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Posts posted by Bananas

  1. I'm not arguing that Heather>Sothe. That's preposterous. I'm arguing that Heather is still pretty useful as a unit and not given enough credit.

    I agree with you; Heather is underrated.

    I think Heather's starting stats can cause many people to form an instant opinion that she's crap and isn't worth the trouble without giving her a go. If people were focusing a lot on Sothe in Part 1 and he were at the same level or higher, he'd be surpassing her in most stats by now. Heather's speed is great, but her low strength and defense can ruin her. Of course, there's also the fact that Sothe is a forced unit so you might as well bump him up so he won't be completely useless in endgame.

    Still, Sothe can't be everywhere at once, so if people want to steal things they're stuck with Heather :P

  2. I'm guessing they just wanted new tracks. The only music that returned from PoR are some of the character themes and the recruitment theme really.

    Most of the character themes have been redone, though. They still sound more or less the same (The BK's theme for example) but you can tell that it's not. And then there's Elincia's theme which is quite different but still has that same melody in it. I think it's the same for the recruitment theme and maybe even the class change music.

  3. That would go the same for the rest of the series, wouldn't it?

    Ike was born in Gallia while Greil was running away from Daien (or something to that extent. I haven't played Radiant Dawn.) but if he were documented, his full name would be Isaac "Ike" Gawain, right?

    I don't think so, Ike isn't necessarily an abbreviation of Isaac, and, Gawain was Greil's first name before he went into hiding so Ike probably wouldn't have gotten it as a surname.

  4. I think the enemy is programed to attack the weakest unit in range.

    They're silly enough to go for the BK most of the time.

    I let them pile up in front of him then have Micaiah attack from behind. Normally the ranged attackers go for the BK but sometimes they go for Micaiah, which is when she gets killed. She gets doubled by everyone and isn't strong enough to OHKO them. If I have the BK kill the enemies with ranged attacks the next turn everyone will attack him and he'll kill them all. Sorry, Micaiah, no EXP for you.

  5. Try moving Ike into the BK's ranged attack squares during the last turn. The BK will come and attack him from a distance and can't activate Eclipse to eat Ike with. Unless you're really unlucky and he criticals or something (which might not be a problem for some people. I can't remember how much damage the BK usually does, and part of it depends on your Ike) it'll work fine.

  6. I went into EB Games today for a browse and was looking around at the DS games when I saw boxes for Shadow Dragon. I got all excited and was like "HELL YEAH!" and grabbed one, then I realized they were under the "COMING SOON" section. There was nothing about when it's actually going to be released because it had a "TBA" sticker on the box, but, I'm assuming it'll come out sooner or later seeing as everywhere else will have it by the end of next month. This is the first time I've actually seen anything on it here, I've been asking everywhere about it and nobody seems to know anything, so this is great news.

    I suppose if you want to know more just go down to an EB store and ask the people behind the counter. Maybe they'll know something more.

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