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The Objection!

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Posts posted by The Objection!

  1. It's THAT easy? And here I thought that it requires a long task of coding and such...

    While I'm here, how do you update a patch, while being able to use save files from the previous version of the patch?

  2. Since I'm basically new to hacking, please allow me a noobish question. Let's just say I created a FE hack on my ROM (even though I haven't) How could I turn said hack into a patch for everyone to play?

    Since posting links to roms is illegal and all, why would you even download a new rom when all you needed to do was apply a patch to your already existing rom?

    Oh, and if there's something about this topic that breaks the rules, please let me know, since I don't need a warning right now...

  3. Sophia doesn't look early 20s at all to me. Based on her ingame portrait, I always figured she was ~13, although that was probably due to height. In any case, based on their OAs, Ninian looks older to me, but I could easily believe that they're both 14.

    Finally, someone that agrees with me.

  4. Objection!

    If Sophia CAN shape-shift and she doesn't want to get hooked up, why not simply shapeshift into a man?

    If Ninian can shapeshift why won't she shapeshift into an older form so her father can take her outside Dragon's Gate?

    Besides, Manaketes can shapeshift into dragons using dragonstones.

    Are you claiming that they also have a humanstone to shapeshift into different humans?

  5. We can't really compare Ninian to Myrrh as Ninian is a half-dragon, while Myrrh is a full-dragon.

    I think that she's more comparable to Sophia, considering that they're both half-dragons. I think that Ninian is just about Sophia's age. Anyone?

    While we're talking about Myrrh, I think that she has an unspoken crush on Ephraim.

  6. Um... wasn't Ninian a half-dragon or something?

    Unless I got it wrong, half-dragons age slowly.

    Besides, didn't Nergal left the Dragon's Gate when Ninian was already born.

    Which is few hundred years before the game's events...

  7. I think that yes, the Tactician is canon, and I think he just disappeared after Nergal was defeated. Makes the most sense to me.

    The tactician couldn't just disappear.

    The game didn't mention anything about the tactician being a rogue or somebody with unnatural powers...

    Considering the fact that you view the battles in FE7 from the tacticians point-of-view, maybe FE6 is just the same.

    Just because he isn't mentioned doesn't mean that he didn't exist.

  8. Is it just me, or Ephraim just overclassed his sister in almost everything? :o

    I thought that Eirika has some pretty good level ups...

    Lyon would've had more accuracy if it weren't for those SUPER HEAVY dark tomes.

    I'd say that it takes off his potential as a good Final Mini-Boss.

    But seriously, this Let's Play is great, considering the fact that I thought nobody else plays FE8 anymore.

  9. Vigarde is dead has no other sons or daughters.

    Lyon is dead, and/or whatever happened to him.

    Knoll went on a journey around Magvel.

    Duessel probably went to Renais.

    Amelia married Franz.

    Natasha married Joshua.

    The 6 gemstone general are all dead, save for Duessel

    Seeing that Grado already has a bunch of undeads, undeads come from Grado anyway...

    Probably, Grado's ruler is.... A Random Etombed

  10. Wait, Gumshoe and Edgeworth are still UNCONFIRMED for AA5?

    . . .I'm scared now.

    To be honest, I don't think they're appearing at all, I mean they're practically MAJOR characters, so if they're appearing, I think that we'd have heard about it by now.

    Well, that's just my speculation.

  11. Dude, the movie is actually pretty great, unless you happen to be a hardcore Marvel comic fan or a critic. It's mostly small details that make people dislike it, and another one that's actually alot less dissapointing given the circumstances.

    Point taken, some movies with bad reviews weren't that bad after all.

    The movie was intense, funny, and quite entertaining from beginning to end. It didn't have lulls like 2 and it didn't waste an overly long amount of time moving from scene to scene. I highly recommend you check it out if you like Iron Man, because it was badass as fuck.

    Well, if it's better than the 2nd I'll definitely check it out.

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