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Posts posted by Pitbuller26

  1. She is an NPC, and her NM stats line up. Like with most characters, her stats are increased on HM. I don't know her recruitment conditions yet.

    Emelina is on the island on the middle bottom of the map. I was hoping that would be saved for Paris, but it's still a really cool location, I think.

    Also, FE4 Gen 2 SpotPass is out. Celice is a Swordmaster with Spd capped at 43. -3 modifier, wtf?

    About Celice's -3 speed modifier. Can we blame Diadora for that? Since the only good thing she gives Celice is that Naga(or Narga) blood.

  2. Haven't tried it, but Snipers can activate Astra while using bows, and Dark Knights can activate Astra while using tomes, so I assume any skill/weapon combination is possible.


    Okay, actually trying it now, Lethality works with tomes, so it should work with bows as well.

    Nice. Did the tomes also have that blood effect too? It would look (well in my mind) pretty cool if bows had the same blood effect going on when Lethality activates.

  3. I will let you know soon. Currently with Gaia as his father, Chambrey has a B support. Once I get the A support, I'll note whether or not Chambrey tells the same story he told Richt.

    I'm looking forward to it. But then that makes me wonder about male MUxVelvet(Mark being a Taguel) if Chambray tells the same story.

  4. Othin or anyone else who has the game, which unit surprised you the most and disappointed you the most? What I mean to say is, what character didn't seem that good on paper but ended up exceeding your expectations and which character did the opposite(good in theory but bad in practice)?

  5. Could it be that growth rates are similar to FE11 and FE12 where characters have base growth rates plus or minus class growth rates? More and more it seems like this is the case. I have a feeling the Troubadour class might have terrible growth rates to compensate for having a mounted healer that's dedicated to support rather than combat. Or Mariabel has bad personal growth rates possibly.

    Othin, how much of an improvement do you see when a unit has the skill Good Growth equipped on them? Is it noticeable or are you better off using another skill?

  6. To be safe:

    I can tell you he is kind of sissy. He is scarred from the war in his time and is constantly afraid of dying, ending the Taguel race for good (his parents, like the other childrens', died).

    He is? He really doesn't look like he'd have PTSD considering how tough he looks. I just hope he isn't extremely cowardly to the point where he's unlikeable.

  7. Come to think of it, where was Loptous before Julius touched the book?

    Was the dragon somewhere inside of Julius and touching the book led to him consuming Julius? Was Loptous inside the book?

    Assuming that Loptous did the same thing as Holsety, it's assumed that Loptous's will is in the tome. When Julius read the tome, that's when Loptous began to possess him. Touching the tome probably did nothing, but actually reading it most likely was the cause. So yes, Loptous is or was inside the book, just like how Holsety and Naga are in their self-named tomes.

  8. The multiple hits of Astra and Aether are only counted as one hit for the purpose of expending weapon durability.

    Well that's nice to know about Astra and Aether. I always worried about weapon durability whenever a Swordmaster activated Astra.

  9. Why isn't Arthur being penalized for his movement while nearly every other foot unit is?

    Anyways, I like Arthur and as long as he has Levin, Azel or Lex as his father, it's nearly impossible for him to turn out bad.

    9/10, would be an 8, but I like the Tiltyu spawn.

  10. I give Fir a 6/10

    Excellent base stats for her level, which is 1. 9 strength as a level 1 myrmidon!? Skill and speed, she's expected to cap those. I agree with everyone saying she's "Not Quite Rutger". She's certainly better than most people in FE6 and joins at a time where everything that's trying to kill her will have a hard time killing her. She certainly isn't necessary like how the cavs, pals, and Rutger are but she certainly isn't a waste either. In short she can sit on the bench or be used actively without much detriment.

  11. One of my favorite mages in the series and a controversial character among people imo. She excels where Lugh doesn't which is magic and resistance. I agree that she most likely won't double but will still do as much if not more damage than Lugh would. Plus she starts with a C rank and a lightning quick support with Roy. She is made of paper though meaning she will only live to see another day if she gets hit by magic. Plus she's got blue hair and is a princess. Lilina should have gotten her own class and her own tome. I can dream can't I?

    5/10 for me.

  12. did you know that when a whisper attacks an enemy with 1 Hp with a 0 damage attack, the whisper actually can activate Bane?

    Bane will still be doing 0 damage though, so it's totally useless, yet it looks funny.

    (yeah, couldn't find the "fun facts RD thread" and didn't want to necropost there.)

    Well it makes sense. You can't kill with a normal attack and Bane doesn't kill either so, yeah.

  13. I don't like Oifaye enough to give him an 8 so 7.9/10 is my score for him.

    Once Celice, Aless, Delmudd, every other child promotes that aren't subs I find myself ditching Oifaye since he goes from good to just ehh. Not necessarily bad but the next generation starts doing his job better than him.

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