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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. what no I DO NOT wish to have intercourse with time thats nuts
  2. ...will eat an entire ass FUCK TIME YO I'll be able to feel like whatever age I am at the time eventually You are very welcomeeeeeeeeee
  3. I don't wanna get olderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr also TE that leftist foot comment is amazing and a great post
  4. YOOOOO its gr8 you're all here also good luck with your test thing Criz o/
  5. Yeah you're telling me man but its ok!!! nothing can keep me down I will rise back up just because Given the alarming rate of how much this happens I'd believe it I'm malfunctioning help
  6. Why does my mom gotta leave handbags on the floor sometimes my foot snagged on a handle of one and then I NEARLY TRIPPED though I caught myself but accidently jabbed my foot as usual with my other foot's toenail
  7. ..What wh-- -- wait no thats actually a pretty safe deal If all I have to do is look after buttman it will be very normal and daily life with no risk of falling into a bottomless pit or anything bad end like that win-win for me
  8. omg oh no that would be TERRIBLE ;_; I don't have the gumption for such things!!!!!!!!! Looks like they got another one go make a loghouse
  9. Oh fun so many endings man Gratitious food descriptions
  10. I have no idea, I just want my happy end man probably tragedy and comedy Of course you would :) oh god why
  11. If I was in a VN I'd probably just die all the time its dangerous out there
  12. Well I did try sleeping earlier and just laid around for 3 hours and I got boredddddddddd and restless ..I had no idea, this could be bad
  13. w-what'd I do its okay I can run off of willpower and whatever else works
  14. Nah, I plan on struggling through and just going to sleep earlier it sucks but I've done it beforeeeeee
  15. No Sask don't be saaaaaaaaad I'm just dumb and needed elaboration
  16. I don't comprehend I know that and am grateful!! That isn't going to stop me from caring, anyway I wanna helppppppppp fml Yesyes TE so kind ;w;
  17. ..Thats part of it, yeah :c I should probably attempt to fix my sleeping hours anyway Uwaaaaaaa
  18. NEVERMIND I CAN'T SLEEP GAH dammit o-oh THANKS shit omg I feel bad for laughing why do your allcaps posts entertain me so
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