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Posts posted by Cornguy

  1. I always thought FE7/6 would make a fun anime, especially if playable characters died. Any of the FEs could make a good anime though. But the Elibe games I feel have a lot of room for surprises.

    As for remakes, I'd like 4/5 first, as would most I think. But I would still enjoy an Elibe remake either way. I would just hope that Awakening/Fates wouldn't influence TOO many changes, particularly Avatar/marriage stuff.

  2. I'm really excited to see the new promoted classes. I hope I get a second myrm in the next patch, because I want one of them to go Spell Fencer. Curious what my Troubador's promotion options will be as well. I hope she keeps her swords in both promotions.

    Also my Andre is a monster. If I could upload a screen from my flashcart I would, but he's been carrying my team. Djambo's actually my only underwhelming trainee, but that was most likely my own RNG.

    I know I said this in my first post, but I love this patch, keep up the good work. I'm loving the story, can't wait to play through the rest.

  3. Statistically, I like a 20/20 lord to be about as good as one of your starting cavaliers, maybe a little better, but always slightly weaker than a fully leveled Est character.

    I prefer they promote around PoR Ike time, or your first out of three lords to promote in FE7.

    I am pretty tired of swords though. Gimme a bow, a staff or a dancer/bard. I still wished Innes was a lord, and joined when Vanessa and Moulder did. Make Syrene join where Innes did just so the mercs still make sense. I'd rather nobody join on Syrene's chapter anyways.

  4. Yes. Soul Calibur style, sure. Street Fighter, yeah. Arc Systems style, uh huh. Killer Instinct, why not. Anything, don't care, just give it to me. I've written and lost many notes over the years of what I'd want from this.

    I would probably prefer 2D simply because I enjoy sprite-work so much, but I'd take anything. My character list was focused on representing all of the classes without over-representing a single game. My character list was too big though, my original list was a main character from each game+ a villain if they had a good one.

    My only real hope is that Soul Calibur makes a comeback on Nintendo consoles, and as a result we get an FE guest character along with a lot of FE themed customization items. Soul Calibur with the return of Link, and an FE character. Why don't they want my money? Am I too old?

  5. ^If they all took off their helmets to reveal their multicolored hair and switched armor, no one would know.

    Although for real, I never understood the supposed threat to their famlies. They're wyvern riders. Unless they sent the BK and his warp powder for the inane task of killing their famlies, they can out-travel any messenger that may have been on the scene. I dunno, it always struck me as ridiculous that they stuck with Daein. They were fighting an obviously losing battle for a cause they didn't believe in, and their famlies were probably at more risk if they died in battle than if they rode back to take them away.

    edit: I got a little off-topic, sorry. If this post is deleted I won't take offense.

  6. I think Pent and Louise are probably laid back parents, but I still think they're good parents. I always assumed Clarine just possessed a bratty nature. Maybe she was spoiled, but she had fucking servants, and a loving older brother. I think its unfair to blame Pent and Louise. Some people are just brats though, no matter how their raised.

    Also for those who were discussing it earlier, Shiharam was against laguz prejudice. He mentions being forced to teach their children to hate laguz, to which Haar responds "You could be accused of treason if someone heard you use that word." I wouldn't call him a bad dad, but he was somewhat of an odd combination of a coward, stubborn, and dumb.

    Senators in Begnion are super corrupt, yeah, that's bad. Oh moving to Daein, you must hate laguz. What, you don't? Well its cool, your knights are loyal to you, not Daein, you can join up with Ike and Elincia, your soldiers will be safe if they don't wanna fight. What's that? Ride or die? Are you sure? Well okay I guess.

  7. My problem with making Thor a woman is because unlike most heroes, Thor wasn't a title or anything that Thor had. Thor simply was Thor. He had aliases and whatnot, but it's not like he has a job that he can just retire from.

    I wouldn't have minded if he had gotten terribly wounded or something and passed on Mjolnir to a worthy woman, but the way he lost his powers just made me angry. She didn't just take his job, she took his identity.

    I tend to stay away from this discussion, but I completely agree. Beta Ray Bill's name didn't change when he picked up Mjolnir, why are you trying to make this character into genderswapped Thor? War Machine starts calling himself Tony Stark, "wow, black Iron Man!"

    I know I'm a little late, but I like the idea of Elsa being gay. Not so much that I think she should be, but why shouldn't she be? I'm super white and straight, and I can say that we have plenty of characters to relate to. I'm not saying these characters should just be for them either. My fellow white, straight people can and should care about these characters, and hopefully understand them eventually.

    As for Cap... I think there's no basis for it in the comics. However, the movies are their own alternate universes, and if they wanted to make him bi(in a gay relationship), it could be kinda cute. I mean, you've got a guy from a time that made it clear that this wasn't okay. He finds out pretty much for the first time that this is a real part of society now, and he realizes he's always wanted this. This sounds like a shoddy fanfic now that I look at it, but for honesty's sake I'll leave it there.

    I do think shoehorning these qualities into fiction is a mistake, but leaving them out when you have a clear opportunity to use them well is also a mistake.

    Well, there's my rant. Its 7am, it looks coherent to me, but I may need to edit after sleeping.

  8. -Self-inserts are the second worst thing to happen to FE story.

    -Children characters who are aged through "magic" are the worst thing to happen to FE story.

    -I like Lyn.

    -Dismount is a mechanic I enjoy and wish would be fine-tuned for future games.

    -My top three battle animations are FE4/5 and FE10 in that order.

    -I think Raven is gay, and I used to think everyone agreed.

    -I dislike Manaketes, and any fantasy race that lives 100+ years older than humans(how are you not the most advanced race on Earth!?)

    -On that note, I think Beorc/humans got screwed as a race. They supposedly got wisdom, but it seems like wisdom amounts to fear, racism and war-mongering. Also shortest life-span of all humanoid races.

    -Generals are not a fun class to raise in any game.

    -Random growths and limited levels are the most fun parts of the series, and without them the games lose all replayability.

    -I think FE11/12 have the ugliest graphics in the entire series, and are the least fun games.

  9. I like to assume that Paul and Jasmine are just effeminate. My reasoning is not terrific mind you, but Pent is fucking hot, and they didn't want his bod, just his treasure. I think anyone attracted to men, especially people who are clearly flamboyant, would take the opportunity to at least remark upon this angel on Earth.

    The Laguz twins from 10 didn't even seem effeminate to me, but I could be remembering wrong. I only noticed they looked a lot like Paul and Jasmine.

    I just chalked Victor and Vincent in Awakening up to creepy twins in fiction.

    The two in Fates however, their portraits are a bit much.

    I think we could do without this archetype personally. I don't find it offensive, but they don't add anything to the experience, and I'm almost certain they will find a way to push that stereotype too far if they keep using it.

  10. I think it could be done well, but I much more strongly believe it would be handled tastelessly.

    Brief, slightly off-topic point about IS being tasteless. But, Elise and Sakura are your little sisters, blood-related or not, they're no older than 17, and even that is probably being generous. Now Awakening is no masterpiece of story-telling. But when I pair up my teenage characters and they gamble their lives on marriage without a second thought, they don't instantaneously fuck and literally give birth five minutes after saying "I love you."

    I know this story is based in "olden times", but its a fantasy story. You've already picked and chosen what creepy parts to leave out of history, like the fact that no female characters would be fighting war with you without a disguise, why leave child-brides in the mix?

    I guess that point wasn't brief, I apologize. In a weak attempt to make what I said relevant, we can see that IS in this day and age can't tastefully handle romance, and we'd be better off if they didn't try anything new and potentially sensitive and controversial.

    I guess I'm still butt-hurt that Fates had three separate campaigns, and we still got weakly explained children characters in our army, when clearly we could've had a second-gen campaign for sake of eugenics lovers. But no, literal children getting pregnant and leaving their babies in the hyperbolic time chamber is cool too.

    End rant, now I will return to devouring whatever IS gives me, because I have been addicted since fe7 and inexplicably can't seem to get attached to any other series.

  11. Freedom of speech is important. Everything you say has potential social repercussions, the government should not be allowed to mandate what we can and can't say. If we lost freedom of speech, whose to say when it would stop? Whose to say where it would stop? Would our text messages, phone calls and online interactions be under scrutiny?

    No one should speak hate and discrimination, but we should not leave it up to big brother. We should be educating our children, family, friends, students, anyone, not to speak out of hate or discrimination.

    The government has more control over our rights than they should already, the thought of handing over more of our rights to them, willingly, is the craziest thing I've ever heard.

    Words can hurt, I'm not saying they can't. But the answer should not be the elimination of words, it should be the education and understanding not to hurt people with words. Sure, it'll take a lot longer, and require more work, but the easy way is seldom ever the right way.

    Please excuse my wall of text.

  12. I was thinking about giving Pixel Paint on Wii U a try, its only $3-$4. I figured I'd have to take a little bit of a shot in the dark, but I appreciate the input. If I see success with an app, I'll make a topic about it.

  13. I no longer have a PC to speak of, and was wondering if anyone has tried any of the art apps available for Wii U, 3DS, or Vita. I just want to make splices again, I've been without a comp for so long, and mug splices were my only outlet for my modicum of creativity.

    I assume all of the available apps have at least one glaring flaw that will prevent me from being able to splice mugs, but figured I'd at least ask in case anyone else is in my shoes and/or tried one of these apps out of curiosity.

    If there's a more appropriate place to ask this, I apologize for taking up space in this thread. It looked like the place to ask.

  14. Serra. Looks, comedic relief, decent usefulness in-game. Clearly overshadowed, but still decent.

    Runner ups;

    Saul. Pretty much like him for the exact same reasons as Serra. Light magic kinda sucks in fe6, but I'd say he's the best option for it.

    Natasha. Pretty and likable, albeit a little boring. Stats not too bad, though I wish one of her class options had a better magic cap.

    Moulder. He has the best looking sage pallete. He was better than Garcia and Dozla, but I still felt bad for his old-guy growth rates. Likable though.


    Ellen. Bland, bad stats. Don't hate her, but don't care for her.

    Yodel. Boring. Unless you support him with Niime. But using her is its own issue.

  15. Ladies;

    1: Tanith. Capable, scary, and hot. Not the best, but a very solid and useful character.

    2: Laura. Love her for almost the exact opposite reason. Sweet, caring, and cute. I use her despite the fact that Michaiah fills her role and is forced.

    3: Marcia. Cute, funny, and I feel sympathy for the position her brother put her in. Been there. Also love that "colorful" language.

    4: Heather. Like her design, and her dialouge. A shame she had nothing going for her against Sothe and Volke.

    5: Mia. Weird soft-spot for female myrms. Her supports were also pretty fun.


    1: Ike. Love this guy. Sassiest main character, fun to use, no complaints.

    2: Levail. Heart-breakingly loyal, coolest class, and not bad to look at.

    3: Volke. If Solid Snake were a money-hungry ninja. What's not to like?

    4: Naesala. Smooth, sneaky, deceptively strong, and one of the most stylish characters.

    5: BK. Favorite villain. Little disappointed in the way he was handled in RD, but it wasn't all bad. His cutscene fight with Ike is my favorite FE scene of any game.

  16. Having been hooked since FE7, I've preordered every game since, so I have both games already. However, the tiniest change in graphics or gameplay would get me to preorder this too. I'm a sucker for FE, I'd buy an FE toaster if the art was nice.

    I would lose my shit, in a good way, if this remake resulted in support convos for RD. I may be all alone on this one, but I would also love for BEXP to revert back to the PoR system. I was never a big fan of how every character can just hit all their caps so easily. Not that the problem would be solved entirely, but it would be nice, for me anyways.

  17. I actually really love all the Tellius cavalry as characters. Everyone other than the unfortunate beauty Fiona and poor, poor RD Astrid are reasonable to use.

    Had to give it to Makalov, partially because he got no love on the poll, and partially because he's a really funny character. He's not the best by any means, but he's not frustrating to use either. Also love Marcia, and it gives me more reason to use her too.

  18. If you were playing a story-heavy Zelda game with multicolored Links, with no naming options, how would you prefer they be named? Purely your preference, pay no mind to what you think Nintendo might do.

    Also feel free to specify if you'd prefer all Links to look alike, or just have the same clothes. Hair-color preference is also welcome.

    Just curious how most people see them, or would like to see them.

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