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Posts posted by Luchi

  1. I'm throwing in the towel. I can't endure this atrocity in poor video game design anymore. When a game becomes a chore to play or when they player forces themselves to continue (against their will) for some form of reward, it has failed. Utterly and completely. I haven't even been able to do the things I like in FE:H (GHBs, training new units) anymore because I've been using every last drop of my stamina to keep crawling towards 50K. Alas, it was not to be.

    IS really need to fix the scoring system if they want it to appeal to a wider audience.

    Final score was just over 34K. At least I got 5* Masked Luci.

  2. So close to getting burnt out. But I have to press on...

    Current score: 33053 ( Day 9 )

    Day 1          3600    June 8       [Done]
    Day 2          7200    June 9       [Done]
    Day 3         10800    June 10    [Done]
    Day 4         14400    June 11    [Done]
    Day 5         18000    June 12    [Done]
    Day 6         21600    June 13    [Done]
    Day 7         25200    June 14    [Done]
    Day 8         28800    June 15    [Done]
    Day 9         32400    June 16    [Done]    
    Day 10       36000    June 17    
    Day 11       39600    June 18
    Day 12       43200    June 19
    Day 13       46800    June 20
    Day 14       50400    June 21    [Quickened Pulse Reward]

    I have the entire day to gain the 2947 points needed to meet my next benchmark.

  3. I'm at 26K now and these Trials are starting to get real tedious now. >< If it wasn't for Reinhardt, Azura, Hector and various other powerful members of my team, I would have caved in long ago. But the lure of that Pulse seal is just too great.

  4. 18K milestone reached. Next target: 21600.

    While it may be brutal, remember that those of us who are even attempting this are still better than the ones who haven't bothered at all. Or gave up before it even began.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Lyrai said:

    And here I am still at 15k now. I'm taking it as quick as I can, but not to the point of spending too much time on the game. I did suffered some fails here and there as well. Got wiped to a full triangle team + colorless in the last map. The Tempest is as brutal as I imagined. :(

    I'm sitting at 15-16K now myself, but if you can hit 18K for today, you'll still be on target to get that lovely Quickened Pulse seal. ^^ And yes, these Trials make Arena and 10th stratum look easy. My head felt like a wrung sponge yesterday because of all the grinding.

  6. I'm sitting at nearly 170 orbs and haven't pulled since Hero Fest. I'm waiting, like a couple of people here, for Elincia and her retainers. And she'd better come with all three of them: Red Sword Lucia, Blue Lance Geoffrey and Green Tome Bastian ( and he'd better be voiced by Taylor Henry aka Virion's VA in Heroes >:) ).

  7. This will probably get lost among the mass of replies, but it's a handy breakdown of those of us who are only aiming after the Quickened Pulse Reward. You need to be scoring at least 3600 points per day. Fall behind and well... better get grinding. >:D I'm on 11.9K now, so I should be safe. For now. This event really puts the grind in grinding.

    Day 1      3600      June 8    
    Day 2      7200      June 9    
    Day 3      10800    June 10    
    Day 4      14400    June 11
    Day 5      18000    June 12
    Day 6      21600    June 13    [Breath of Life 1 Reward]
    Day 7      25200    June 14
    Day 8      28000    June 15
    Day 9      32400    June 16    [5* Masked Marth Reward]    
    Day 10    36000    June 17    
    Day 11    39600    June 18
    Day 12    43200    June 19
    Day 13    46800    June 20
    Day 14    50400    June 21    [Quickened Pulse Reward]


  8. My current teams are working quite well for me so far. I'm scoring an average of 336 per run doing the highest difficulty (since I surrender on Map 7 but ensure the last team has the bonus Hero). Very close to getting 4* Masked Luci.

    Team 1:

    5* Lvl 40 Catria:      Killer Lance+, Luna, Armoured Blow 3, Seal Attack 3
    5* Lvl 40 Roy:         Binding Blade, Dragon Fang, Shove, Triangle Adept 3, Seal Def 3
    5* Lvl 40+1 Hector: Armads, Ignis, Pivot, Distant Counter, Vantage 3, Spur Atk 2
    4* Lvl 40+1 Lissa:   Pain, Kindled-Fire Balm, Rehabilitate, Renewal 3, Spur Atk 3

    Team 2:

    5* Lvl 40 Lucina:       Falchion, Luna, Swap, Defiant Spd 3, Desperation 3, Spur Atk 3
    5* Lvl 40 Ryoma:      Rajinto, Astra, Draw Back, Defiant Atk 3, Vantage 3, Hone Spd 3, HP +3 Seal
    5* Lvl 40 Reinhardt:  Dire Thunder, Luna, Swap, Death Blow 3, Vantage 3, Threaten Res 3, Atk +1 Seal
    5* Lvl 26 Elise:  Healer with Recover and Kindled Fire Balm

  9. Passed 3K now. I'm only doing the Hard maps because Lunatic is beyond brutal. >< Eventually, I'll run out of orbs and be forced to dip into my 150+ orbs. ;_; Which I am saving for my two favourite FE girls.

  10. 822 points so far... This is going to be a slog. The Lunatic maps are beyond brutal. Maybe I should grind on Hard and see how my points fare. >< Still, 20 Stamina for 5-ish fights is nothing to scoff at.

  11. Like Azzuhorr, my favourite character has got to be Lucia ( we met due to our mutual love for her xD ). 

    Calm, wise, highly intelligent and fiercely loyal to Elincia, her grace as well as her beauty just never ceases to amaze me. It's never shown, but she's most likely a hidden badass (as seen in Part II of Radiant Dawn) where she stares death in the face; a noose around her neck, battered and beaten, without a shred of fear in her eyes. Or the fact that she refused to reveal the whereabouts of her Queen even under the threat of torture (which explains her horribly low growth rates in FE10, they were laguz-like amazing in FE9).
    Or those amazing line of hers: "People of Crimea! Behold a true queen! YOUR queen! Long live Queen Elincia!" Or  her "Are you ready to fight?! Are you ready to die?!" line during Chapter 23 of Path of Radiance. Those lines alone highlight her courage, strength and tireless devotion to Elincia's cause, and as a whole, Crimea's too. She doesn't need a convoluted character arc to explain the kind of person she is.

    Unfortunately, she's stuck in a game with a mediocre protagonist (see FE9/FE10) and would have had so much more time to shine had Elincia been the main character in PoR.

    While I am saddened by the fact that one-note characters like Mia and Ilyana are considerably more popular and feel that Lucia is one of the most under-rated blue-haired characters in the franchise, I do take pleasure in the fact that while poor stats can be fixed through hacks, a strong personality and character-design can not ( I often hack RD to give Lucia great bases to fix her horrid availability and give her her FE9 growths to boot xD ).

    Elincia, of course, is my 2nd favourite FE character.

  12. Oh, I do have Nino and Tharja, but both of them have bad natures. >< So I'll probably have to pull a +ATK or +SPD version of them before I consider investing my feathers. Eirika, Sharena (who I still need to get to Lvl 40 before I 5* her), Tharja and Nino are best buds, after all. My core works quite well atm, but having more options is always nice.

  13. All right, I  have 68K feathers and I have no idea who to promote...

    Lvl 40 M!Robin:   +ATK/-DEF
    Lvl 37 Eirika:       +ATK/-RES
    Lvl 28 Cordelia:  +ATK/-RES
    Lvl 34 Nowi:       +ATK/-DEF
    Lvl 32 Fae:        +ATK/-SPD


    Guess, I'm the +ATK queen. >:)

    My main core is Ryoma (+DEF/-HP), Hector (+DEF/-ATK) and Rein (+ATK/-SPD).

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