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Dat Nick

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Posts posted by Dat Nick

  1. Why's cav the best class for them when they've got better potential as the others?

    It lets their defense actually exist. And Sniper/SM offers no real benefit outside of speed, which they don't need. Plus Sniper is locked to bows. Shudder.

    Dragon Knight, well, okay, that's debatable. Weakness to bows, but flight, less HP and res, but axes. It's an alright alternative, much better than Sniper or SM.

    Is normal mode so easy that you can just recklessly send a paladin against a group of enemies and he'll demolish them?

    Enemies 4HKO Maric without any HP/Def boosters from the time he promotes to endgame.

    Pegs in C22 have 13 speed.

    Villuck is a usable unit.

    Yeah, it IS that easy.

    Also, call me speed blessed, but Kain wasn't really having any doubling issues even as Paladin even on H5. SM might have helped for C24, but to HELL with doing C24.

    Priest Marich I agree on most points except for the A rank one, who really needs an A-rank on staves when Rena gets that quickly?

    It's not so much the A rank staves as much as it is the A rank staves and awesome combat abilities in the same package.

    "If Rena's not your primary healer, is she better as a Mage?"

    Well, her mag does turn out better, but I really only use Rena for Hammerene.

  2. Hardain, and any cavs for that matter, are wasted on anything but Cav.

    Toms...eh, he's kind of stuck as what he is.

    Alan is hopeless. You COULD switch him to Swordmaster so he'd hit the magic 18 speed for endgame, but his other stats would fail so much he'd be useless.

    Riff has no use outside of "I'm your healer until Maric joins"

    ...Why just those specific four?

  3. Hm, perhaps.

    Not quite sure why he's a tier above Doga, either. I remember I kept shuffling Doga back and forth and I guess I forgot about Roger. Yeah, he's going to low below Doga next update.

    I DO remember there being some sort of argument for Hunter Roger, but it's probably not good enough to justify him being a tier above Doga, especially since lolArchers.

    Also, Pirate Daros is, Merc Daros is almost as good as Oguma.

  4. If by average you mean "ew", yep, she's got those. 24 HP, 8 str, 9 def. That's only slightly better than what Katua comes with. ...Oh yeah, and that's at 20/0. Yuck. Not to mention training Katua isn't bad at all, and she's already outclassed Sheeda at 10/0.

    In fact, that kind of HP/Str/Def is worse than what, say, Ceaser/Raddy have. Yes there's speed, but enemies in NM are about as fast as glue and molasses, so that's not really a big edge for her. And don't even get me started on the wing spear.

  5. This is the old one I have set up on GFAQS. Probably still not perfect, but it's close.

    [it's for Normal Mode, btw. If anybody wants the Hard 5 list, I could dig it up.]

    Clint Eastwood:



    w/e [Depends on who he is at the time. NM enemies are crap easy so slowing down to change into Zag isn't half as awesome anymore seeing as how anybody can rip enemies apart just as easy when he joins, only without the transformation and HP issues]:


    Guilty Love:





























































    Phony Accent:

    Klavier Gavin



  6. Hi.

    Athena sucks. Mediocore stats on normal, almost gets OHKOd ans does very little damage on H5.

    Horus is pretty cool. He can play "Midgame tank" just as good as your generic generals due to the fact he actually doesn't get doubled by some things, plus has enough str to do some solid damage. He's probably the second best here.

    Etzel....well, he can use staves. that's it, but it's better than what Athena and Hymir can do.

    Hymir sucks. His spd isn't high enough to double anything on NORMAL and his defense is garbage, too. He's pretty much tied with Athena for uselessness.

    Nagi is awesome because of how easy she makes the final chapter. One turn, baby. Warp somebody with a forged dragonslayer to kill the mamkute in front of Medeus, Warp Nagi, Nagi kamikazes on Medeus, use a third warp staff on Marth with at least 6 strength and the full mt Falchion, POW, GG Medeus. Easily the best here. [Thanks to ThunderMan for developing this awesomely cheap method]

    Oh yeah, and have fun NOT going to the Gaidens on H5. Chances are you're going weither you want to or not. Plus the extra warp in C17x helps a TON, and you might want Horus for utility, C6x is good if you want to squeeze a little more EXP into Julian, C20x, well, it's not as useful as the rest, but still helps more than it hurts, and C24x, well, I just explained why.

    And yeah, DGUs are awesome. Not only do they make good sacrifice damage or walls, they do wonders for the coffers. I made about 20k just by selling off their iron weapons by C15.

  7. Don't mind me, just passing through and shedding some indepth light on the subject.

    Maric is better, by far. WAAAY far, any reasonable person should know. But is it because he makes a better mage? No, it's because he makes a better priest. Yeah, you heard me. PRIEST.

    Why Priest? Well...

    1: Extra 5% def growth. Every little bit helps.

    2: A little extra speed. On H5, he'll need all the help he can get.

    3: INSANE levelling speed. He can use the first Master Seal, hit 20 before anybody else, and be promoted before Linda even joins. Thanks for making Staff users gain EXP uber fast, IS!

    4: Easy A rank staves. You wish the other sages could A rank staves this easy.

    Not to mention, with him as your staff user, you can cut out Rena of the equation and replace her with a fighter. PLUS, this means you can shovel all your Spirit Dusts into Maric since nobody else is around to use them, if his mag somehow does become a problem [Priest does cut magic growth] He should still swap into Sage after promotion, though, extra mag and tome rank never hurt.

    On NM, Maric is actually the best character in the game. Thanks to that extra defense, enemies really struggle to kill him. Most guys around C18 are getting 5 shot kills on him, and most guys in C22 are barely doing a 3 hit kill, and when you consider he won't getting attacked much thanks to his indirect capabilities and he won't be soloing chapters, that's WAY better than it looks. Plus staves will launch his average level WAY above the rest of the team, and his early promotion time helps too, so his HP/Def will be even better [As well as his avo. Yes, it's been nerfed, but it DOES still matter. For example, most of the guys in C15 H5 had 34 hit on Maric when he was in a forest] Factor all this in with instant chapter warps, reserve, if you need it for some reason, and STILL one rounding everything on the map, and not even Zag and Wolf can compare, due to their lagging earlygame. Maric's useful from jointime to endgame.

    On H5 it's a little more debatable since his durability isn't nearly as good as it used to be thanks to enemies NOT failing at life this go round, but he's still God tier, no doubt. Linda's also hopeless on this mode since she's NEVER going to escape getting one shotted. And no, you can't go the Cleric route to save her defense since Cleric class has worse defense growth than Priest, and Cleric gives her a lovely 0% growth, same as Mage. No saving her, and Aura doesn't help her at all since it won't do anything Maric can't do with just Elfire, or even Blizza.

    ...And why do people keep raving about Dark Mage Maji? is there some serious RNG blessings about or what? He's horrible as a dark mage. His HP and speed take a big cut, and his growths are terrible. His only shining point is his base defense, and Maric does surpass that once he gets a few levels, not to mention his durability is still better due to having WAY more HP. 18 base HP and 20% HP growth on top of 5 base spd with meh growth=Fail. Seriously, who started this trend? I've heard about it more than once on GFAQs.

    ...My work here is done. And if any of you guys notice your pockets a little empty, it wasn't me. [Walks off]

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