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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. thx id definitely hit hit u except it's bcos i trust u and also my lack of strength
  2. this also we except not bc u'd probably beat me up
  3. omg omg i had the red tasseled lanterns hung up in my house today so i never saw them at night before but i just walked up to my house to redecorate and APPARENTLY IT TINGES ALL YOUR WINDOWS RED I ALMOST BURST INTO TEARS FROM FEAR i regret
  4. i thought scoot was ur boy wart jr is bottom tier which is alphabetized instead of numerically ranked
  5. i really want marshal in my village and i found a good guide for cycling villagers (i.e. forcing villagers to move out) as quickly as possible except it sounds exceptionally tedious lmao not to mention that there's a huge risk of villagers i like moving away; i still haven't decided whether i like genji enough to keep him as a permanent villager or not i guess i'd be willing to do it for marshal and ruby though UGH i'd trade literally any villager for them
  6. https://pann-choa.blogspot.com/2017/10/enter-talk-seventeens-joshua-in-real.html i love this "As expected, he's a mysterious Korean American..."
  7. i rly like how new carats (including me) are always like "wow joshua is so sweet!! so calm!! so pure!! so angelic!! our jisoos!!" and then they start watching variety and he turns out to be the biggest goon in the group (which says a lot considering that it's seventeen)
  8. this entire thread is dumb and wonderful and i am glad to be dumb and wonderful w yall ( ᐛ )
  9. joshua took a selca back in april and long story short this is the longest-ever i have kept the same lockscreen, normally i cycle them out as often as i change sf themes but wow
  10. remember when eric nam and joshua were trying to sneak ailee into their selca but then she caught them and started chasing them down and the entire time joshua looked like happy gary ᐛ
  11. i did a joshua fashion analysis like years ago and one thing i discovered was that joshua really fuckin loves light blue long-sleeve collared (pinstripe) button-downs i should do that for more of my biases it was really fun
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