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Posts posted by Khainiwest

  1. So i took everyones advice and decided to just plunge through the story, I'm starting to enjoy the game again, I just felt like I wasn't deep enough in and I was looking for someone to tell me "BY THIS CHAPTER", "THIS CHARACTER" or "THIS ITEM".

  2. If that's the case, that it's all kind of overwhelming, my recommendation is not to sweat the options too much and go through the game 'normally' (whatever that means to you, lol; I personally define 'normal' by the first FE game I played, Blazing Sword. It sounds like to you, Sacred Stones/Awakening is more the speed of 'normal' and that's fine too).

    For a first run, I recommend staying relatively 'safe' in terms of playing around (most characters function well in their base class) and just go through the game, use whoever performs the best without too much grinding in Birthright (as I mentioned before, grinding in Rev is probably going to be/feel a lot more worthwhile than in BR) and just get through the plot (lackluster as it might be lol).

    If it helps (and obviously, everyone's different, but my own experiences are my best point of reference lol...), here are the runs I've done so far:

    - Conquest, Normal/Classic : pretty normal run, didn't mess around with classes that much, mainly getting a feel for the game and learning mechanics

    - Birthright, Hard/Casual : messed around with reclassing a little more, mainly on MU, but also got Rend Heaven on a couple extra guys, Takumi uses it esp well. Haven't finished, got bored and stopped around Ch 25

    - Conquest, Hard/Casual : All-wyverns run, lol. Details in my signature, but the goal was basically to finish all possible units as wyvern units. Really crazy with all the bows, but really fun and interesting as well

    - Birthright, Hard/Casual : all-ninjas run; currently in progress. Enjoying it so far lol.

    TBH I keep doing casual because I'm a filthy casual I got too attached to mid-battle saves, and this game LOVES to screw you over with random unexpected crits from like, 9% and whatnot, so... whatever no shame lol. I paid my Classic nickel with Conquest so w/e

    I don't have Revelations yet, but I'm planning on doing a 'normal' playthrough, probably with some class-swapping and a lot of grinding (although I get bored really easily grinding so mehh maybe not), and then an all-Rhajat playthrough, which is... well.. haha.

    And then there's all the other stuff people do, I'm sure you've seen topics for PMUs (Pick My Unit runs) and the like, and those are an adventure all their own if you don't know what to do for yourself and whatnot...

    But for your first run(s), I seriously just recommend powering through as quick as you can just for the sake of learning the plot and experimenting with the characters, then worrying about doing the crazier stuff on subsequent runs, and saving the grinding you seem to like for Revelations and whatnot. This game has tons of replayability whenever you do find whatever it is you're looking for. As to what it is that you're missing, I dunno man, I think it's up to you to figure that out.

    No I really havent looked into much of the game yet, I'll take your advice and try to blast through it, I just like experiencing all the characters and growing them. it just didn't seemed stressed to me based on my limited time playing though

  3. imo, there are plenty of non-OP but good units. Mozu, as any Villager, given investment (instant Dread Fighter from Lvl 1 in her recruit chapter especially), Saizo's ok, Hinoka (especially as Spear Fighter), Oboro, Kagero (though squishy). Sakura also has decent growths all around but grinding through to promotion. and as frustrating as Rinkah's growths can be, just a HP Tonic at the beginning of the chapter and maintaining below max HP gives +4 dmg and she's tanky excluding her HP. just what are your standards? what's OP and what's trash?

    Fates's grinding DLC isn't as brain dead as Awakenings but the scaling isn't as much of a disadvantage as you make it out to be. I've grinded the hell out of Awakening and it isn't useful at all after 3 Second seals. so for any one char you're grinding in Awakening, you'll still have to use Spotpass summons for many, many lvls. there's a few things you can do to make more use of the DLC. first, don't stress getting as many kills as possible if it's just going to make you overextend yourself and possibly get killed. just pull 1-2 autoaggro at a time per group if need be and skip the last half of the run completely. second, you need chip dmg/dual attacks more than in Awakening so do that. third, if you're grinding stronger units, there's a breakable barrier in the middle which brings you at the front of all the spawns. not recommended for grindng low lvls ofc, w/ the Stoneborns and all. granted, for the most part, challenges are more effective at grinding lvls. but keep in mind Conquest doesn't have challenges

    plus, Awakening's DLC also had stuff run away and the only possible way you could've killed them all was with a lot of path blocking on top of Galeforce.

    as mentioned, at its foundation, Fire Emblem is not a grinding game. just because you've only played the ones that had some shouldn't mean you can take that as the standard for all of them. and you mentioned that the other games had post-game grind. you're not even post-game yet so why compare with those?

    Well the trick is to get those first 3 seals to make them able to solo the maps of the later DLC maps, forgot the names though. I think the 'run away' similarity is an unfair comparison to as this only applied to the gold rush. That makes a little more sense as thieves typically run away in every FE game. I don't think I ever used spotpass in any function besides transferring avatar characters.

    Well I compare the post game grind because awakening DLC replaced that, now we have an instant DLC grind that I find much less effective than awakenings but again, limited experience.

  4. TBH, I think this is more true of this game than any other Fire Emblem to date in some senses-- you have the Dragon Herbs from having all three versions of the game, extra classes in the form of Dreadfighter and Darkflier, and the ability to make any character pretty much any class you can imagine. Yeah, bad growths can happen, but that's a hazard in ANY FE game.

    I saw some guy's PMU where one of the big stars of the guy's run was a Great Knight Nyx-- one of the most infamously and widely-considered bad characters in what, in theory, is a terrible class for her... and yet. Another example is Rinkah, who a lot of people also consider to be pretty bad, but with some preferential treatment from stat-boosters or even just some choice level-ups can still be really good.

    The possibilities in this game are crazy, man. If you're not seein' it, maybe you're just not looking hard enough. And if you haven't at least finished both main stories, or Conquest at least, I don't think you have enough information to properly assert these claims of yours. But if getting that far isn't fun, then just don't play it, do what you enjoy, man. I know I bailed on my first run of Birthright 2/3s of the way through it just because I wasn't feelin' it lol.

    That maybe my problem, I was reading that this thing has crazy possibilities but maybe the options are too overwhelming and I'm just not seeing the specifics or something? That's why I titled this thread as I did, it's not about whether it's a bad game or not, just "hey, wait till you get to this part, or get to use this tool!", I really have no idea

  5. Honestly, I have no idea what you are talking about. While I am VERY biased towards Birthright (it was my first Fire Emblem) the points you make I just don't see. The EXP DLC is very useful, you can gain up to 7 or so levels in one playthrough if you have weakinging ninjas with you. The Gold one allows you to get a ton of gold, like 75,000 in one playthrough, and is a decent challenge to keep you on your toes. Every character can be useful except for a couple useless ones (Subaki, Hinata, couple of others). I find the writing to be funny and pretty great at times, but that's probably because I had nothing to compare it to at the time of my playing. I find Revelation more fun, but that's just because it is just Birthright on steroids, and is more fun in my opinion. And if you want a challenge DO NOT use Ryoma. He is super overpowered and can steamroll everything without any effort whatsoever. Also, you may want to reclass Takumi away from bows, because he is just too OP with his Fujin Yumi. I find making him a Swordmaster is pretty fun. If you don't want the characters to steamroll the game, simply don't use them. And the beginning game in Birthright is pretty weak, with them throwing you shit units like Subaki, Hinata, Rinkah, and Hayato. But their children (save for Hinata) make up for them, as Rhajat and Caeldori can be very powerful units. Overall, I find Birthright to be a really fun game.

    I want characters that do steamroll the game, but only after I put investment into them. I hate that I'm handed characters that can and have to go out of my way to nerf them myself. Awakening was my favorite because it allowed me to choose which characters were the god characters of my game, and I don't see it in this game. I had the same thing with Sacred stones/Original with hector. They had post game stuff where you could train your characters to obscene monsters, awakening had this with DLC.

    I can see how you /could/ make that work, but with the running away feature and half of the weaker ones attacking your baby units, I just have trouble adjusting to this artificial time limit, suggestions?

    I have no idea what you are expecting. Do you want to steamroll the game with overpowered characters? Do you want a challenge? Is it bad design that most units are "only" mediocre? Whether you want an easy game or a hard one, the options are there, and Fates is just a better designed game than Awakening in most capacities.

    Why is the DLC "grossly ineffective"?

    You know I keep reading this and I don't understand how. Every fire emblem game had potential characters save for the pre-promote ones, which I understand. There were ways to train them and grind them but everything I read, majority of the characters in birthright are garbage while the remaining require no investment to god tier. When it came to awakening, it was planning out the kids to make these god tier monstrosities, you had personal investment in them and I was hoping this game would expand on that. Even the other two USA gameboy games had that option of having a post game grind where you could train those characters up. Do we have those in this game?

    Honestly the only thing I didn't like about awakening was the post turn reinforcements, dumbest mechanic ever. Keep in context I'm only 11 chapters in, and just don't feel any investment into my characters besides my main character, makes the experience dull for me.

    Fire Emblem isn't a grinding game at heart. If you really want OP grinding in a SRPG, FFT/stuff by Image Epoch should do it. Instead of trying to force the game down whatever ideal you want, learn to work with what you've got, even if it seems like your units aren't that strong.

    I mean, every fire emblem game I've played had some grinding aspect to it, that's why I loved it, yeah FFT was great too, but it was like "Hey, YOU GO CHARACTER WHO I SPENT A DAY TRAINING, YOU'RE MERELY A DIAMOND WHO NEEDS POLISHING." I don't get that feeling in this game at all, in fact with the scaling feature of the DLC it makes it even more frustrating because the characters can really never hold their own. Hell my main character has trouble not getting 90% of her health dropped in one hit. I imagine a grinding dlc for exp would not have the option of units running away or be scaled to your chapter. I really feel like just restarting and grinding every character I get per the chapter I get them lol

  6. I just started playing fire emblem fates about two weeks ago, I fortunately finally found a special edition with all 3 cartridges at gamestop like in the last week of September. I have jplayed every american release of fire emblem, with hundreds of hours on each. Awakening was by far the best variant I've played and I was excited to read Fates blew it out of the water, yet I just don't feel it, I'm pretty disappointed as of thus far with it.

    Now I'm not here to complain about the game, I'm just lost, like in awakening if I needed gold, or if I need to level up, I had the ability to grind it out to make my favorite characters viable, a-and I don't see it in this game. The DLC is grossly ineffective, the invasions/challenges seem to be much more valuable. I really just want to invest into my characters, I chose to go birthright first for this reason, but I just haven't found an effective way to grind them to that potential. Am I missing something?

    Even when reading about which characters to invest in, it seems like there's no one valuable, they are all roughly the same mediocrity save for like, 4 characters which steamroll the game by themselves. Like I understand every game has its "seth" but it seems this game has 4 seths without the growth rate consequence.

    I'm only up to chapter 11 in birthright, and I really want to be as addicted as I was in awakening, grinding my characters to make them bad asses, but so far I barely even want to play through the story, everyone seems so weak save my main character, people have written in depth guides saying very few are even worth investing in, and the investment strategies seem to be purposely ineffecitve. I mean even from what I read the kids are just as mediocre, what do I have to look forward to in the end game?

    I don't mind challenges, I don't mind working but I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong, and from what I read about the comparison of the two games, I'm doing something incredibly wrong

  7. I think a better way to go about this is to find out;

    1) Which characters you wish to max
    2) How many you wish to max (20 characters should be your goal for the last chapter).

    The problem is you can't optimize the entire roster without sacrificing something from another character. Olivia and chrome give you a godly inigo, but chrome an avatar give you a godly Lucina/Avatar. That's how I went about it anyway.

  8. I feel as though as limit breaker killed the balance for lunatic+. I managed to beat it before the EXP release, so there was no means to really grind, I just relied on my avatar to become a boss killer. Now I enjoy the game more because I can expand on my characters, really see who makes a nitch. Noire/Inigo conversations are possibly my favorite, Noire/Severa/Morgan(F)specifically being my favorite girl trio.

    But even with max stats, max grinding, forged weapons, it still reflects some difficulty. Limitbreaker however just kind of broke it. WIth that skill you can solo map's pretty much. I enjoy the growing of the characters of the personalities I like, and making them the best they can be. That's how I have fun with my FE games.

  9. I have no idea what the concept of "elitist" even means to you, so you'll have to come to your own conclusions. I would have just ignored you if I knew that your definition of "story gameplay" included DLC grinding.

    This isn't a question of "type" of gameplays. You're playing through the story, whether you DLC grind or not, you have to defeat the chapters, that is the objective. So your opinion is not a definition, while mine, kind of is.

    I apologize that I went into a thread called "lunatic/Lunatic+" where the only requirement of discussion is, well playing the difficulty. While you limit yourself based on the fact you either can't, A) afford it, or B) have a fallacious sense of pride, I can enjoy both worlds, with different goals.

    Though you never actually presented a retaliation to, well a logical assessement beyond is con's, which in this case does not outweight his pro's, considering his armsthrift will be even more necessary with a limited budget. Just dismissed a clearly legitimate point based on..LB/+2 which is irrelevant to my original point. (As majority of characters would carry limit breaker, thus his stat cap would still be in the same rut).

  10. That's correct. I have nothing to say to DLC grinders, who live in a different world as far as I am concerned.

    To clarify, are you trying to talk down to me in an elitist tone, or do you only come across that way?

    Well, that is pretty much the thing. By the time Donnel arrives, he's way behind everyone the player would have chosen to use at that point. So it's pretty much beat chapter 4, then hit the DLC to train him up, because attempting to bring him to chapter 4 would likely end in his innards splattered all over the walls. For this reason, I gave him a shot during my grind run and left him behind during my no grind.

    The early chapters of a no grind require more resets because the army isn't quite going yet. Crit-gibbing and 2 range are the big early game ways to safely weaken or take out Counter enemies, so if a high volume of enemies spawn with Counter, it's a map reset. Later on Rescue Staves are buyable, plus stuff like Galeforce, Sol, and Nostanking (if so inclined) become available to help make things significantly less luck based.

    You hit fast enemies hard enough for donnel to finish them, the best cannidates are thieves/archers. Aptitude quickly pushes him to usable means, maybe I was just lucky with my run.

  11. Couldn't possibly care less, even with divine intervention. If your response to "Donnel isn't worth it" is grind away non-class differences between units and stat-stuff using DLC, we aren't even speaking the same language. Nothing to talk about.

    You just need to make it through Ch2, basically. Everything else pales in comparison, so you should direct all of your effort/planning towards overcoming that particular challenge.

    My response was Donnel with armsthrift makes him more note worthy than a character lacking it. You saw the LB/+2 and jumped to "lol! DLC".

    It would. Pretty much have to break out the DLC for him.

    There are a lot of early resets in a no grind Lunatic+. The farther the player gets, though, the (hopefully) better the army can cope with Counter spam, so the threshold for needing to reset gets a bit higher. At least for me, I was resetting a couple dozen times per map in the early game. By the end, it was maybe 2-3 times.

    ...wut? The first 5 chapters you can't grind, by that point I would imagine you'd have an army to hold their own. I've only managed with a def+ and a mag+ avatar.

  12. Oh, you're a DLC grinder. Sorry, but we have nothing to discuss.

    I've beaten lunatic+ 4 times, you're still on chapter 17. 2 of those times were experiments to see how plausible it is to beat it without DLC. If anything that was a waste of time. You end up with maybe 8 characters able to survive in the last chapter, and are incredibly limited. Now I'm focusing on optimizing as I want to beat the final paralogue.

    If anything the fact you're trying to make it more difficult on yourself, is even more reason why armsthrift is necessary.

  13. Hmm









    Morgan(Male gurranteed)








    Its not like being Top 12 is hard or anything but cmon.....

    Anyway anyone got a consistent Chapter 2 strategy?

    Cordelia, Olivia, Gregor, Cordelia, Donnel and your Avatar(m) are the only first generation characters that can learn armsthrift by default. That is an invaluable skill especially when doing pairings when going through the story/paralogues.

    Sure, if your time is worthless. Donnel's class set and caps are whatever, so you're putting up with his taint for nothing but Aptitude.

    You mean the time you'd take having to manage equipment? To forge 5 brave axes/swords it costs about 25k each. That is minimum of two Gold runs, which take at least 3 minutes. That's all for one character. You tag on armsthrift with limit breaker/all stats 2/Aggressor/Axefair and a breaker, that's not only a consistent but gurranteed damage output.


    Note this is for lunatic+ where damage means a lot especially when you're chapters with high reinforcement rates

  14. Donnel is usable on any mode, but he's not worth the effort. The best thing that he can do in his joining chapter is take a hit for someone.

    Donnel is easily worth the effort. He's one of the top 12 characters for story gameplay imo.

  15. I left the first four Paralogues alone throughout my first Lunatic run and got some hilarious results sending Donnel through them in postgame. Rally Speed + Rally Spectrum + Rally Heart is beautiful; pairing up with Chrom on top of that, Donnel was able to take the front line for massive Exp gain. I can't imagine how you could pull that off in Lunatic+, though.

    Go through the map and mark counters/Luna, have your main team womp those off, then have donnel take the weaker.

    I kind of messed up on Vaike, I was under the impression he brings merc class to everyone, but it's only certain girls =| So I might have to restart luna+ again to compensate that error. Although I got smart and started saving chapter 11, so I could change chrom if I wasn't happy with him.

  16. You know when the game is getting difficult when I have to graph out the map on who has counter/aegis/pavise. lol So far I have;

    Lonqu!Severa, both with max stats, severa with forged short axe/killing edge (only at chapter 15)

    Although I have paird Panne up with her for the S rank benefit, while I actually made cordelia a hero, who is paird with lonqu.

    Chrome!Inigo, pretty much same thing as severa. All max stats, although I kept chrome paird with inigo, as he's used in all the chapters.

    Nowi!kellum, scrubs, havent bothered to train them yet.
    Nah!Avatar, Working on her tonight, but I'm making her an offensive tank.

    I can't beat the limitbreaker chapter as I don't have any worthy magic users, Once I have Morgan done, I'll make my avatar a AversaTank, which gives me two broken magic users right off the bat, then I'm going to work on a bolt axe brady with armsthrift.

  17. I never use bows in FEA. Ever. They have literally become useless thanks to the removal of WGT and now handaxes and javelins are 10x better, not to mention TOMES.

    I have yet to play the game and use the story characters. Using my favorite GBA characters is much more satisfying, plus the devs were kind enough to give Jaffar Galeforce.

    Chrom is yet another craptastic lord that I hate using. Being unable to use magic and being locked to terribad skills with no redeeming qualities make him inferior to all others. Even his goddamn daughter is better than him.

    I'm not good enough at this game yet to beat classic lunatic mode. Still playing on casual lunatic though.

    I gushed with happiness at being able to use Nino in this game. Even if she is just an average mediocre spotpass unit.

    I hate that I can't have a 6th skill slot to truly break the game >:|

    I think that based on his S rank conversation with Nowi, Henry may be a rapist.

    Henry: "I know how to give you a little manakete friend... Just have sex with me and I'll give you a baby..."

    Nowi: "Oh sure! That sounds innocent and fun!"

    He is every father's nightmare.

    I hated bowman in all FE because of their lack of 1-2 hit. But this game, Sniper is my favorite. They are counter resistant, and that is awesome.

  18. Well this is my third time going through lunatic+, the first time I married chrom to sumia by accident, the second time I did a female avatar, wasn't happy with my pairing results, this time I'm maximizing my the potential of my kids.

    The first time, took me a weekish to get through, with a magic+ asset
    The second time took me about 2 frekin weeks with a def+ asset
    The third time, I spent an entire day trying to get proper RNG with 3+ def/speed. Finally got it, and got to chapter 15 in a few hours.

    But there is one thing that counter cannot beat, and that's a frekin sniper. People underrate this class so much, but Noire as a sniper was a better asset than her a nostank.

    I'm also experimenting with a female morgan. I'm not sure if shadowgift or manakete would bring more advantages, but I have two files to compare the two.

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