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Posts posted by Tanner

  1. Usually I'm fed up that I don't get into a relationship. I help girls a LOT. And, no surprise, I don't even get a hug for helping a girl multiple times. A HUG IS ALL I ASKED. Not to marry her or steal her food.

  2. In my opinion, Lissa is hard to level up in Lunatic mode because I'm usually not the one who uses staffs unless necessary. But, nevertheless, in Normal-Classic, she's a War Cleric. But, in Lunatic, Frederick is a tank. This is only because I just started Lunatic-Casual yesterday, so this is prone to changing.

  3. Well, the RTU thread can be used to measure how much people like or dislike characters to an extent because it measures bias and compares it to their score without bias (which in many cases... is probably still influenced by biases). You can see which characters received the most positive influences and which, the most negative.

    I love Tharja and Severa (and if the Cordelia Vs. Tharja thread is any indication...). I also dislike Olivia and Cherche; come at me. So I do definitely fall into the category of liking hated characters.

    Tharja lover as well?

    Well, I actually do the same thing. I love Chrom, Thraja, Noire, and Morgan. They are in the 200s where my other units just mark the 100s. (This is my Normal-Classic Save.)

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