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Everything posted by Icarusu

  1. Local dango man stabs everyone

  2. When these trap members start using pictures from the same game i start to notice theres a new bullshit happening

  3. They don't forget its to make you buy their version of the game
  4. The plot does have an sense, its just like really hard to understand whats going on, i know i discovered it whole like 2 years ago but by now i forgot most of it, but i still know what the characters have to do in the 3rd upcoming game Theres still stuff thats going only get explained in that game, like about the keyblade war and etc which we know almost 0, the game really has alot to answer but as i said, studying it closely can aleadry get you alot of content, the game is just like really hard on explaining I don't know if you simply not understanding anything or if you aleadry know some stuff like for example : the base story,objective of the characters,the whole organization 13 lore, who terra has become or etc so i cant quite give you a good answer
  5. Eh i would just say to put something like MyBoy or Snes9x on android but since it don't work..
  6. Toon link is overrated i think his pictures may take over the internet someday.. But the real thing is here oh man if this was in main post everyone would see it (do it op peopleneedknowthetruth) Basically its oot/MM link from all his experience and skills, the mm's transformations masks and specially because he taught twilight link all skills he knows after his death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n5zZDsUffs
  7. When you actually tough someone cared, they were just lurking to take your signature down

  8. You stalked my profile awhile ago and didn't get my birthday >was actually to take my signature down Nvm then keep me out of your games
  9. That time when mods and their friends start to stalk you for no reason..

  10. last post ignored JOJO POST -- Anyways here http://i.imgur.com/n9ciXbX.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/l5U19fF.jpg same person around from neck/shoulders to head, whatever you prefer hey i can request again later? notice me too if you gonna show us a tutorial sometime
  11. I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i forgot what eugenic means, not type of person that know what dark words mean means but i know theres disgaea series for any playstation platform or nintendo ds and whatever it is you mean it probably has in it.. , if not you can try any other nippon ichi strategy game, cause they all have similar gameplay but still strategy, with different factors GUYS GUYS AFTER ASKING 3 PEOPLE I"M SURE DISGAEA HAS WHAT HE MEANS Anyways try it it's very good I actually know this because nowdays all people know is tits and waifus they don't know good abit old rpgs where you couldn't marry a hot elf waifu
  12. Haha i wasn't asking for you to do a signature with him, but thanks anyways, i'll pick the picture i actually wanted, thanks for telling me
  13. Yeah i meant dq v, also teach me how you did that signature changing everytime thing, it looks interesting too.
  14. Ah, V's first protagonist, i been playing this game i like how it was a good history maybe you could give me/us a tutorial of how you do those badges?
  15. Oh, can i reserve a request slot? i want one but right now i just don't have time to pick the picture, just in case by later when i'm free this thread don't overload the requests and i end up being the last? I also noticed your dq signature, pretty cool :)
  16. Yeah you don't unlock badges it's just a normal forums
  17. I stopped playing ds wild world for such a long time, perhaps almost 2 years and when i came back it was like just weed, i remember i removed every single weed one by one and i soon got everyone's respect again by just doing that, and it soon stopped looking caotic at the same time about new leaf i been not playing it too, but if i do again i'll probably go back in time before starting it, exiting,going foward, and again and again until today so i don't live in a chaos I would probably never reset something it's too painful.
  18. I been asking people i know and i easily found people that share birthday with characters i know, like i aleadry seen guile,yazawa nico,yui hirasawa,mikasa,virtua fighter's akira,kaneda,kaworu nagisa, seven from type 0,etc. Mine is not much interesting but i have some nice looking people, including 1 loli idol and 3 senran characters It's mostly interesting how i have gaara, kanji tatsumi and the protagonist from persona trinity soul
  19. Screw this del croc dude i just banned him from my village after he mocked my house right when i began the game
  20. I don't know if anyone posted this (don't bully me) but i found out this website and you can check out if you share birthday with a game or a anime/manga character. http://schara.sunrockgo.com/day/index.html You can select the day out of the months here, it begins saying the name of the month above the calendar, except for the first one, january. Series/Game name is on the left and character name is on the right, once you go onto the page mine is http://schara.sunrockgo.com/day/january/1_19.html you can basically copy the link of the birthday page you got and show off to your friends, or here. Share your results here too if you want, it might be fun
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