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Posts posted by The-Mage-King

  1. Well, edited in first, something on the matter of alignments

    Gen 1+Extras

    Chrom- NG

    Lissa- CG

    Frederick- LG/LN

    Sully- LN/LG

    Virion- N


    Vaike- CG


    Sumia- NG

    Donnel- NG LG

    Lonqu- LN

    Ricken- NG

    Maribelle- LG


    Gaius- CN/CG

    Cordelia- LN

    Gregor- LN

    Nowi- CN

    Libra- LG

    Tharja- NE

    Anna- CN

    Olivia- NG

    Cherche- LN

    Henry- CN

    Sayri- LN

    Tiki- NG

    Basilio- CN

    Flavia- N

    Gangrel- CN

    Walhart- LE

    Emmeryn- NG


    Aversa- CN

    Priam- Hungry

    Gen 2

    Lucina- NG

    Owain- CG

    Inigo- CN

    Brady- LG NG

    Kjelle- LN

    Cynthia- CG

    Severa- CN

    Gerome- N?

    Morgan (M)- NG

    Morgan (F)- NE/CN

    Yarne- CN

    Laurent- LN

    Noire- NG

    Nah- LG

  2. DO NOT BRING DANCER AND BARD INTO A SAME CHAPTER, there is a reason why IS only give you a dancer or a bard for each game. They can just dance/sing each other for infinite exp.

    If anything, you should make a route choice with a dancer on one, or bard on another.

    Also, you shouldn't be trying for dlc, that's just poor marketing for your game.

    Nah. Just make them unable to effect one another, since it should be possible. Or something like a character can't be targeted twice.

  3. Can you define, Useful? As in make them be able to defend themselves better? Or have them go an extra turn as well? Use Staves too? I'll consider any of these options.

    EDIT: Side note to self. Useful meaning allowing all adjacent allies to go again and partially heal them.

    Capable and potent. I want the Magic Triangle to matter, and actually, some 'Gish' classes. Like Dread Fighter, or similar.

    Ooh, and make a Dancer/Bard that's worth a damn. Let them defend themselves, with spell or sword. Let their songs be useful.

  4. Stand Name : 「Flowers on the Wall」

    Musical Reference :

    Abilities : "Maze" type illusions. Traps people in a lackluster, mundane 'life' until they die or somehow break free. Also allows for spying, based on scattering a number of flowers that can smell/see/hear.

    How it awakens : Use of an Arrow, or awakens due to extreme stress.

  5. Haha oh man I hope you're not looking forward to seeing a lot of that in the actual anime.

    Anyways, controversial opinions. Trucks are stupid. Twilight is only mediocre. Most people are not stupid. Popular racial and gender stereotypes are not a bad thing. The world is not heading in a downward spiral. The dangers of modern nuclear power are infinitesimal compared to hogwash spouted by mainstream media. People who bring their own bags to stores instead of using plastic ones are annoying. Mindless charity to starving nations is generally at best a waste of time and at worst destructive to the receiving country.

    Oh, these too. Bolded only.

    Don't know why everyone gets so defensive about stereotypes... Perfectly natural human behavior.

  6. Sifer... You underestimate my evils as a GM.

    If I were running a game in my preferred system, I'd be aiming for maybe a PC death every few sessions, once they get to the point where Raises are, while not cheap, affordable.

    I'd probably wind up playing the monsters in question smart for OD&D/1E, which is, well... Nearly a sure death to most players I know, I'm sorry to say.

    They don't even look UP when entering a door!

  7. Necromancy isn't really a thing in Jugdral... oh wait, there's those twelve warlords

    Remember that "Necromancy" encompasses "Life draining", "Curses", and the like, not just "animating the dead".

    Fits perfectly, IMO.

    play 2E, it's close enough from what I've seen

    Funnily enough, only our DM and me care about 2E, all the other players prefer 3E/3.5

    One of them got Pathfinder rulebooks recently, but I'm afraid we're never going to play it period (since the "going separate ways" thing is already happening, and finishing this campaign is already going to be hard enough)

    I've half considered breaking out my 1E (reprint) or O (reprint, box set), TBH. Run a quick dungeoncrawl and that, see how many burned char sheets we end up with.

    But I'd suck at DMing, at least in person.

  8. That was an idea. I was thinking of raiding splats for decent 2nd level Necromancy spells, too.

    Maybe stretching it for Vampiric Touch, even...

    Think some Transmutation would fit?

    FakeEdit: Ooh, yes. Wracking Touch, Curse of Impending Blades, maybe Shroud of Undeath, all from Spell Compendium, look to fit.

  9. So, I'm half-patching together another bloodline for 3.5 based on Holy Blood. Kinda merging Grima and Lopto together for it...

    What spells would make a good list, fluffwise for SLAs? I'm giving it a 2nd level spell 1 or 2/day as an ability, and I want something that's fairly solid and even somewhat relevant later on.


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