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Divine Tactician

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Everything posted by Divine Tactician

  1. We all know who Lucina really wanted to be her mother...Emmeryn. It's the real reason she went back in time; she helped prevent the assassination in hopes that Chrom would realize his true love for Emmeryn. Things went haywire when she got killed anyway and so Lucina had to settle for someone else. ( "No! No... I'm too late... " too late to make Emm her mother, I see what you're doing Lucina) Plus whose face was it that was all over the dress she wanted for her mother? Emmeryn. Incest for the Wincest Forgive me I've had too much sugar already, just ignore me, pls
  2. Hurt Chrom x 2 MaMu 12 Chrom 6 Vaike 8 Frederick 10 Stahl 11 Virion 11 Gaius 11 Lon'qu 11 Ricken 10 Kellam 9 Donnel 10 Gregor 10 Libra 11 Henry 10 Owain 10 Inigo 11 Gerome 10 Laurent 11 Yarne 10 MaMorgan 11 Brady 10 Basilio 10 Yen'fay 10 Gangrel 10 Walhart 10 Priam 10 Validar 5
  3. Frederick, because it's Frederick. I considered Priam, but Freddy wins out. Also none of her other pairings appeal to me. And Brady for Morgan. I love BradyxMorgan.
  4. Have to go with Lon'qu. Just Lon'qu. I don't really find Gaius that attractive, I mean he is good-looking, but he's probably one of the least attractive of the cast imo. Inigo is Good Looking, but I'm not overly fond of his hair if he got Olivia's default pink i'd have chose him in a heartbeat. Lon'qu is (imo) the most attractive overall, out of the three (wish i had seen this when it first started, 'cause Freddy-Bear is my #1), I love his looks, his personality has grown on me a lot, and his voice. So yeah, has to be Lon'qu.
  5. Mine would be a simple "PILLOW FIGHT!" My imagination has failed me today.
  6. For me it has to be Sumia in all. I have nothing against Cordelia, I find them both to be highly capable units and I always have Either a Hero!Cordelia or FK!Cordelia and a DF!Sumia in my team. I picked Sumia for personality because I find her to be extremely endearing, and I feel that I can identify with her more. Also, even though she has a Crush on Chrom it doesn't pop up, like pratically everywhere in her supports, like Cordelia's does, which gets annoying after a while. I mean I can understand unrequited love and all, I've been there myself, but come on. In terms of Gameplay, I picked Sumia again, because, as others have pointed out, she does have a few chapters on Cordelia, and with potential for risen skirmishes in between too, Sumia is generally miles ahead of Cordelia by the time I get her. However, as I said earlier they are both capable units, and I enjoy using both. Though using Cordelia and Sumia with an A support, and both Galeforced makes for one hell of a Dynamic Duo. At least for me.
  7. On my first Playthrough FeMU (Léna) married Yarne, because I was kinda bad at the game, and Yarne was the only eligible bachelor left alive (I had 6 Marriages in total on the run, the others being; Chrom/Sumia, Lon'qu/Panne, Libra/Tharja, Gregor/Nowi and Morgan/Cynthia.) and I actually ended up loving the supports, plus that confession scene is adorable. Second Playthrough MaMU (Oshwa) married Cherche. I was originally intending for his wife to be Tiki (because I fell in love with her), but on Chapter 12, Oshwa and Cherche just stood next to each other (Him with Armourslayer, her with Hammer) and they tore the enemy to shreds, and so they became my duo of destuction. Plus I fell in love with Gerome/Morgan as siblings, and Pink haired Morgan is adorable. (Also my Morgan/Oshwa combo against Grima felt good for me. GriffonRider!Morgan flies Hero!Oshwa up (2 turns to reach Grima), And kills on first battle with Brave Sword (3 Strikes)) Third Playthrough FeMU (Gaia) married Chrom, mainly because I wanted to see what Frederick!Cynthia was like, but I also wanted to see how it affected the storyline of the game too. Whilst I enjoyed it, not my favourite pairing for either Character, but not my least favourite either. Fourth (Current) Playthrough MaMU (Robin) will marry Tiki. This is my favourite pairings file, based upon supports/personalities. I haven't recruited Tiki yet, but I'm close (1 Chapter away from unlocking her Paralogue), but I have all my other First Gen Parents married, and soon hopefully the children too. My reasons for picking Tiki, is that I love her support with the Avatar, and she's my Fav Female Fire Emblem Character.
  8. Hey guys, I'm Divine Tactician though you can call me Josh and I've been lurking on the Forums for a few weeks now, and so I figured it's time to join. I only started actually playing Fire Emblem this year (it was my boss that got me into it), and I've played 3 of them so far (Awakening, Sacred Stones, Blazing Sword). Awakening is my favourite game, though Eirika is my favourite lord. And that's all I can think of to say right now, so... Hi :)
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