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Everything posted by penguinsarebad

  1. for now all i've got are some splices. just a classic knight a lord // mercenary type character? female mage
  2. Hahah I'll take your Cord suggestion. One more spot left guys!
  3. Biraku = Vyland? In that case then general Horace and cavalier Vyland is invalid because those classes are their starting classes.
  4. So far I've either got a Mauthe Doog Eirika, or a cavalier Eirika. Any more suggestions?
  5. Again, the bishop class would be invalid because the natural promote from a curate is bishop.
  6. I never noticed hahah thank you eclipse! PKL's suggestion is invalid now, so any more suggestions guys?
  7. Aight, warrior Astram accepted. Requesting at least one general LOL.
  8. Well, that wouldn't be reclassing on the promoted level since the mage's natural promote is Sage.
  9. Alright so, so far I have: Darros // Knight - Hero Cord // Mage - Sniper Navarre // Mage - Swordmaster Keep them coming guys!
  10. Alright, so I've played this game before, but I have yet to finish it yet. So to make things a bit more fun for me, I would like to do a reclass edition of this game. This basically means that all the characters MUST be reclassed after they are recruited, and they MUST be reclassed once they are promoted. You guys get to choose which units I do / do not use. There is one limitation though. I am not allowed to use any thieves, manaketes, or ballisticians. In addition, I will also like you guys to decide which unit gets which upgrade, so when the time comes, I'll be asking you guys. Team: 1. Marth // Lord 2. Cain // Curate - Swordmaster 3. Caeda // Mage - Paladin 4. Wrys // Myrmidon - Paladin 5. Ogma // Hunter - General 6. Cord // Dark Mage - Horseman 7. Darros // Knight - Hero 8. Lena // Pegasus Knight - Paladin 9. Navarre // Mage - Swordmaster 10. Roshea // Myrmidon - Sniper 11. Matthis // Curate - Dracoknight 12. Maria // Pegasus Knight - Sage 13. Astram // Warrior 14. Tomas // Cavalier - Dracoknight 15. Etzel // Berserker
  11. Sorry guys, I lost the save file for this game, so I guess I'll have to start over. Everything is going to be re-randomized, but I'll let you guys choose what Eirika will be again! So how about it? What do you want Eirika to be?
  12. Hahah, alright then, Seth is off limits for a while. But would you guys like me to not use Seth at all? Or to use him in the late game? Am I allowed to use him to tank some damage? [spoiler="Chapter 1: Escape!] So here's what we have to start off. I'm just going to move Eirika over here... And decide only to use Seth to take some hits whenever necessary. A bit of dialogue from our dear invader. The first soldier comes along. All seems well until... I get hit twice and get left with 2 health. But fear not! For we have reinforcements!!! Wait... Is that a skeleton and a.... a dancer? No... Don't tell me... Gilliam?... Sigh... well I guess to start, we're going to have to rescue Eirika with Seth to save her life. We'll have Franz the Bone go and kill this soldier over here. I have to admit... Gilliam is actually pretty... amazing. I'll use Franz's extra turn to move to the fort and heal up. Meanwhile, a soldier moves in to get a look at Gilliam's body. The soldier moves in to attack and falls head over heels over Gilliam's beauty. I'll dump Eirika over at the corner. And have Franz attack Mr. Soldier. Franz, spits in his face LOL disrespect! And the soldier is just too enraged to land a hit. I'll refresh Franz with Gilliam and strike again. Another soldier moves in to attack Franz. Thank goodness for forts. Eirika, use heaaaaaaaal! Double kill. And a... mediocre level up. And things start to get a little shaky. Let's have Franz pick a fight, and move Gilliam to the forests. The enemy reinforcements move up toward Franz and Gilliam. But what of the soldier that is already there? They say he fell head over heels over a manly man and was never seen again. At this point I'm a bit worried for Eirika, so let's move her up as much as she can and use another vulnerary. And also move Seth up above her to get at least one less hit on Eirika. This GiliamxFranz combo... just too good. Two soldiers strike at Seth, and the reinforcements move up in front of Dancing Bones. Let's get Gilliam to run into the forests so that she he doesn't get hit. Eirika pokes at the soldier, and... LLLLLEVVEEL UPPPP. I guess HP and Def is what you need, but... really? Seth's attackers change their target to Eirika. But Eirika strikes back! The usual. Franz: "You dare touch me? HYAAAAA~" Franz actually gets a crit here, but I couldn't get a picture of it. Darn. Now that I look at it, the missing animation for Franz makes it look like he just got pulverized by that axe... Finish him, Eirika! Finish him, Franz! The poor soldier keeps trying to hit Gilliam and fails... Oh well, time to hit him with Bones! Now that all the small fry has been dealt with, all we have left is this dude! I stationed Eirika at the forts for a few turns to get her to full. Attack with Eirika... Refresh with Gilliam... and take a step back! You are of no match against pink armor. YES! THE LEVEL UP WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. DUDE THIS LEVEL UP IS SO GREAT IT BELONGS TO BE PRINTED OUT AND PUT ON THE FRIDGE! At least you have a better weapon level... And it seems that we are finished with Chapter 1 of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones!
  13. I'm a bit anxious to start this, so looks like Eirika is going to be the mighty knight! [spoiler="Prologue: The Fall of Renais] Hm... So looks like to begin with, we get Seth, the MANLY FALCOKNIGHT~ Taking a look at Eirika over here. I changed the weapon name and icon and type for the rapier to make it into the ultimate WING SPEARR (Basically the lance equivalent of a rapier). Aaand here's a look at Seth! Seriously, with these stats he's going to dominate all the weaklings of the first few chapters... I'll use his strength sparingly to help the other peeps. So for starters, I'm going to move Eirika a few spaces to the right. She's a knight, so she should be able to tank up a few hits from those fighters despite their use of axes. Hm.. Taking about 6 hits of damage. WELL, it's our turn to go strike the little wimp here! Wait what a crit? Ah, well that's to be expected considering our natural skill. Hm... A risky move here. If I attack, the soldier is going to have about 2 health... as for me, I'll be left with a measly 4 health. BUT. I BELIEVE IN THE RN IN THIS GAME (not really) BUT LETS GO ATTACK! Crazy swinging action from our Eirika. And BAM. Almost as if he were never there. The remaining soldier gets obliterated by our holy strike of blue light. But seriously, three crits in a row? Indeed, dear Seth. Let's take a few steps forward and use a vulnerary to heal up a bit in preperation. What a cocky little- ... It might be a little hard to see, but here's what happened. I poked O'Neill to inflict 7 damage to him. Little did I know, he had quite a bit of speed and struck twice. Left with 2 health, the poor Eirika runs back crying to her guardian, Seth. And here we have the ultimate match up. JUST LOOK AT THAT DAMAGE. ...Yeah... I'll be completely honest. I was hoping Seth would do a little less damage so that I could have Eirika go and get the last hit. WELL, guess Eirika isn't leveling up this time... Hah! That'll teach you to be cocky in front of Seth, the ALMIGHTY MANLY FALCOKNIGHT! And so we end the prologue of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. Stay tuned for the next chapter! [spoiler=Spoilers for the characters of Chapter 1] Ohoho, seems like we're going to have a bit of evil going on next chapter~
  14. Hey guys, this is going to be the start of a new LP of Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. In this LP, I will be assisted by the wonderful website, random.org, to randomly class the various characters in this game. I will be randomizing the classes of the characters as I go on, meaning that I will not be able to see which characters have which classes and thus abuse stat growth rates and etc. However, I will have you people help me with the beginnings. What class would you like to see Eirika as? Remember that I will be changing the rapier weapon to match whatever weapon type is applicable for any class, so no need to worry about that! The monster classes are included, so if you would like to see Eirika as a floating eyeball, feel free to suggest that as well. Current Progress: Prologue: The Fall of Renais Chapter 1: Escape!
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