've never tried this kind of angle before. Feedback is definitely appreciated.
  11. Dat 5 pixels of ass... Vi reminds me of Haruko from FLCL
  12. Messing with Xenos and doing Ohonen from almost scratch. Still waiting for Ciraxis to reply over at TEB and looking for crits and grits. Hold the grits.
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