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Posts posted by dekodomo

  1. Sumia is my baby, haters get out. >:(

    Real talk though, I understand OPINIONS and all, it's just a bit disheartening when people are so vocal and venomous with their hatred of a character. I have characters I dislike too, but I always feel like, why bother announcing such negative statements it to the world? I'd rather contribute something positive instead. v('-')v

    Some of the hate does seem to stem from the OMG NO CHROM IS MINE brand of crazy, but it's not just that either. Sumia is a really flawed character: she's clumsy, she has like no confidence in herself, and she messes up a lot. And I think a lot of people dislike that because to them that equals a weak person. But, well, I like her for that, because she knows she has these flaws and does her best anyway. She gets depressed by her failures, but in the end it just makes her even more determined to improve and I think that's an admirable trait.

    I do dislike the way the Chrom and Sumia pair was pushed in the game though, because I think it ended up being a detriment to Sumia's character. The lack of marriage options for her meant less supports where her character could be fleshed out, and she's just reduced to the ~*~love interest~*~ character whose entire purpose revolves around Chrom. She doesn't even get to start her pegasus ranch despite how much she loves animals in her ending with Chrom, what the hell.

    (I'm rambling at this point, so I'll stop, haha.)

  2. I think it's just the line from Tiki's S support with male Avatar anyway ("Because you, too, are a singular-and very special-man to me. You are the man with whom I've...fallen in love."). Her calling him "onii-chan" would be the same as calling him "Mar-Mar" for those more familiar with the localization.

    Apropos to nothing, I do wish people would be better about sourcing fanart in this thread though.

  3. Here, have some feels.

    [video of tears]


    I'll just be over here, drowning in my own tears.

    No, but seriously, thank you so much for going through the time and effort of making an entire video of that section! I really wasn't expecting that, what a great surprise.

    I hope it doesn't open the floodgates of people asking you to scan and translate the other sections though ;A;

    I wonder if buying this using a proxy service would be cheaper...$77 is expensive as hell, even for a huge doujin like this.

  4. They don't have to make it ALL make sense... in one instance, Gaia/Gaius is Cynthia's father... in another, he is Azure/Inigo's father.

    *makes a strangled noise*

    Do you mind just listing the artist for that portion? So I can at least look for them on pixiv or something for more artwork because that family combination is my one weakness. orz

    I am really tempted to get this for myself....

  5. man i always thought this figurine was pretty terrible and tasteless but as far as i'm concerned it justified its existence for the hilariously disproportionate fan rage lmao

    If they made a Henry figurine I would be on that in a heartbeat. I don't think he's that popular over in Japan though, so it's very unlikely. Maybe Owain. I would totally be okay with an Owain figurine.

  6. No one is spared in the march toward +1s and green numbers. No one.

    (Yeah, Mustafa had potential to be pretty interesting, but like others said, the writers didn't really capitalize on it, so I ended up forgetting about him for the remainder of the game. :V)

  7. That reminds me, in an interview between 8-4 (I think?) and some of the developers behind Awakening, the developers (who were all male) were asked who their favorite character was...and almost all of them said Tharja. I was left completely baffled.

    I guess they didn't think too deeply about the implications of Tharja using her family as hexing guinea pigs, which is...pretty problematic.

  8. My first playthrough, Virion had sub-20 speed (and the rest of his stats were mediocre at best) by the time he hit his second time through Bow Warrior. That was almost 40 levels, man. Archest archer my ass.

    Tharja also had sub-20 skill after promotion and going through Dark Knight, so I had the brilliant idea of making her a Sniper to help fix that. Never again. And she still only got like 3 points of skill after 10 sniper levels.

    I still don't use those two very much.

  9. Cherche is pretty much a good match for any of those three guys support-wise (because Cherche is rad). Lon'qu especially though, it gives one of the better closures to his character quirk.

    I went with Olivia and Gregor in my first playthrough and thought they pretty sweet (but honestly Gregor has pretty great supports with all the ladies).

    I personally think Nowi and Henry's S-support is terrible and gross (I mean more than usual for Nowi), although none of her other options are that much better to me, so...I guess just go with other people's recommendations or your own judgement for her.

  10. Well, I'm not the one you asked for, but since I'm here I can take a stab at translating. :V It's probably not far from what you imagine, though.I didn't think it was that funny

    Title: "There wasn't a book like this in the future"

    Panel 1:

    Owain: *whispering* Hey, Brady!

    Brady: Huh? What're you doing, sneaking around over there?

    Panel 2:

    Owain: Help me! Right now, I require the overflowing light of the gods' benevolence!

    Brady: W-what, did something happen?

    Panel 3:

    Owain: This Manual of the Devil is engulfed with overwhelming evil*...and yet I picked it up!

    * lit. "surging with waves of evil"

    Panel 5:

    Brady: ...this really is a Manual of the Devil....

    Owain: So you understand, my comrade in arms!

    Inigo: *happened to be passing by*

    Edited the third panel's line because I'm a doofus.

  11. I can't really say whether it's underrated or not, but objectively speaking, Lethality isn't a very practical skill. It has a really low activation rate so it's too unreliable to depend on for a OHKO. Dual Strikes and critical hits, as well as skills like Luna and even Astra, are functionally the same as Lethality in that they will almost always kill an enemy in one round and are much, much more likely to activate.

    In normal playthroughs though, where the player doesn't care about being efficient or super strong, Lethality is fun to have as it's always a pleasant surprise if it activates (emphasis on "surprise"), especially at a convenient time.

    It looks pretty cool though, I'll definitely give it that. :V

  12. I don't think I really resemble either of my parents (or I take after both of them so equally I don't look like either, haha). I haven't seen my relatives in a long time so I don't know if I just take after my grandparents more or something.

    I did inherit my dad's terrible eyesight though. Thanks, Dad.

  13. I don't think I'm in the target audience for this kind of stuff, for most of the male confessions I had to fight the urge to shut my 3DS from the second-hand embarrassment. :V Although Gaius's managed to hit the level of ridiculously over-the-top where I just found it hilarious.

    For a serious answer, I guess Priam's is my pick. It probably helped that he's voiced by Jamieson Price. I could listen to that man read a telephone book.

  14. I feel pretty apathetic when it comes to marriage for the Avatar (female, anyway). I did a "marry ALL the boys" run when I was trying to fill out the support log (and discovered that 90% of the male confessions are hilariously awkward) so I saw all the possible S-rank supports for the female Avatar and found most of them to be pretty lacking.

    I don't do the whole "character immersion/think of myself as the Avatar" thing either so I never really went with just personal preference. And while I don't think others doing that is strange in and of itself, I do find it pretty weird when people get very invested in a particular spouse for the Avatar. :V

  15. If anyone actually gets mad about a kid's opinions on a video game, just end the Internet now, because that would be unbelievably dumb.

    Also, I think it's adorable how you and your sister bond over this game, haha. Makes me wish my sister and I had more common interests. How far did she end up getting in Apotheosis?

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