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Posts posted by Tribute

  1. 34 minutes ago, timon said:

    If I may add something irrelevant - don't come and kill me - Dimitri without an eyepatch is MILES better. The eyepatch is just so stupid and out of place, the longer hair, heavy eyes and black armour are more than enough to convey the transformation, making him the captain from Spongebob doesn't add anything. 

    But yeah, I agree with @Spectrum, people like to treat Edelgard as a villain, but she has a (mostly) rational revolutionary process going on, with a very honorable goal. Dimitri basically uses his position as king to get his personal revenge, that's much worse if you ask me. And I'm not saying he's not a good character, I truly like him, but I can't understand why there aren't 1000 topics about his actions like with Edelgard.

    If I had to make a villain->good list it'd be TWSITD, Rhea, Dimitri, Edelgard, ... , Claude. The first is obviously the big villain and I'd say Rhea as well is mostly evil unless you play Church (and even then...). Dimitri and Edelgard are gray, but again, she's got honorable reasons and at least some rationality, he lets himself be driven by emotion. Which is understandably his character arc, but as a king that's just completely wrong. Claude is mostly good, though he is more of an observer, which is also the best thing about him and GD as a whole.

    I'm a massive defender of Edelgard. It's just a minor nitpick that she seems to come off as fundamentally the same as she does in BE even when you're against her.

    Black Eagles just has Dimitri as squeaky clean boring good guy who's listening to Rhea because thats just what you do. I wish you got to see more of murder hobo Dimitri that cares as much about taking out Edelgard to settle a grudge as he does because its "The right thing to do" from other peoples perspective.

    BE!Dimitri has some moments where he feels almost like he doesn't think the revolution is entirely wrong, so much as its just dirty enough that he won't break rank.

    BL route makes it clear that he actually has a personal stake in things and part of him views this as more of an excuse to do what he wanted to do anyway, and kill her.

  2. 7 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Should be twelve instruction sessons, cumulative. This also applies to Byleth's Faith budding talent so you'll be spending 12 activity points total on that. Getting perfects will not affect it other than the game giving you another instruction session on that character for that day, which of course speeds up the count to 12 a little bit.

    Not 12 activity points.

    Three, assuming you go into it with a full morale bar.

  3. Some of this might have an ounce of merit if you just stepped out of a time machine and haven't played since path of radiance release when you were a kid.


    It felt pretty standard to me for  a normal/"hard" run through. A few solid challenges here and there.

    Also if you have all master classes at 75% you're way optimized on top of the fact that mid to late game is where you're always peak overpowered on your main units

  4. On 8/3/2019 at 2:00 AM, Omega203 said:

    I don't hate her, but Edelgard fans would probably say that I do.

    What about people who start with Black Eagles?  Do they hate Dimitri?

    I don't like him because compared to everyone he seems to be the most bland.

    Edelgard at least goes full on "morally grey" supervillian edgelord.

    Dimitri is just "I'm throwing 100% in with the church and I'm going to fall in line and do what I'm told". At times it seems like he only half believes what he's saying but he's resolved himself to his role.

  5. 12 minutes ago, timon said:

    I looked it up just now, according to this https://gamewith.net/fire-emblem-three-houses/article/show/10501 you have to kill with Byleth to have the option to spare him and then you talk with him post battle. I'm sad, my only dialogue "option" was asking Edelgard how she felt about killing him.

    Seems to be alot of small changes based how you do things, at least post-skip.

    Like the Dedue / Dimitri dialogue if you manage to pick him off before he turns

  6. 6 minutes ago, timon said:

    Empire route (Crimson Flower). Goddam don't tell me this, I don't have a savefile from before that fight... I did fight him with Byleth, but he didn't make the kill, is that the difference maker?

    I forget who got the kill, but there was 100% post-chapter dialogue with an option to either kill or leave him alive.

    Quite a few units have the option. Some even have an option to turn them.

    Only the most militant inner circle to the leaders (Dedue, Dimitri, Cyril, Catherine etc) force you to put them down

  7. 14 hours ago, xchickengirlx said:

    I guess that would be one sure fire way, is to not let a character have any other A supports except with the character who you want the paired ending with. But that's kinda lame. I'd like to see the A supports with most of the students, such as Claude and Lorenz, I just don't want them to get their paired ending together. It doesn't seem fair for the player to not be able to enjoy all the A supports between the characters, at the expense of what paired ending they want

    So yes, you can control the endings if you don't turn it into a convoluted web of tiebreakers.

    Use a dummy file to fill the book (or to get your endings). Theres 4 playthroughs anyway. So use the files you're gonna burn on a new game+ to fill your log.

  8. 10 minutes ago, xchickengirlx said:

    I can't help but feel that IS kinda dropped the ball with the A supports/paired endings. I can kinda understand that they wanted to take some control away from the players? Compared to Fates where you could play matchmaker? So far I haven't seen any concrete answers/solutions on how to be 100% sure you are going to get the paired ending you are vying for btw whatever two characters.

    I would have preferred that players had the option to chose the paired ending they want AND have the option for it to be more random, for players who don't care as much about match making. For example, I'm on my GD rote, recruited Petra, and am really enjoying their support together. However in Claude's profile, Petra isn't listed in his top 3 closest characters. Yet in Petra's profile, Claude his 2nd on her list. SO yeah, I guess i'll see how it turns out once I'm done with this playthrough. 😕

    If you only do one A support does that not lock it in?

  9. So thats why my reply to the other topic wasn't going through. Anyway, incase people from the other thread show up:


    I mean, she's as much of a Hero as Walhart was in Awakening. Or Lelouche/Light/various other edgelords/etc.

    This isn't a knock, I really enjoyed Edelgard's route. But she's practically beat for beat the Lelouche/Zero mold. Hellbent on fixing the world by conquering it and forcefully purging all of the corruption, at any cost. There's also the fact that as far as public perception goes, nobody knows that the church/Rhea are secretly lizard people, so for all intents and purposes, everyone outside the inner circle of the Black Eagle Strike Squad is going to just see someone turning into a maniac and starting a blood revolution to overturn a status quo that they weren't aware of. Anyone who's not close enough to be looped in is only going to see a bloodthirsty revolutionary, and she's fine with that, as long as she reaches her end goal. Every single obstacle is just a reason to double down on her resolve.

    The only thing I would change is having the post-takeover part where she turns around and purges TWSITD be part of the playable story. Cement Edelgard route as basically the "Revelations" of FE3H, but better and more coherent, where you basically consign to going through and taking on the whole world piece by piece.

  10. I like ALOT about 3 houses.

    To be completely honest, there's only one thing I want to revert back, and thats the two class system. I'm not a huge fan of the 4-tier classic classes. (I assume those were ported to echoes from the original, and not new to echoes).

    I definitely want the return to shipping being only story based and no kids to stay around.

    And also just the focus on writing a good story and characters as well.

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