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Dying Blaze

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Posts posted by Dying Blaze

  1. I wouldn't have Astra and Leathality. Since you don't have Sol, I'd recommend switching one of those skills for Vantage. That way, if you're in trouble, you have a chance of activating a skill before the enemy unit kills you. Could I ask why you want to keep Leathality? Despite you wanting to keep it, I would actually get rid of it in favor of keeping Astra. Astra does 2.5x normal damage, and the activation rate is higher.

    I'll keep Astra then. I should watch out for Counter Units. I don't have the money for Limit Breaker right now. But i'll switch Lethality for Vantage/Sol for now.

    what's your asset and flaw? if you've got something that doesn't directly hinder magic use sage (if you do do this ignis is probably your best skill since stuff in Apo doesn't have that much RES and neither does anything else) also I know you don't want to but -seriously- consider changing lethality,the only things you'd want to use it on (and I can't even think of one of those because braves pretty much murder everything anyway).

    basically,magic asset wants to use this:

    Limit Breaker,Vantage,Ignis,Tomefaire, and a filler (Rally Spectrum/Pass/Aggressor/breakers)

    in a Lead slot, with a bunch of Celica's Gales and Rescues

    while a physically orientated one would use:

    Limit Breaker,Axefaire,Aggressor,Luna,Dual Guard+

    and be in a support slot with Brave Axes only

    basically these are the "optimal" builds,there's a bunch of other things you can use but astra is pretty much < luna/ignis in all situations and Lethality sucks wrt procskills

    I don't really want an 'Axe' build. But, i'll try to get Luna on him.

    Also, I am:



  2. I already know he isn't good enough for Aspeothsis. (Spelling?)


    -Dread Fighter

    HP: 80

    Str: 45(+5) Maxed

    Skill: 42 Maxed

    Spd: 41 Maxed

    Lck: 33

    Def: 41 Maxed

    Res: 43 Maxed

    Skills: Ignis, Astra, Aggressor, Swordfaire, Lethality

    Movement: 8 (Used the Boots Item)

    Weapon Levels: Sword: A, Axe C. Tome A

    Weapons Equipped: Silver Sword, Hammer, Bronze Axe, Book of Naga, Mercurius

    Anything I should change?

    (Not changing Lethality)

  3. And if you want to use either of them for StreetPass, they'll need this skill passed. From Tharja, I'd pass Luna, Vengeance, or Lifetaker - whichever class you want your kids to not have to go through. If you pan to take your kids through mostly physical classes, then getting Vengeance is perfect because Tharja will have a tougher time being a Great Knight (I'm assuming you're dropping Tharja postgame).

    I plan on going through magic-classes. I do think passing Ignis might be good, or Lethality. Luna would be good too.

  4. What difficulty are you playing on? If anything other than Normal, I'd suggest other skills. Lethality is awesome and badass, but its low activation rate doesn't make it worthwhile enough.

    Definitely go for Luna. It works really well with Galeforce due to increasing your offense.

    1. I am playing on Hard Mode

    2. I don't really want to go the Great Knight route. Maybe getting a gender-specific skill would be cool. Maybe Counter? Or Gamble,

  5. Nowi. I always liked having two children. Besides, Nah's attitude is pretty funny. (What color is Morgan's hair with Nowi?)

    Bu I personally like this game's Tiki. I also think both versions (American/Japanese) of her voice is pretty good.

    That Mar-Mar thing in the support was pretty funny, for the Male MU. (I do think she talks about Marth too much)

    I think is the best in the Future-Past 3 DLC, too.

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