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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. I used to never suffer from allergies but now I am congested for like the entire year... . its worse around this time too other than that I LOVE SPRING cold weather just makes me wanna curl up somewhere and never come out
  2. late but Luca and Emil are important they're both among my favorites ;_;
  3. I need either a Maribelle or Stahl badge added to the list, stat :'D It was okay!! And yours?
  4. Looks like Alicia already answered for me but yes HOPE THAT HELPS
  5. omg it sounds murderous you guys come up with the most interesting names GOOD aft-- well its actually evening here now but yes o/
  6. why not both!! huh wha Jenniiiiiiiiiii your cheering is embarassing but also endearing w ow oiiii Aya s'been awhile, yes? WELL UH and holy cheeseballs that ohmy looks hard to contain
  7. THEY'RE JUST PRETENDING TO BE SIBLINGS IN A NONWEIRD WAY NANNNNANAAAAAAAANANANANANANANA I can't hear you wh what are you rating how big :') its okay I understand I'm just too easy to agitate even in jest and I am in hammode I still like you
  8. Makaride will never be a thing. because I get all flutter-y inside like some sort of infatuated giggly teenager who doesn't know any better ;_;
  9. I think that only makes things more difficult, sometimes ;_; I'LL FIGURE OUT something eventually
  10. I CAN'T SLEEP EVER I give up happy birthday Shirley
  11. I-I didn't even bother with the stray fairies, looked like too much work and I was stuck even with a guide, either it didn't explain it properly or I have poor reading comprehension, maybe a bit of both though all I remember it saying was something along the lines of "freeze the cogs with the proper timing to cross them" ???? but wheeeeeeeeeeeeen Oh wait Youtube exists now, that could help lots there if some day I ever decide to try again hooray for outside help \o/ Excellent Whats got you confused Sask
  12. Everytime I hear about the great bay temple all I can think about was years ago how close to the boss I was but got stuck on this stupid freezing cog puzzle and wasted all three days trying to solve it even with time slowed down and then ran out of time and this is why I prefer OoT even if its less engaging storywise or as refined I am just TOO TERRIBLE at games that constantly have you on a time limit and stress you out even if that is the intended purpose granted I was like 11 then I might do better now but that experience left me so done I refuse to risk exasperating myself again shallow reasoning I know, I just wish I coulda lasted long enough to make it to the stone tower temple because that bgm GODDAMN it is so good and it looks interesting as a place too I had to get my brother to help me on a lot of the sidequest related stuff too lmao (ノ ´∀`)ノ GOOD Glad to hear theres some good news and progress, even just a bit hope it all works out man
  13. hooray why doesn't he assist me in something not winning related instead I'd rather Rei Rei go first so
  14. whats this about a vegetable winning huh
  15. :( its ok maybe have it iced??? or whatever feels comfortable sounds rough HANG IN THERE ok???? good
  16. 1. What is something you would want humankind to have the ability and technology to explore more of? (eg. deeper into the ocean, further distances in space, etc.) 2. Where do you wanna go shopping at the moment? 3. What was the last thing you were inspired by? 4. Favorite method of transportation? 5. Read any good books lately?
  17. woah neat weeeeeeeeeell I will take your word for it
  18. Are we measuring units of time in pregnancies now
  19. sounds nice, hope you enjoy it \o/ and lol how profound and deep sounding, but yes it works I aaaaam alright, and you?
  20. That'd be great if possible, wouldn't it imagine if we could organize an event and all the money we could leech offa people Yep and APPARENTLY, how goes over there? Very long and tiresome, never ends, I need my rest Heya Glac
  21. Hi Ace!!!!!! Yes that works too I do enjoy being called out for FINE its a been a slow day I also apparently learned I can wake up my parents with my sneezing fits they were complaining like wow am I really that loud I will fight anybody and everybody, even myself
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