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California Mountain Snake

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Posts posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. Why, could this be an hint perhaps that you find this "opinion" unmistakable agreeable, incontrovertible as your chief evidence, and thus refuse to reply as so?

    Lol'd. It's like it's election night all over again (which was without a doubt an historic evening).

    I am now afraid of how big the universe is (and to a lesser extent the ability for people to argue for 3 pages over what they're arguing about.)

  2. I can assume you aren't Jewish. I don't think that's how it's spelled (not that I care since I'm not either).

    Hanukkah or Chanukah (in alphabetic characters) are both correct.

    Not that I care. "Happy Holidays" is a phrase I mostly despise hearing, and I make it a point to say "Merry Christmas." Hanukkah is an important holiday, but much of the attention around it exists only because of its proximity to Christmas. There are many much more important High Holidays in the fall, and of course Passover, that get much less attention because they aren't around Christian holidays ;) Kwanzaa can also go fuck itself.

    So Merry Christmas. :3

  3. You lack a sense of humor. Go listen to some Bill Hicks, 80s Eddie Murphy, Richard Pyrior or George Carlin

    It's a perfectly reasonable response to find a (relatively) lame ylyl thread not funny.

    Furthermore, telling him to listen to old comedians when almost every joke in this thread relates to current internet memes and parodies on "internet culture" (an oxymoron in my opinion), is pretty unhelpful advice.

  4. The risk of getting bad subs is equal to getting bad dubs (although all fan-dubs are terrible without exception), so I can't use that as a factor.

    Basically I've been practicing my Japanese listening skills by watching animes with just subs, and for most animes I start watching now I prefer to have them subbed. But for the one's where I've gotten used to the dubs, even if they're incredibly annoying, I ussually stick with them (I started Bleach on dubs, and I've gotten used to the English voices so it's unlikely I'll switch even as the series goes on).

  5. First of all, if you haven't noticed. I'm a guy.


    Napoleon show people how he can seize power and become a dictator. In other words, he abused his powers for his own selfish needs because his greed in creating the largest French empire as he continued the French Revolution and wars with Britain which eventually led to his downfall. If Napoleon didn't existed, you wouldn't have people like Hitler, Stalin, and all these other dictators. Does that not sound like a dictator to you or do I have to get it through your thick skull of yours?


    Well, just in case you thought I was "too dumb to notice", I'm going to have to go ahead and show what a "know-it-all" I am and call bullshit on your entire statement, because it's evident you no idea what you're talking about.

    Yes, Napoleon tried to take over Europe, but this is in no way an exception to the land-grabbing which makes up 95% of Europe's history. Furthermore, inferring personal motive from this not only a preposterous notion; it also leads to staggeringly inaccurate interpretations of history (see:above post). Claiming that Napoleon's motivation was simply "greed" and that the forces driving him were his "selfish needs" is something I'd expect to hear on an Animaniacs summary of history.

    Additionally, accusing Napoleon of being responsible for inspiring Hitler, Stalin, and every modern dictator shows- in the politest way I can put it- an overly-naive voluntarist approach to history (And because I already know you don't know what it means, please look up voluntarist-in a comparative politics context-before you respond, it's an important vocabulary word). The move towards dictatorship this world has seen can be largely attributed to an increasing perception that authoritarian regimes will lead to quicker modernization and development. And in the cases when authoritarianism works, it does lead to quicker growths (see China's sustained 10% growth for the last couple years). However, I say this with heavy reservation because on a statistical scale despite the fact that almost all successful emerging states of the 20th century (Japan, China, USSR, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Chile, etc) were authoritarian, all of the wildly unsuccessful authoritarian regimes (see the rest of Latin America, most of Africa) basically make it break even in terms of success-rate. This trend towards increasing authoritarianism was set in motion when England and America became the first countries to modernize, and from then every country had to play catch up, using increasingly drastic measures the farther behind they fell, or the later they modernized (if you want a full account of this read Alexsander Gershenkron's Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective).

    Now I'm not going to say relative-backwardness (another vocabulary word for you) is the only way to look at this, many other theories have been floated by this "thick-skull", but claiming that somehow all of modern history was formed by the actions of one man: that if Napoleon never existed there would never have been dictatorships, or Hitler, or Stalin, or any World Wars, etc, is simply, without-a-doubt, inexplainably wrong.

  6. Oh, the truth hurts eh? The American school system does suck; its standards are quite laughable.

    The truth doesn't hurt me in the slightest, considering I attribute my admission to the best university in the world as a product of my American secondary education. But if you're basing your opinion on your own failures within the school system, I guess that's just as valid as me forming an opinion off my own success.

    Fuck "standards". National standards are what fuck up schooling, trying to turn an education into a "skills-building" workshop similar to technical school (hello, Europe), rather than an exercise in critical thinking and qualitative judgement. The point of school isn't to memorize dates or formats for expository essays, it's to teach you to be a productive citizen who makes qualitative judgements based off evidence, not believe something "because someone told me so."

    Just for demonstration, The State of World History Standards, a corporation set up for evaluating how schools comply to standards, gives my state (Vermont) an F as a grade (IE worst), because Vermont doesn't make students take a standardized test in social studies (which considering the vastly contentious nature of history, would be retarded). However, in terms of quality in education, Vermont has by multiple accounts the best overall education system in America (indirect factors include: high teacher-student ratios, low dropout rates, high % of student age kids actually in school, high per-student-expenditures, high teacher salaries, etc). So maybe being a Vermont student has skewed my judgement over the American school system, but excuse me if I don't hold "standards" of education in the highest regard.

  7. These were cities left untouched by warfare just so they could see how much damage the nukes could do. What the fuck is that?

    Subjective judgement. If you're just going to start making stuff up then this isn't a debate anymore.

    Japan didn't have much of a military left at that point, and in no location were there any concentrations of soldiers great enough to warrant the use of a nuclear warhead that you couldn't just use regular carpet bombing techniques for. A nuke wouldn't have done much more at Iwo Jima than days on end of Navel barrage didn't do, and it's not like all of the Japanese soldiers were on Yavin 4 or something, a secluded "military target"; soldiers were concentrated and deployed from urban centers, and it was impossible to bomb any location without involving citizens. A US land invasion would have resulted in more casualties on every front, not just US soldier deaths. They would have held out to the last man standing, and only in the face of nuclear weaponry, a foe there was no way of countering, would they surrender. The casualties would have been literally twenty-fold, if not more, had a mainland invasion been attempted.

    Anyways, this is all irrelevant to your original accusation; that somehow Truman decided to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima to "one-up" FDR, another outlandish claim I can only attribute to psychotic mental illness; and your second unfounded conjecture that FDR wouldn't choose to end the war in the same way that Truman did, which is also without proof considering FDR was president during the firebombings of Japanese cities, which included one single B-29 air raid that killed over 100,000 people in Tokyo, more than the immediate deaths of Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

  8. None. But I'd be willing to bet that most people would have picked a non-civilian drop zone for a nuke and most would have never dropped the second.

    Japan didn't surrender even after a bomb was dropped on a city. Only after the second one 3 days later did they comply. Saying we could have just dropped one on an uninhabited island shows a distinct lack of historical perspective.

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