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Father Wood

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Posts posted by Father Wood

  1. Only half of Metroid is American, and Super Metroid far surpases the new games.

    If I was to work on it, I'd make a PoR prequel, with Zelgius, Greil, Tauroneo, Titania, Soren's unknown master, Ike's mom, (forget her name) Bryce, Renning, Brom, Haar, Tanith, Sigrun and a few other older characters in the Tellius FE's playable. Eh, Nolan too for kicks! But remember, he's not that old!


    Oh and it would also have the three brothers' parents playable along with many other parents of other characters.

  2. On the last few turns, I made a wall of units on the left bridge and had my theives not open the top two treasure chests at the top right areas (so the ravens can come and be killed.) Here's some ASCII:






    I also had some units

    around here v

    U _U _U _U _U _U _U _U

    ___________----- _________________________Bridge v_____________________________Bridge v

    ___________I Z I


    ___________I S I


    ___________I R I


    ___________I B I


    As you can see, I blocked off the ravens from attacking anyone, but what I forgot about was the seizable sqare. The ravens went straight to the bottom of the bridge in this formation.

    ___________-----_______<--Bottom bridge tile R=Raven S=Seizable tile

    ___________I B I





    __________________Cabin S

    I was in a pickle. Luckily I'm doing this in normal mode, (to get more stat ups for RD) so it was easier to fix the problem.

    I had Boyd attack the raven in front of him, moved Rhys up five spaces and had Rolf finish off. It took me a while to think of what to do next, the only way out I could think was to rely on a critical hit, so I used Zihark and Killing Edge to finish off the raven to the right and it worked! The bottom right raven was already injured from Rolf a turn ago, so he was pretty simple to kill. The last raven was blocked by an opened treasure chest, the stairs, and that cabin to the left of the seize tile. Victory was inevitable!

    Later, a raven pulled up in front of the seizable tile, my response was to block him from entering like this:






    _____________Cabin Z _M

    _____________Cabin S ___N

    Since that cabin and units were blocking him, he couldn't reach the tile and seize! Man that felt good!

    Have any of you guys had any experiences like this?

    Sorry about the annoying underlines, it would have looked worse without them.

  3. I'd really dig on a playable Magic Seal who can heal, for those of you who haven't beaten FE7 it's this one enemy who can't attack, but about 15 spaces all around him are redder than normal. In those red spaces, no one can use magic or heal, and the Magic Seal can move to change which spaces are red. It's pretty tough to explain, so if you don't get me just watch this: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=v7RZ3J58sK0 but keep in mind that this guy really hacked that copy of the game. Anyway, notice that the mages avoid attacking inside that red area, this is because they can't when they stand there. The Magic Seal also has four fantastic body guards surrounding him, has maxed luck, uber defense and uber resistance.

    I'd love to play as one.

  4. I'm so glad they changed the BK's dialogue with Ike at that chapter. That is a cheasy getaway. I always assumed that if you didn't kill him, then his blessed armour saves him from being crushed under the castle, then he uses his superhuman strength to get himself out of the rubble. The alternative I had in mind was that Sephiran put a spell on the BK's armour, so that if the BK was "killed," he'd be automatically resurected, with his armour losing its blessing instead. Only problem with that theory is how does he lose his armour's blessing if you didn't kill him?

    Oh well, it probably doesn't matter seeing as Ike "killing" him in PoR seems to be the more canonical alternative because Ike says to (Elincia I believe) that he defeated the BK after 2-E.

    That's just my two cents.

  5. Hi I'm Yourgranny and I come from Gamefaqs to escape troll infestation. Compared to that place, this site's a breath of fresh air. I'd like to ask one question that no one seems to be answering, how do I show my stuff to the left?

  6. The developers put skills onto characters according to their personality. Most noticable is Shinon, who's got provoke, pointing to his insults all the time and the fact that an archer sucks with that skill anyway. Soren's also a good example, since he's a tactician he has to adapt to different battle situations before formulating a plan. So I'm guessing it was a mistake.

  7. I never predict stories in any kind of entertainment, so I didn't know it was him, but was curious to know who the man was behind that visor ever since Soren and Ike talked of him being a possible monster. I actually thought he was gonna turn into a giant snake or something when you attacked him LOL! :lol:


    Topic title made me think of that one scene in RD when Ike's like "What in...They're statues!"

    On topic: Does that mean it'll be easy or hard to get weapon levels to S? I hated how impossible it was in PoR to get anyone's level to S without abuse.

  9. I've done some calculations and predict this game will come out around Februrary 24, 2009.

    Here's what I calculated:

    Days between Japan's release of FE7 and America's release of FE7: 161

    Days between Japan's release of FE8 and America's release of FE8: 227

    Days between Japan's release of FE9 and America's release of FE9: 149

    Days between Japan's release of FE10 and America's release of FE10: 268

    Average of all those=201.25=//=201

    August 7+201 days=Februrary 24.

    But, there's also a pattern around those release dates, they alternate between 150+/- days to 200+ days each game. So this game could return to the 150+ day release, say sometime in Janurary. ;)

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