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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I would if someone would like buy my plane tickets I'd go there myself but nooooo we're not rich and my mom has some irrational anger about ever going even hypothetically because she thinks its forest fires/earthquakes/mud slides/droughts every second 24/7 and I can't see her ever let me going alone because smothering mgfgmfbmg
  2. I'm okay!! early morning doctor appointments are the lamest but that was hours ago and I napped so and you?
  3. Sadbox is a box and not a rabbit, I think it will live because you have a prescence!
  4. :') something something quote about not knowing what you have until it leaves you etc.
  5. uh I think my schedule is completely booked by everything else like Pride some people yeah sorry sadlyf at least you're here!
  6. ok cool thought so THANKS it needs company
  7. what was life like before constant congestion I forgot
  8. ehh idk, I I've had my fair share of freenium games and it doesn't interest me enough/don't feel like wasting space for it even though I have plenty of blocks left bye o/
  9. You people and your shuffling of pocket monsters Virizion has best design of the group
  10. I'm stressin because my tablet battery is nearly drained and even though I have it plugged in and it says its charging it just keeps draining and I tried several chargers I THINK it might be the port because I've had to tweak around in the past to get it to work but I'm too scared to attempt working on it because knowing me all I ever do is break things further how will I play SIF now v_v
  11. charts yes look, I even made album art already! please look forward to it
  12. I WANNA GO stop baiting meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hot dogs are eh not my thing okay night ;_;
  13. YEAH you get me hey its not nice to call people gr-- wow why are you so gross
  14. I like lizards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not interested in owning any though oh wow thats so cool wow what kind of cornball hackneyed excuse of a motivational speech was that???????? u suck why are you referring to yourself as us why do you not make any sense gosh I guess you are ok and great even no not really
  15. Maka and Acacia know the best, clearly and Rei is a cool guy as always and picks both :( tell me im dying over here uhh can we negotiate somehow I only want to know for scientific reasons obviously
  16. Maka don't listen to that heathen cats are clearly the best just my luck but um ..what is it that you're doing right now that is the equivalent of normal, non-ruffian human means of affection??
  17. oh nooooooooo ohmygoooooooood what OH SO NOW you're saying you only like me as a source of entertainment ;_; have you even considered I may not look like it but I have feelings toooooooooooo you're like doing the reverse of cheering up and its NO FUN YEAH PREACH IT I like cats better
  18. what are you just reverting to be some sort of weird sarcastic yes-man????????? now you're just throwing words around!! ...omg why don't you like me my heart has had 2MUCH for one day ;_;
  19. what dude you are trying to decieve me aren't you!! you must think I'm feeble-minded and prone to manipulation!! well you are wroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong what kind of questions do I seriously wanna know or is this another ploy to make me suffer WHY ARE YOU BRINGING UP MY SNEEZING ohmygod
  20. That doesn't sound like a fun time what could it be that you are mocking me well whateverrrrrrr you'd best be part of said "adoring public"!!!!!! gmggggtrmgrmgrrrrrrrr
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