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Posts posted by scigeek101

  1. 38 minutes ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:


    Genealogy and Thracia 776 have quite strong plots and world-building to their names, though. I'd say better than some of the games that followed, like Sacred Stones and Awakening.

    Anyone, I'm not super-bothered by Awakening's plot. It's more so that the gameplay heavily favors grinding and low-manning, is completely unbalanced in terms of pair-up, and leaves a lot of battle factors (skill activations, dual guard) up to chance.

    Definitely, I'm just saying that there's just less text in Awakening in General. Gives them less time to focus on world building. 


    Awakening chose to focus most of it's writing on supports I think. The main plot feels very basic like a bad shonen plot. Compare to say Shadow Dragon which is also quite concise but I felt managed to have a more satisfying story overall although they don't develop many of the supporting characters much. 


    At the end of the day I enjoyed Awakening in a lot of ways. It's really fun to customize your army and build them how you want. But it's definitely lacking a lot of what made me love the Tellius games. 

    I'm much more likely to replay Awakening than the Tellius games though. The lack of story with freedom to approach the game from a bunch of different angles definitely makes it interesting to replay. Your criticisms are spot on though I also dislike how pair up doesn't really mesh well with normal fire emblem mechanics and the RNG is annoying on the higher difficulties. 



  2. 4 hours ago, Ottservia said:

    That’s not what I said though. I said you shouldn’t ignore the themes when you do criticize the story which is exactly what everyone does

    The issues isn't whether or not the themes or the plot is "good". As far as all video games go Awakening has a perfectly passable plot since most video games have barebones horrid plots that serve little beyond serving as justification for why your violence is OK besides the obvious answer of "it's a game that's the point"


    The issue is we went from the detailed and political soap opera from the telius games which have their own plot issues but have just so much more "plot" to awakening which went back to basically SNES levels of plot but with the feeling of a Saturday morning cartoon more than Fire Emblem. It's fine if you like that more but it's jarring to long time fans expecting one thing and getting something else. Which is the main reason why Awakening is disliked among some older fans. 


  3. I really like Shadow Dragon. I think it is one of the best Fire Emblem games overall. It's probably the most replayable. 


    The common criticisms of the game are valid, but I don't think they really matter in a game that gives you unlimited reclassing. 6 difficulties. And a smart interface with really quick gameplay. Other Fire Emblem games feel like they take forever sometimes but I can do a playthrough of Shadow Dragon in like a week and then do another one completely different than my first.

    Then again I'm one of those crazy people who liked the support system in Radiant Dawn as the pinnacle of the fire emblem support system. I can support anyone with anyone? Yes please. No support conversations? Who cares? More time to polish up the main script and have dialogue important to the (admittingly weak) plot. 

    I really don't like the GBA support systems. Anything that requires me to have units stand next to each other to gain the support levels detracts from my tactical plan for the maps. Tellius was far superior in this regard. 

    Awakening support growth was OK I guess since pair up was going to be used anyway so.......

    Fates pair up was greatly improved from a tactical standpoint thankfully but I feel like it's actually worse than Awakening in practice because the game is somehow less fun? It's weird. I really want to like fates because on paper it's amazing but something about the whole game just feels off. 

    I really hate a lot about Awakening and I think it's one of the worst games in the series but I probably put more time into it than any other Fire Emblem game just because despite being a really bad Fire Emblem. It's a pretty fun game to again, go through quickly and try different units and classes. Three houses would top it for me in the fun factor easily if it weren't for all the tedious monestaty stuff. I wish they'd have done the zoomed out quick interface more like my castle there. Or even the menu conversations. The monestary is fun to wander around at first but for an aspect of the game that I've seen get much praise from the mainstream it really felt underwhelming to me. I was expecting something more like Animal Crossing X Fire Emblem which I think strangely enough I could get into. 





  4. Hmm what's the criteria for comparing difficulty. 


    If it's ability to see the ending sure. Three houses is pretty much the easiest one because of all the options it throws you for character building and divine pulse for turn rewind and casual mode and all that. 


    In terms of like hardest difficulty? Well maddening is hard but I don't think it's quite on the same level of some of the previous games insane lunatic options or stuff like reverse lunatic so it's definitely on the easier end there. But it's still a good deal harder than the early games where we had one difficulty option and that's that. Or games like Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance where Hard mode is closer to normal mode and easy mode is really easy. 

    So idk. I guess overall it's definitely one of the easier games. But I felt like that's mostly because of the tools the game gives you. More freedom makes it a lot easier to break. I think Sacred Stones and and Path of Radiance are technically easier games but they feel a bit harder I guess because you don't have the divine pulse or casual mode options. 

    Three Houses I've not played on Normal so I don't really know what it's like there. Hard mode felt pretty good to me. Not so easy it's brain dead but not so hard either. If it weren't for divine pulse though some of the bosses would have been really annoying especially since you don't really get replacement units in 3 houses so much so losing your units isn't something you could live with as easily in the old games. 

    Is it possible to screw yourself out of the ending in Three Houses classic mode? Nemesis was pretty tough I can imagine getting stuck there if I played really badly up to that point and had no units left. I don't think it would have been so easy if I approached it the way I approached my first ever FE playthrough by letting all my units die and not caring about recruiting certain characters until I got about halfway through and figured out that my replacements were getting a bit weak to hold their own. 




  5. On 1/4/2021 at 1:02 AM, Acacia Sgt said:

    I'm pretty sure Dolhr and Pyrathi ceased to be and their lands simply got annexed by default.

    Pyrathi Marth came in and killed their king as he passed through. I figure the region is so unimportant it's not mentioned at all in FE3 or FE12 I don't think. My guess is it would just get annexed by Akenia. 

    Dolhr is it even a kingdom in the traditional sense? In game it seems to basically just be dragon land. Are there any humans living there who weren't just slaves? I figure it just became abandoned wild lands mostly. In Awakening it seems to mostly just be a desert. Maybe it got scorched during the "schism" or whatever it was that split Star Lord Marths Divine empire. 


    I'm still of the mind that the events of FE3 and FE12 are propaganda written by Marth's regime after he conquered the world. The plots of those have always rubbed me the wrong way. .


  6. So I was on chapter 15, and decided to warp Marth over to Garnef to see what happens. (Spoilers it does not end well for Marth)


    But anyway on the title screen I let it run and the class roll was in Japanese for some reason. 

    Odd. Reset the game and it was still in Japanese, very odd. 

    Reloaded my bookmark that was saved on chapter 14 and then reset the game, back to normal, strange. 

    I tested it again by starting a new game, reset, and it went back to normal, then I reloaded the chapter 15 save, reset, back to Japanese. 

    Anyone else encounter this? I don't know if the reason is something unique to my chapter 15 save, or maybe it happens to everyone on this chapter? 

    Janky translation patch issues are of course not unheard of but it's a bit shoddy for the official release for something like this to stay in, wondering if anyone else can reproduce it? 

    Video of glitch follows. 



  7. I think it's mostly criticism in comparison to the awesome GBA animations. 

    Nothing tops the GBA battle animations really. That marks the last time they really tried 2d unfortunately. And personally I think it was the only time that the battle animations were particularly good vs being just perfectly serviceable for what they are. 

    I don't think any of the games had really bad battle animations. But once they started to go 3d you could tell they were out of their element. They've gotten slightly better with each game though so that's good. 

    I think most of the criticism of the DS games comes from trying to recreate the 3d style in 2d rather than going with the superior sprite work. The DS graphics aren't bad per say, but they are lame in comparison. 

    Personally I wish they had stuck with sprites for all of them. But now we probably won't be seeing sprites again. I think for a future game they could totally do hand drawn hires battle animations though. I'd love to see the GBA style come back without having to pixilate it. Or maybe the charm would be lost like the FFVI remake? Guess it depends on the art director. 


  8. To me Tellius story is the highlight of Fire emblem storytelling. The main draw are the characters of course but the stories are at least decent or even good.

    I think the great strength of Tellius is its worldbuilding. Goldoa and the birds aside we learn more about the nations of Tellius then any other Fire emblem. We know their cultures, their outlook, their politics and a decent amount of locations. And the countries actually do behave like countries. So far Tellius is the most detailed continent by far.

    Path of radiance was very traditional and didn't really make any mistake in its plot. It wasn't original but it was competent and had a believable escalation of events, an interesting cast of characters and good villains. To me that's a successful plot.

    Radiant dawn got to big for its bridges at times though I find it easier to respect then to dislike something that falls short thanks to bigger ambitions. They had some pretty nice, hateable villains though.

    Part one was an interesting, if not mind blowing resistance plot.

    Part two was actually a pretty impressive, if self contained piece of political drama. Story wise I actually like the second part the best.

    Part three got into trouble thanks to its ambition. They wanted an epic world war and two opposing playable factions but the blood pact required to make that happen wasn't exactly ideal.

    I never really liked part four. On the whole I tend to dislike the whole ''Chaos=good, order=bad'' kind of stories.

    So overall I'm quite fond of the Tellius story though there is one thing that never sat well with it. The whole theme of the story is that the two races are equal and should just understand each other, but that message is underminded by the plot supporting the Laguz to such an extend it would make even Hoshido blush.

    Every reason for the bad relation between the races can be traced back to the Beorc while the Laguz are their noble victims. There are no beorc lynching squads with the Laguz, no Laguz experimenting on humans, no evil Laguz noble, no Laguz warhawks and etcetera. The closet thing to a villainous Laguz is just blackmailed by a Beorc and the rare unpleasant Laguz like Lethe or that palace guards can be deemed fully justified when a whole continent ranging from Crimean townfolk, Daein soldiers and Begnion senators all want to eat baby Laguz for breakfast.

    When the message is one of tolerance its actually insincere when you spend so much time making one race just so much better then the other and if you base yourself on that message its a big weakness.

    I mostly agree with this.

    Tellius has the best story line in Fire Emblem overall, mostly because it does take a lot of time for world building and character development, even when the plot starts to get a bit bloated and stupid in the later parts of Radiant Dawn, they at least take a lot of time to explain the political situations between countries, so the conflict you are playing through has more context.

    I didn't like how in Awakening and Fates they spend minimal time on world building so you don't really have much context as to why there is a war going on. Even in Blazing Sword, which has one of the weakest main plot lines of any Fire Emblem, took enough time to world and character build that you didn't notice it as much.

  9. Well today went pretty badly. A bunch of reinforcements rode to my rescue, that's good. Seems like Siguardo has lots of friends who ride in rescue him from Gandalf despite their own kingdoms being on the brink of invasion. (Sure nothing bad will happen there, Thracia seems like a peaceful place where nothing bad ever happens, it's not like the sequel takes place there)

    Then bad stuff started happening. Alec died, and my mage died. I forgot battle saves were a thing so I need to start over.

    On a lighter note Gandalf lived up to his namesake by being all "you shall not pass" and destroying a bridge. Perhaps he and Lord Ring will team up later.

  10. That Mage I got seems pretty strong. Is rescuing a thing? Then I could carry slow units across the map.

    Also checking the options there was one for "enemy intelligence" what's that? Is it like a difficulty setting? I set it to "intelligent"

  11. I have wanted to get around to playing this for awhile now, I think now is the time. I know nothing about it other than the generation system and how highly recommend most fans make it out to be.

    No translation patch for me either. Got my cartridge I found at a recycle shop, and my dictionary.

    Prologue:Birth of the Holy Knights.

    Some kingdom called grandbell is sent their military force to fight barbarians from Isaac. Then Gandalf attacked and is about to capture a princess. It's up to Siguardo to save the day.

    Wow this map is huge! And it's the prologue!?!?!

  12. I liked it quite a bit. Felt a bit primitive compared to the remakes but overall I felt it was a very solid game.

    Biggest surprises for me was the 20 point stat caps across the board. Virtually everyone had hit caps in everything except defense and resistance.

    Star shards and star orb really make it easy to hit stat caps, stat items give huge bonuses.

    Dismounting is a fun mechanic and it would be nice to see a variation of it in the future.

    Arenas are death traps with random turn order.

    Overall ranking 7/10, the game itself is really solid and holds up today with the only problems being an outdated interface and somewhat slow enemy phases.

  13. As a neat aside, many fans aren't aware there are supports in FE3. Fei Wong from FESS found them out and was using their data for a fan hack at one point.

    Shame it and lots of other interesting stuff is just lost to the amnesiac internet.

    I specifically said supports in their "modern" form though. Fire Emblem 3 lets certain units give others a nice little bonus in combat, but it doesn't always work both ways and they are simply permanent bonuses between characters. They don't level up and there are no support conversations or anything.

    This game has a precursor to supports we see later but it's really not anything a first time player need worry about as you can't control them.

  14. He's talking about Fire Emblem 4, marriage or supports didn't really exist in their more modern forms yet in 3.

    It's possible to screw yourself in 3 by missing stuff but the game pretty much tells you "get this or you are screwed" so it shouldn't be a problem as long as you are careful.

  15. Tell that to Bravely Default. JP version had both English and Japanese text and voices on JP release. Yet wasn't.

    Actually not really.

    Bravely Default has two JP versions. The original version had no English.

    When they decided to localize it they made a bunch of improvements to the game like new difficulty options the ability to speed up battle graphical updates new scenarios etc, they released this improved version in Japan and it included the new localized text and voice options. But it came out within a month of the international release.

  16. I'm new to the older JP only Fire Emblems. I decided to start with 3, (The Famicom ones are just too archaic for me). I got used to no weapon triangle, weird growth rates and dismounting, but one thing that has been bothering me is the broken weapons. Can they be repaired or are they just an infinite use bad weapon? Should I clear them out of my convoy?

    I know in FE4 broken weapons could be repaired so I am a bit confused here, FE12 didn't have broken weapons.

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