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Everything posted by Junk

  1. well it probably had to do partly with me not having a stylus, and i have big hands so yeah
  2. hmmm well i have a new game that i have add that is even worse than fe 4, etrian oddesdy, could litreally only play 5 MINUTES of the game before deciding i did not like it, but i can defentely see how someone could like the game, my least favorite part was mapping
  3. on holidays where your parents go to work and your friends don't hang out do you become an otaku for a day
  4. i feel like an otaku today, glad i don't live in japan
  5. i really suck at fe, cannot even get past c5 of sacred stones
  6. how do people have patience in pokemon
  7. which is better for newcomers who have only played persona 3 and 4 as well as dds, cannot afford smt 4 so do not suggest that,
  8. hmhmhmh i wish there were multi battles over wi fi in black
  9. just wondeirng whats the point of multiple chat threaDS
  10. i am just wondering when the last to post thread will end, the only way if someone lockes the forum
  11. yeah considering when i go to bed at 1:00 or something i have no trouble waking up at 6:00
  12. jeeze for a day with no shcool i woke up at around the same time
  13. hmhmhmhmhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhh
  14. hello person that showed up 45 minutes ago?.. i dunno, but i can't stop listenig to i get around
  15. jeeze some people have courage on here to say things, it would be awkard for me
  16. hmm okay, well at least i don't think you are rey everytime you post as much anymore
  17. is that yukiko for your profile picutre
  18. oh i forgot phoenix wright did come out today oh well
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