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Green Poet

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Posts posted by Green Poet

  1. Okay, I've waited almost 12 hours since I called them out, and the announcer's silence has told me what I needed to know. They are scum, because:

    1. I've also reached out to several players during these 12 hours. No one has claimed announcer in-thread or to me, even though it's not a powerful role, would help everyone distinguish my alignment, and is easily verifiable by lack of CC (and if someone CCs, that gives us a guaranteed scum lynch either today or tomorrow via the 1v1). Publicly claiming announcer was the protown move. That they didn't means that they don't want to be known, or to be held accountable by anyone but Elie, or it's simply Elie himself. Either way, the announcer isn't claiming because they have something to hide, and a town announcer has no reason to hide right now.

    2. Why is the announcer not TL right now if Refa trusted them? The announcer alleges that Refa trusted them with his next lynch, and yet Refa didn't make this person backup TL to actually enforce that lynch? Nor did Refa actually give them the proof? The announcer is trying to use Refa's name to anonymously control a lynch.

    The announcer's proof and identity aren't verifiable, and kirsche's word that comprises Elie's case isn't verifiable. Also, here's proof that the announcer isn't me, and also proof that Elie claims they claimed to him:


    [4:37 PM] Elieson: and yea i have the announcer claim

    [4:38 PM] Nouvelle: ok. and they did legitimately post that announcement based on a convo they had with refa?

    [4:39 PM] Elieson: they quoted it based on what refa said to say, from what I can tell that is

    In other words, the one person who holds the evidence for Elie's case on me is dead and unreachable (kirsche), and the person backing up the case won't tell anyone but Elie who they are, so they are also unreachable (the announcer). Elie actually went at length to explain to me how there are no roles obfuscating kirsche's results that his case is based on, as you can see below (bolded parts by me for emphasis) - it's entirely kirsche's word and it seems no one alive can confirm kirsche actually said it.


    [4:11 PM] Elieson: yea

    [4:11 PM] Elieson: i can't argue with what i've been handed

    [4:12 PM] Elieson: sorry :/

    [4:13 PM] Nouvelle: can you paste the log of the report sent to you, minus names? I wonder if the person was targeting mich, who from earlier today demonstrated that he's most likely a cop

    [4:14 PM] Elieson: i'm not sure i understand the request

    [4:14 PM] Elieson: ?

    [4:14 PM] Nouvelle: mich most likely scanned prims N1 and thus someone was redirected to me off of mich

    [4:14 PM] Nouvelle: what I'm saying is, I want to verify that your source is actually saying they saw me visit, and wasn't actually confused in that they were redirected to me from mich or something

    [4:15 PM] Elieson: the convenient thing is that kirsche, the now dead watchertracker [whatever his role officially is, jack something], is the one that told me about you visiting prims

    [4:15 PM] Nouvelle: hmm

    [4:15 PM] Nouvelle: I see no reason for him to have lied

    [4:15 PM] Elieson: i can't argue with the dead town's story

    [4:16 PM] Elieson: you said you visited mich but the dead guy who has no reason to lie says you visited prims, and to my knowledge, you're the only source of redirection

    [4:16 PM] Elieson: like I said

    [4:16 PM] Elieson: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    [4:16 PM] Nouvelle: this makes me more hesitant though. normally this proposition would be, if there was no confusion on the investigator's part, then either they or I are scum

    [4:16 PM] Nouvelle: so lynching me guarantees a scum lynch within the next day, at most

    [4:16 PM] Nouvelle: but saying that kirsche told you this means that if you mislynch, there is no town benefit

    [4:16 PM] Elieson: well

    [4:16 PM] Elieson: here's the thing

    [4:17 PM] Elieson: for you not to flip scum

    [4:17 PM] Elieson: kirsche would have to have been wrong

    [4:17 PM] Elieson: or told the wrong thing

    [4:17 PM] Nouvelle: well, it's impossible to verify if he was confused by mich's targeting of prims

    [4:17 PM] Elieson: that's a chance i'm willing to take, because there's no evidence of anyone else sans a potential ninja, being responsible for prims dying

    [4:18 PM] Elieson: mich doesn't have a way to mess with a scan of kirsche's calibur

    [4:19 PM] Elieson: what i'm not sure of is which investigation kirsche actually used, the track on you, or the watch on prims, but either way, it caught you and i'm assuming that if it was the watch ( a better idea and my personal choice if i had that power ) then it covers all possibilities sans a ninja

    [4:19 PM] Nouvelle: hold on, how does a ninja come into this?

    [4:19 PM] Elieson: if kirsche watched Prims N1: saw "Only GP visited prims" and prims died

    [4:19 PM] Elieson: and you didn't kill prims

    [4:19 PM] Nouvelle: N2 was the night prims was killed, not N1?

    [4:19 PM] Elieson: err

    [4:19 PM] Elieson: N2

    [4:19 PM] Elieson: yea

    [4:19 PM] Elieson: derp

    [4:20 PM] Nouvelle: either way, it doesn't matter because someone is still mistaken or lying

    [4:20 PM] Nouvelle: because I did mean N1, and both my N1 and N2 targets were mich

    [4:20 PM] Elieson: i typed the wrong thing in the game thread

    [4:20 PM] Elieson: i meant N2

    [4:20 PM] Elieson: i'm a complete doofus

    [4:20 PM] Elieson: i'm also cleaning up my house, my mom visits for the week, tonight

    [4:21 PM] Elieson: N1 was the marth thing, where marth was seen visiting you

    [4:21 PM] Nouvelle: hmm

    [4:21 PM] Elieson: N2 was the you thing, where you were seen visiting prims

    [4:22 PM] Elieson: n1 is simple; marth claims even-only, but acted on an odd night. bam n2 is a bit different here because you're not flipped

    [4:22 PM] Nouvelle: did kirsche tell you this himself or was it relayed via someone else?

    [4:22 PM] Elieson: kirsche himself

    [4:22 PM] Elieson: after we hashed it out regarding the snike debacle, we talked

    [4:22 PM] Nouvelle: that's very odd

    [4:23 PM] Nouvelle: has anyone claimed a role that obfuscates roles or visits to you?

    [4:23 PM] Elieson: that's the thing

    [4:23 PM] Elieson: no

    [4:24 PM] Elieson: granted, i haven't talked to a few people since the start of d4 but from what i have heard + what i already knew

    [4:24 PM] Elieson: there's nothing out there that conflict, that's public knowledge

    [4:24 PM] Elieson: conflicts*

    [4:26 PM] Nouvelle: hmm. I think it would be best for you to try and collect more claims and see if there are additional conflicts

    [4:27 PM] Nouvelle: I'm fine with dying in a 1v1, but this isn't a 1v1 and won't progress us. there has to be some more information that isn't known yet

    [4:35 PM] Nouvelle: hold on, has anyone claimed announcer to you?

    [4:35 PM] Nouvelle: that's the last thing that's been bugging me. if someone has claimed, and you can verify their sources, then we might have a 1v1 we can get out of this lynch after all

    [4:36 PM] Nouvelle: but if not, then something's off about how today's announcement is saying I'm scum, but no one's stepping forth even to a TL to verify the information

    [4:37 PM] Elieson: it's entirely possible that any 'official' backups were killed in the triplemurder

    [4:37 PM] Elieson: and yea i have the announcer claim

    [4:38 PM] Nouvelle: ok. and they did legitimately post that announcement based on a convo they had with refa?

    [4:39 PM] Elieson: they quoted it based on what refa said to say, from what I can tell that is

    [4:39 PM] Elieson: i mean they -could- be making that part up but then it wouldn't match with the information of the history on you

    [4:39 PM] Elieson: that refa no doubt knew, since he knew baout the marth thing

    [4:40 PM] Nouvelle: that'll have to be good enough

    [4:40 PM] Nouvelle: they're probably the one to look into tomorrow

    [4:41 PM] Elieson: i do have the announcer under surveillence

    [4:42 PM] Elieson: but it's definitely not a 1-v-1 because the case on you doesn't actually have anything to do with the announcer

    [4:42 PM] Nouvelle: how do you mean?

    [4:43 PM] Elieson: kirsche caught you

    [4:43 PM] Elieson: announcer announced that you're mafia

    [4:43 PM] Elieson: kirsche isn't the announcer

    [4:43 PM] Elieson: ergo, unless kirsche was just telling me that someone else caught you, and he was pretending to be the one who did it himself to cover

    [4:44 PM] Elieson: idk announcer or whoever

    [4:44 PM] Elieson: there's no logical point in kirsche lying about what he got on you, and arguably, the announcer simply announced what kirsche told refa

    [4:45 PM] Nouvelle: hmm, I see

    [4:45 PM] Nouvelle: ugh, that makes me dissatisfied with this again

    [4:45 PM] Elieson: remember too, walrein told me to reach out to you

    [4:45 PM] Nouvelle: really don't like the idea of dying in a case where it won't advance a scum lynch the next day

    [4:45 PM] Elieson: way back when he had good reason to assume that i'm an ITP

    [4:46 PM] Elieson: i could still be, who knows?!

    [4:46 PM] Elieson: bring it up in thread

    [4:46 PM] Elieson: talking things over to me isn't going to result in much unless you have some sort of new information to bring to the table

    [4:46 PM] Nouvelle: am I allowed to say that your source is kirsche?

    [4:46 PM] Elieson: at best, there's one of two people who could claim to have a redirection role, that would've had to have been on either you and/or michelar

    [4:47 PM] Nouvelle: or should that be kept secret

    [4:47 PM] Elieson: say whatever you want

    [4:47 PM] Elieson: kirsche is dead

    [4:47 PM] Elieson: it's not like i'm gonna get him killed

    [4:47 PM] Nouvelle: fair enough

    To me, I know that I did not visit Prims at any point during this game. My only successful target has been Mich, on both N1 and N2. But for everyone else considering how likely it is that Elie's telling the truth about kirsche, consider that...

    We have a flipped vig, we know there is an ITP due to numbers (if you didn't know before, you do now), and there's the mafia factional kill. The kills last night were most likely caused by 1/1/1 from each faction, as Elie himself recognized:


    [10:06 PM] Elieson: well

    [10:06 PM] Elieson: i don't think yo'ure scum but

    [10:06 PM] Nouvelle: but if that's actually the case and scum has that many kills, I don't think we'd have stood a chance anyway

    [10:06 PM] Elieson: now that i'm effectively leader, i can convince people not to lynch you

    [10:06 PM] Elieson: so there's that too

    [10:06 PM] Elieson: i think it's town/maf/itp in that order

    [10:07 PM] Nouvelle: sorry, what do you mean by "it's"? I don't follow

    [10:07 PM] Elieson: the three deaths

    [10:07 PM] Elieson: it's order is*

    [10:07 PM] Nouvelle: oh, I see

    There's no way town has Refa's night kill and Elie's day kill, or that ITP lacks a kill while town has a night kill AND a day AND night kill. The likeliest explanation is what Elie admitted above - that town has a night kill, mafia has a night kill, and ITP has a limited night kill and a day kill. Elie is most likely that ITP, and as I said before, he's either the announcer or is working with the scum announcer.

    ##Vote: Elie

    Elie making a bid for TL makes sense if he's ITP - his "legitimacy" comes from shooting scum, so town wouldn't think to immediately lynch him for leading a mislynch like we would if a cop TL had claimed a false scan. That means he can mislynch as many times as he wants until people question if he was okay was shooting mafia because he's ITP, and even then he could just feign ignorance - "town makes mistakes, right?"

    As we saw earlier today, Mich (or someone who has to speak through Mich) is the cop, but the whole game has been townreading Mich to the point that he's clearly unlynchable. I bet the only way to kill Mich is to end my martyrs on him, which scum hasn't been able to do all game, so they're forced to use this method now.

    One last reason we should lynch Elie is that he's been trying to keep his role secret, and contradicting himself in his public claims, since the start of the game. Remember when he tried to become TL on D1? Back then he said his role was "expendable," yet he then proved he had a day kill. And now, as Bartozio told us, he's not willing to fullclaim to anyone.

  2. For those that didn't already know - I'm a martyr and targeted Mich N1 and N2 (under Prims' orders) and kirsche N3 (under Refa's orders), only the last of which was unsuccessful.

    Normally I might be fine with this lynch because it would point to Elie's source being scum, but I got the OK from Elie to say that it was kirsche's watch on Prims that gave him that info (directly heard from kirsche himself, so it was not a secondhand report). In other words, my lynch can't lead to a guaranteed scum lynch tomorrow, because it's not my word vs. anyone else's who's alive.

    So the only other lead we have to go on is the announcer, who alleged at phase start that I'm scum. This person should step forward because, well, I'm not scum and they're lying or mistaken, and they've only claimed to Elie as far as I've been told. If they get their way and I die today, Elie is also likely to die tonight given that we have lost kirsche, would have lost my martyr, and basically have no other protective roles to ensure that Elie or anyone else who actually has the announcer's claim will remain alive. Please don't lynch anyone until, at the very least, we are able to examine the announcer and their claim today.

    Either that, or Elie is some sort of ITP. This would explain how both he and Refa could have vig shots in this setup, and how he's willing to kill both scum and town this phase. That's not as concrete to me as this announcer, though.

  3. I didn't include the JB/Mich logs because they didn't have to do with my case, and they don't make JB look better or worse. I made sure Greencapps saw them first because it proved that Mich and JB did actually talk, and that was something JB had alleged that we wanted to make sure of first. My case wasn't at all hinging on them not having talked, but if they hadn't, that would have more or less confirmed scum!JB on the spot.


    [7:14 PM] Greencapps: Exactly

    [7:14 PM] Greencapps: Gong to wait to get a reply from Mich before I make a case

    [7:14 PM] Greencapps: See if he was lying

    [7:15 PM] Nouvelle: same

    [7:15 PM] Nouvelle: by he you mean JB lying about having talked to mich?

    [7:15 PM] Greencapps: Yea

    [7:15 PM] Nouvelle: kk

    Not sure why Greencapps thinks this "is kinda important" when our suspicions of JB aren't dependent on whether he actually talked to Mich, but instead on him (1) pressuring likely newb town who's proven to be easily lynched as town, (2) making a case publicly but not explaining the following unvote publicly, and (3) giving questionable justification for the unvote that makes more sense from scum judging others' reactions to it. This is all stated in our logs I initially posted. If it really was a deal breaker to Green, then that's on me for misunderstanding, but it doesn't affect my own read on JB.

    If I wanted to hide this, I wouldn't have shown the JB/Mich logs to Green to begin with :|

  4. Spoiler

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 5:47 PM

    I think prims is looking very townie after his exchange with mich in the general chat. I don't see scum working that hard in the earlygame

    in general, putting oneself in high visibility is also just a lot of hassle that scum shouldn't have to go through unless it's expected from them by meta or s.t

    I haven't been comfortable enough to claim to him yet though, I don't think there's good enough reason to claim to a leader until we know a fair bit more

    I don't really get the shinori cases, but I also haven't talked to him yet so

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 5:50 PM

    I'm pretty much on the same page as you too

    Though I think Shinori is definitely town after my convo with him

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 5:52 PM

    hmm, I see

    atm I'm leaning mich town and JB scum

    based on their reactions in-thread and in the general chat

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 5:53 PM

    Mich is def town

    He's acting just like last game

    And yea that exchange is certainly incriminating for JB

    Maybe the Maf thought he'd be an easy kill cause most dislike his play

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 5:59 PM

    yeah, from what I remember in his previous two games, mich folds to pressure pretty easily

    would make for an easy mislynch

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 6:00 PM

    Literally last game in a shellnut

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 6:00 PM

    I remember his maf play was pretty distinctive in FEH mafia and it doesn't seem like that this game, like he's voting prims back

    feel like scum!mich would be way more self-defensive and repeating the "why do you guys think I'm scum?" spiel

    so JB not picking up on this is kinda sus

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 6:00 PM


    Also Mich was right and he refused to back down

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 6:01 PM


    Greencapps-Yesterday at 6:02 PM

    I'd be ok with a lynch on him cause I'm not feeling scum off of pretty much anyone else

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 6:03 PM

    same. though I need to read the shinori case

    both prims and sb voting means a lot to me, since they're historically very sharp town players

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 6:03 PM

    It's just pressure to get talking

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 6:03 PM


    Greencapps-Yesterday at 6:03 PM

    I don't think there's any definitive case

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 6:28 PM

    thoughts on JB's unvote?

    no explanation is odd

    the timing of it feels reactionary almost, cuz I've been talking to some other people as well about JB's mich push and it could be that a buddy told him to lay off

    I'm sure I'm not the only one either

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 6:42 PM

    Yea it's very bizarre

    So Prims just did the same


    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 6:50 PM

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 6:51 PM

    Though I guess it has more context than JB

    Seeing as Shinori has started talking

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 6:51 PM

    if his was just a shinori prod, then yeah

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 6:51 PM

    I'm pretty sure they all are

    JB has no reason to though

    Cause Mich has been silent

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 6:52 PM


    do you know if anyone has actually talked to JB

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 6:53 PM

    None that I've talked to have mentioned it yet no

    Mich is offline so

    That's a dead end

    I'm gonna shoot him a message

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 7:10 PM

    He says he talked to Mich

    Decided to unvote yesterday

    But forgot and fell asleep

    I asked why he didn't just say that in the thread

    Asked why he needed to

    I then told him it looks weird

    And he asked if I was accusing him of being scum for holding on to a D1 vote too long

    Which wasn't even the point

    And is also extremely defensive of him

    Nouvelle-Yesterday at 7:13 PM

    to me the "I was going to do it yesterday but forgot" is what sounds the most off

    if you're gonna just drop a single ##unvote and hit "post"

    that doesn't take terribly long? but the effect is significant

    I'm not sure I buy it

    Greencapps-Yesterday at 7:14 PM


    Logs between Greencaps and myself.

    ##Vote: JB

    I think I've talked to a majority of the playerlist about this case, but feel free to message me for clarification.

    As can be seen above, I think LG's case is solid, and would be willing to sheep it and consolidate on Elie if it comes to that. I would still primarily prefer to lynch JB.

  5. Mm that's true, yeah.

    Also Refa, that comment about it being generally better to claim ascetic immediately upon game start, was that legit advice (like you'd say the same as town)? I wasn't sure how to handle claiming it and esp. after the fact once I realized that scum could then hijack to me for an additional hook

  6. 31 minutes ago, Refa said:

    I have no idea how to process this.  There's no reason to assume that Scum!Pika couldn't send a message and perform the factional kill on the same night, it'd be ridiculously townsided otherwise.

    Hmm. I'm pretty sure that was how the factional kill worked in my last scum game, ITTD mafia, but that was quite a few years ago. It seems that's not the case now :|

    For me to be scum... there'd have to be a scum shrouder, godfather, and ascetic + masshooker in the same setup as a color cop. The chance that a guilty could correctly be determined in such a setup is unrealistically low imo, but that's something for everyone else to consider. There's little I can do about being a NAI passive role, and I think I claimed it at the most helpful time I could, when someone with an active role was talking about targeting me.

    I doubt there's much else I can say to sway everyone's opinion, and today's lynch looks pretty set, so I'm going to talk about tomorrow's lynch instead. I feel pretty certain that the last mafia is between Refa and Pika - I can't see Mack or Proto together facilitating the Junko lynch when we're almost certain to be considering one remaining scum (pretty sure it would be MYLO today otherwise). Proto also cleared Mack in doing this, because it meant that Mack got Junko lynched via the latter not knowing about Mack's actions rather than Mack intentionally catching him. Scum!Mack can't have bussed Junko via "disorganization" because such a tactic still relied on town!Proto being the one to push the case - if it were intentional on scum!Mack's end, he would have had to do the explaining because on the surface it only lends town!Proto towncred otherwise.

    I don't think Pika should be cleared based on his end of D1 behavior, either - at the time, scum couldn't have known about the color cop or any other difficulties related to town investigative power, so keeping a godfather alive who was likely to get scanned N1 is potentially more powerful than anything else. This is even likelier if Proto's theory about the massblock being factional is true, as it makes Pika's individual role less comparatively valuable to preserve.

    Also, revisiting the use of the persuade - looking back on it now and seeing that both the user and target were scum, the motivation behind it was probably mainly to discourage town from considering scum!Junko, or rather from considering that the people affected by the persuader are scum. By being the one deprived of his vote, Junko's the victim of what looks like an antitown play - in a vacuum, Junko loses his vote, no one explains why, town's hurt by that, and the conventional conclusion is that Junko is town. Simultaneously, someone at a L-2 wagon gets another vote wordlessly stapled to them, Refa, the second person affected by the persuader, and then who's hurt by that? The persuade action actually accomplished nothing in terms of affecting the lynch, but what it did leave behind on the game was the impression that the persuader had victimized two players, seemingly without giving them the chance to speak back or identify whoever had taken away their agency. Then when claims come out later and no one claims persuader, the conventional thought is that the targets of the action aren't scum. Could be a stretch, but I think it's something to consider.

    Assuming Marth doesn't count as a living townie in terms of reaching parity, 6 "alive" today means that tomorrow is MYLO, so make it count and good luck.

  7. Never mind, just reread. Pika's courier succeeded to BBM N1, failed to me N2, failed to Proto N3. I was wondering if there were any attestable gaps where Pika idled his courier.

    It's fair to assume that there's only one antitown player left, and that a player can't visit two players in the same night to send a message + perform a factional kill, right? If both of those are true, I think we shouldn't lynch Pika today, and that Pika should visit Marth every night until he "proves" he can't have taken the kill. Even if notPika!scum idles the kill to encourage a mislynch on Pika, that doesn't change the pace of reaching parity and we all just get more chances to figure things out with night actions.


  8. Refa, what do you think about the D3 implications of scum!Proto? Why do you think he decided to point us to Junko?

    Reading D3 again I'm not convinced Junko would've gotten lynched otherwise. I don't see scum!Proto thinking he needs the towncred from bussing in a steady situation with 2 members left, especially after he dayvigged someone.

  9. I don't think Mack or Proto can be the last scum. The game state on D3 only moved forward when the contradiction between Mack's revised claim and Junko's claim was pushed by Proto. Junko shouldn't have been unaware of scum!Mack's role, and scum!Proto had no reason to direct us to him. Also, scum!Proto having hook/masshook/dayvig altogether is too much. Basically, if Proto just didn't say anything we probably would've no lynched or mislynched yesterday.

    town!Mack means he wasn't lying about confirming Refa's N1 hijack, but that isn't a clear. With Marth cleared by role, I think the only people who feasibly could be scum are myself, Refa, and Pika. I don't feel like putting time towards explaining why I'm not scum unless people are really pushing for it.

    Reading the end of D1 again, scum!Pika saying "I don't mind if I get lynched instead of Mich" makes more sense to me now because all the attention Mich had on him was highly likely to attract scans, and if he ever got "cleared" it'd be extremely easy to coast the rest of the game. I was scumreading Refa pretty hard D2 but I've come to realize that yeah, my case was largely dependent on the townslip being faked and that was something I'd taken for granted from the start. I'm surprised he's voting for Proto though, after D3 I feel like Proto is obvtown? Just based on activity/behavior I'd think one would tend to vote me over Proto and I don't see the motivation for scum!Refa to not do that.

    Also, not sure how much it'll help to clarify this, but I didn't talk N3 because I was just really busy. I'm an odd-night insomniac, not a 1-shot.

  10. I don't think Mack or Proto can be the last scum. The game state on D3 only moved forward when the contradiction between Mack's revised claim and Junko's claim was pushed by Proto. Junko shouldn't have been unaware of scum!Mack's role, and scum!Proto had no reason to direct us to him. Also, scum!Proto having hook/masshook/dayvig altogether is too much. Basically, if Proto just didn't say anything we probably would've no lynched or mislynched yesterday.

    town!Mack means he wasn't lying about confirming Refa's N1 hijack, but that isn't a clear. With Marth cleared by role, I think the only people who feasibly could be scum are myself, Refa, and Pika. I don't feel like putting time towards explaining why I'm not scum unless people are really pushing for it.

    Reading the end of D1 again, scum!Pika saying "I don't mind if I get lynched instead of Mich" makes more sense to me now because all the attention Mich had on him was highly likely to attract scans, and if he ever got "cleared" it'd be extremely easy to coast the rest of the game. I was scumreading Refa pretty hard D2 but I've come to realize that yeah, my case was largely dependent on the townslip being faked and that was something I'd taken for granted from the start. I'm surprised he's voting for Proto though, after D3 I feel like Proto is obvtown? Just based on activity/behavior I'd think one would tend to vote me over Proto and I don't see the motivation for scum!Refa to not do that.

    Also, not sure how much it'll help to clarify this, but I didn't talk N3 because I was just really busy. I'm an odd-night insomniac, not a 1-shot.

  11. Mich's role pm said that investigation results would say "you're Askr" and not something like "you're green" so... hmm. Could've been deliberately phrased that way, so that it's not modconfirmed that a unique type of cop exists when Mich flips? Still, overall it doesn't seem like there's anything corroborating the color cop claim.

    Did anyone else get hooked?

  12. I've never heard of a color cop before. I want to hear more about what it does because I'm pretty sure we already have access to information that can help verify or disprove it.

    7 minutes ago, BBM said:

    FK is getting hooked or killed tonight if he's town or pretending to have gotten hooked if he's scum; the only way we're getting a result is if we lynch the hooker today. so "we'll have a result tomorrow" is a bad argument.

    Proto talked about this earlier:

    4 hours ago, Oboro-Garasu said:

    Furthermore, (b) the nature of FK's claim sounds like a Delayed role, in which case FK should get Junko's results regardless. In general, if X targets Y through a delayed action, where the action was sent in phase P with the effect being applied in phase Q, then other roles can only interfere with this by either targeting X in phase P or targeting Y in phase Q. Targeting X in phase Q doesn't affect this action. Now, I'm not confident that this is, indeed, how delayed actions are handled in this specific game, but it's how I would implement them and there's a good chance that it's the case over here as well. If so, then roleblocking FK tonight will not affect FK receiving Junko's results.

    So if FK survives until next day phase, he should have an answer for us even if he gets hooked. That's still something he may want to confirm with the hosts though.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Oboro-Garasu said:

    I'm curious as to why Green Poet left out the Insomniac component of her role though, because I don't think I was imagining the angry yells at wanting Refa's head in the middle of the night while I was trying to sleep peacefully.

    I thought it didn't need to be stated after, well, I used it lol. Also, I can only night talk on odd night phases.

    re: FK, I last said I might reevaluate my scumread on him based on what sort of scumreads he presents, but his three posts since then still only discuss townreads. When Refa asked him "who he was bothered by," he didn't have a name. Seems to just be going with the flow and not actively looking for scum, so my read hasn't changed.

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