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Posts posted by D4C

  1. Probably to mess with people, like when you fully upgrade stuff, you get more resources depending on if the resources are bronze, silver, or gold. Kinda like giving the finger and saying we can do whatever we want, but you can only get 2 of these instead of 3. I don't know really... all I know is I hate those guys and want to be one of those guys (legealy, of course >:3)

    I see am just looking for someone who has more power than I do '_>', you'd think people who could full hack their games would, but I've yet to find one.

  2. For anyone who checks the My castle rankings (battle points) I assume you guys see the people who have all 12 Gem springs and all 10 food resources in their my castle, I know this isn't the work of powersave, so is this actually something legit? If anyone needs a picture I can get one.

  3. So I waited to see how bad America would mutilate the original game after awakening, should I just buy a japanese 3ds and the game since I don't have a DS with 9.2.0 firmware, is it hard to patch over the game from that point or?

    TLDR: Looking for best way to play japanese Fates.

  4. @ iron rose man that cut deeeeeep? Doesnt matter since this isn't for serenesforest this is actually for me and my friend which means. Lot of inside jokes.

    @winter I will build it to the limit then :)

    @Argo/Gabriel thanks for the support.I promise if I can't have 69 chapters there will be 69 of something.

  5. Hello all, I am currently building a new Fe 7 Hack.

    Current Script: We have a new script, we are at the prologue. It includes all stats.
    Maps I have begun doing maps. I have also attached two new sprites.
    Dominic (Tan one)
    Keenan (Recolored roy, Friend's idea.)
    These are still only prototypes. Still very subject to change.

    Also I have a single Sprite Sheet of the main character. (Yet to be sharpened and tuned up.)


    There will be 69 Chapters(HOPEFULLY, if the rom can hold it), and instead of how everyone nerfs your units Easy Mode will nerf your enemies. Hard mode will buff them. Normal mode will just be FUN.

    OP units
    Sexual Innuendos
    Inside jokes
    Actual difficulty in hard mode
    4 Lords, with 3 separate paths!
    Freedom of choice (limited but existent)
    50~ Recruit-able characters
    What do y'all think?

  6. I don't know if anyone else has ever seen these pictures, but I assume it is Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, but with GBA sprites. Does anyone have any knowledge on this or anything really about what this even is. I believe this goes here but can anyone help with any info?



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