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Everything posted by InvdrZim13

  1. Owen is still a WIP Fog: Check Aesthetic only rain: Also check
  2. Adjustments have been made to the story for some chapters but nothing too major. So just refining yeah. There's almost certainly going to be a lot of weirdness in this release in some form or another.
  3. SoA's 4th birthday passed by and I completely forgot. Fuck, we're old. Sorry there hasn't been a release yet this year, the transition to XNA has been a bit rockier than expected, on top of our personal lives keeping us busier than we'd like. Our current goal is to have Act 1 complete in some capacity for FEE3, whether or not things like palettes will be done remains to be seen, but the gameplay and story at minimum are intended to be ready to go by that time.
  4. All generics look like that, so it's just the design for everyone. At some point we're going to make the portraits taller, but we're not worrying about it for now.
  5. If you have a strong desire to recruit them instead of kill them we've done our job well.
  6. Guess I should make a new discord link then huh. Nah, we're just busy with real life stuff which is slowing down work a fair amount. Discord link: https://discord.gg/PSkx2uv
  7. And now that the forums finally work again, some in progress dialogue screenshots Still no concrete release since we're still working on things and waiting for some features to be implemented, but progress is finally picking up steam.
  8. Writing is starting to be converted and tested but before I post any of that have another title screen (logo pending)
  9. You ever just start organizing what needs doing in a spreadsheet and suddenly start wishing for death? Also replaced the old knight anims with the SALVAGED knight
  10. It was released yesterday, you can find the thread on FEUniverse. We ported it to FEXNA ourselves.
  11. That's the end of the current release, so that's normal.
  12. No idea when it's going public, but by all accounts FEXP is a dumpster fire that isn't supported anymore so you'd be better off ROMhacking.
  13. Nephalim Walls break now so that's one more missing feature added.
  14. Some more spicy generics while work slowly gets moving again
  15. Unfortunately you'll have to keep waiting, we're just starting to get back into the swing of things and have a lot of work left to do. Maybe if it was closer to being ready, but nah. There's a lot to be done.
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