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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. i messed up but here's this picture of yanjun falling
  2. i can't believe idle debuted 2 days ago and have more songs than blackpink, who debuted 2 years ago yg really sucks tbh i truly cannot fathom how blackpink has managed to get this popular despite being under his company. speaking even as someone who isn't a huge fan of their music imagine how popular they'd be if yg actually gave them a full fuckin album or gave them twice-level promotions. they'd be on-par with mamamoo at minimum
  3. i agree yg sucks we been knew i feel so bad for the contestants tbh : ( i didn't watch it but apparently it was a carbon copy of p101 and if thats any indication then it must have been hellish. filming for over 24-hours and 3 hours of sleep a day max and limited meals and of course the stress they have to go through, i can't believe yg just discarded the winners like that
  4. speaking of horrible big three companies FUCK yg for canceling the mix9 boys’ debut. what did they compete for woo jinyoung was #1 and i’ve liked him since p101 i’m really sad since he sounded so hopeful in his interviews : ( honestly fuck yg for toying with the winners like that. does he not have basic human empathy?? it’s been months since mix9 ended and this entire time there’s been no news and the boys themselves confessed to being kept in the dark as well and now we know it’s bc yg is a piece of shit
  5. ha ha yes of course ikr, we all knew he was a creep after the whole thing with tzuyu but wow this is totally insane. without a doubt the biggest kpop-related scandal i’ve ever seen and true or not either jype or dispatch will be destroyed by the time this is over and i can’t imagine kpop without either of them
  6. “friendship comes first, competition comes first also” — my new life motto
  7. me too o-oh wow well as long as you say you’re okay i guess it’s fine gosh those can be really nerve-wracking i hope it goes well too i’ve been pretty okay too!! the future is makin me anxious and stressed but it’s ok bc im still productive
  8. wow hi sylv i missed u again how are u doin now
  9. wat the fuk giga-p and reol stan bts
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