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Posts posted by Justin

  1. I think it really shouldnt matter as much as it does. I had a big problem with hackers but with time and training I got past it and am able to beat them (for the most part).

    I think as long as you are still winning matches who cares?

    ..as long as you are not being made to drop weps and such...

    Hopefully the american release has fixes..

  2. I'm not sure how they do it. I know with flash cards (pirated downloaded games) you can just enter in some codes into a text file, chuck it into the same folder as your game and it'll enable cheats. However, by the looks of it, these hackers enter the codes as they go, because they seem to take a realllllyyyyyy long time. They probably have an action replay or something. And what's worse, they don't even win all the time! A lot of the hackers I've fought end up screwing up the game and unequipping their weapons of something. If they are going to hack they should at least do it fast, waiting 4 1/2 mins for them to fail at cheating is just laughable.

    Anyway, I've just been adding any hacker's names I see into the other list. So if I see them online, I can disconnect before the match starts.

    EDIT: I generally don't wait in the friends room, I normally go with anyone. But I think Slax said he fought your "Sylvanslayer" team, Justin =D

    Yeah..he wiped me out : ( So its doubtful I can take you with it.

    Im currently doing a playthrough on H5 Hopefully when its all done ill have something worth going against you and Your demon brother lol.

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