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Posts posted by solrocknroll

  1. 13 minutes ago, AzureSen said:

    I'm going to third the "Kita and Kozaki shouldn't come back for Switch" sentiment. I don't think Kita's art is bad, per se, but I do find it to be the most boring in the series. Her character designs are very under designed to the point of being visually very boring to look at, and they lack dynamism which in turn makes them look lifeless. Kozaki's had two games already, his designs are getting stale. Plus I don't think he's suited in general for the style of serious fantasy FE wants to be (I say that specifically because his designs for Half-Minute Hero were great, but that was a lighthearted parody of RPGs).

    Akihiko Yoshida for the new Switch artist would make me very happy as long as someone forces him to give the characters noses. His fantasy designs would work really well in an FE game, as he's got a very good eye for detail and making character designs that feel alive, plus his use of color and shading is fantastic.

    I love Kozaki's art, but I do agree that his art seems more suited to less serious works or works that are more light/silly like No More Heroes or Half-Minute Hero.


  2. Hidari is likely going to stick to Echoes, and I wouldn't be surprised if the next remake, if it happens, used her art.

    I like Kozaki, but I'm open to a lot. I feel that some people have non-fitting artstyles for the series though. The only artist I don't ever want is Kita, because the Tellius art is the worst in the series. Wada is pretty great, but I think that digging back past Kozaki is boring and that we should keep him or go for an all new fresh style.

  3. I'm going to vote for Lucina every day from now on if it's allowed. I already hate Ike, so I can't just let two characters I despise win on my watch.

    i also sent the link to lucina's page to literally everyone in my contacts so there's that too

  4. 3 minutes ago, RobbieRotten said:

    Less anime hot topic more classic fantasy A+

    And what exactly is "anime hot topic?" Is that just any anime-esque style you don't like?

    What do you think about Xenoblade and Kid Icarus? Are those also Hot Topic level? Or are you just someone who thinks that all anime is the same?

  5. 3 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    It definitely feels like much more of a natural evolution the series' art compared to the Kusakihira/Kozaki swerve that's the art of Awakening/Fates.

    Please, Kozaki's changes weren't that drastic. Are we really engaging in revisionism already?

    Smash Bros especially shows that Robin/Lucina/Corrin look perfectly fine next to the older character. Stop exaggerating.

    As a whole, I loved Kozaki's art, but this looks especially good. Definitely the best in the series in my eyes.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    I wouldn't care either way, but I guess I'd rather this game didn't have pair up, just to change things a little bit and to be a little more faithful to the original. 

    uhh, this is a forum for voicing opinions. She has every right to be against avatars and voice that opinion, specially when it comes to discussing mechanics on a new game. We actually don't even know if the games will have avatars. I don't see the issue here.

    Yeah, but we've already seen map gameplay of both Alm and Celica's sides, and neither side seems to have any type of Avatar. I agree that anyone can present opinions, but it seems pointless. It's like saying that you hope Kozaki doesn't illustrate for the game when it's already confirmed that Kozaki isn't the illustrator.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

    I actually prefer lacking pair up, FE2 wasn't designed around it and it isn't a necessary feature for making the game modernized.  

    Double so for Avatar units, after what happened with Kris in FE12, I'd rather no avatars in remakes from here out.

    Supports should be added though.

    Lucky you, there obviously aren't any avatars at all. You've gotten what you wanted, so is it necessary for you to constantly bring up how much you hate avatars?

  8. Everything looks great. Already went to the site and found out: there's official English names for every single character in the entire series, even for Gaiden/Thracia. That's extremely great, though accurate fantranslators will probably not enjoy changing all of their names again.

    Definitely want to buy Echoes.

    Why is Othin Osian though when Awakening already used Othin


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