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Everything posted by GoldenCyclone4

  1. Ok, so I don't know if I'm just weird, but when I listen to the fourth verse, it sounds like Shigure is singing "Here with me, One last time," not "Sing with me, one last time." Am I the only one?
  2. Finally, Nowi gets the respect she deserves! All hail Nowi, Exalt of Ylisse! Oh, and did you just not count the spotpass characters?
  3. Alright, here we go. First playthrough where i had no clue what i was doing and failed miserably: sumia. Second and third: Chrom because i felt like it. Then i lost my game in disney world. Fourth: Lissa, because other than chrom and sumia I married people with who they joined with. Fifth: Nowi because she's hot, and manakete morgan is broken. Sixth, which I call my apotheosis file: Nowi. I now have a dread fighter bride combo, with my kids as sorcerers. You streetpass me, you'd better say your prayers, because everyone has a legendary weapon and no one has stat totals below 250. ~~~~
  4. For all of you hating on Nowi, you seem to be forgetting that she just escaped from slavery, idiots! And seeing as it is war, she doesn't exactly have time to change clothes!
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