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Everything posted by GeekyDad

  1. I was expecting it to be one of the more expensive maps. Two-fifty works for me.
  2. Gangrel is a convoluted, ridiculous character. Walhart is actually fairly interesting, especially considering his ultimate intent. Gangrel is an embarrassment to villains. He would, however, fit in nicely in an episode of Scooby Doo.
  3. I'm guessing it's already been pointed out (haven't read every page of replies), but the camera is constantly (though slowly) moving in a circle pan. She's always there but not in view until a few seconds into the scene. She's behind MU for the first part of the scene.
  4. I think one thing that really shouldn't be underestimated about Awakening is its presentation. Aside from Shadow Dragon, it's the first thing we've seen of the series outside Japan since Radiant Dawn, and the contrast in production values is stark. To a mainstream audience, it makes a big difference in its acceptance. Awakening, if nothing else, is a statement by Nintendo they take this series seriously (either that, or IS had secret cashes of money lying around ). And it's not just the cutscenes, in-game graphics and amazing musical scores either. The game was given time and love. The story coulda used some more baking time, but in the end, this game delivers in spades. It's a great re-introduction to the franchise, I think. We could nitpick all sorts of things, but ultimately, it's a very strong SRPG, not to mention a AAA Fire Emblem game.
  5. I think the game's fantastic as well, but I think the story was handled quite poorly. The overarching story is solid, but the details meant to hold everything together are...not great, even terrible at times. That being said, I tried to go back to Radiant Dawn last night after putting it on the shelf for a good while, and Awakening has really spoiled me in terms of its interface and mechanics. Sacred Stones is a little easier to get into (plus, it's already on my 3DS from the Ambassador's Program), and so is Shadow Dragon for some reason. But yeah, Awakening is easily my favorite so far. Of course, I'm no Fire Emblem super fan, but this game sure has boosted my interest in the series (as evidenced by my new registration to this site). I will say this, though -- in spite of not really enjoying the individual story sequences all that much (excluding the cutscenes, which are amazing in 3D), I have thoroughly enjoyed the quirky character interactions in the Support area. I care more about these characters than I have with other characters in previous FE games I've played.
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