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Status Updates posted by Robinigo

  1. *Sigh* Young love, I doubt I've ever been this happy... :)

  2. Attack on Titan is way too good

  3. Correction: the Attack on Titan anime was absolutely fantastic, the manga is mind-bogglingly deep and generally amazing

  4. Happy Birthday! By the way, your avatar is absolutely adorable

  5. I'd ideally like to make a fresh start sometime because of how obnoxious and immature I was when I originally joined. I love the community here, but I feel so disconnected because of what a brat I was, that's why I don't post much anymore. Hoping to be better this time around

  6. I'm back, for real, yayyyyy.

  7. In case anyone is confused: Spiky -> Robinigo

  8. Learning the meaning of the word "moe" opened so many doors for me

  9. Let's just kind of pretend that you've never heard of me before.

  10. Meh, mediocrity

  11. Missed my one year because of schoolwork, WOWOWOW

    1. Liezerota


      That really sucks..

    2. Robinigo


      Yeah, but hey, there's always next year to remember the two year XD

  12. Nuzlocke deaths are depressing. RIP HRAAAWWW!! the Mankey, a critical magnitude 9 would do any of us in.

  13. Super stupid question incoming, but i have to ask it; how do i put an image in my signature?

    1. Scarlet


      Just upload the desired image to an image hosting site (tinypic, for instance), copy the resulting image link into your signature, and put an tag around it.

    2. Robinigo


      Oh thank you so much

  14. Warm Birthday Regards and all, man!

  15. You bring me a bucket, I'll show you a bucket

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