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Posts posted by Eliwan

  1. Also I can't believe the seize thing is such a pain, an array? Why? Is there no way to just "edit" who can seize it, because i don't care if only 1 person can seize it i just want to be able to change WHO that one person is.

    If a unit can seize in 1 map, they can seize in all of them.

    That's how the game is coded by base.

    The reason why Lyn can't seize in Hector/Eliwood mode is because she has a different character slot that lacks that ability... I think.

    So if you want to be able to make it so that a given character can only seize on certain chapters, you have to code something special for it. ><

  2. The college in my area has a life drawing thing. And from what I've heard, that's the final. Rumors float around though, so it may or may not be true.

    They probably also have not-life-drawing classes.

    They don't require a model and thus are likely actually easier to get resources for.

    And I will never trace. Tracing doesn't teach you anything except how to copy.

    I'd say that copying something-- without using tracing paper-- is actually incredibly useful, having done it multiple times for a wide variety of reasons.

    Additionally, you could also instead try and figure out the underlying anatomy from a traced piece.

    ...But fine, do none of those.

    Go to a park with a pad of paper and draw people as they walk by. Do just the flows of the body, scribble down something very fast.

    Or take a picture of somebody just walking by.

    Or search up some pictures of people. Stock images are wonderful for this.

    Take a picture and try and draw that picture, or parts of that picture, without tracing it.

    There are hundreds of options for getting better at drawing, all you need is practice.

    And the same applies to spriting, too.

    I'm of the same idea, if I read you correctly, that

    Also the cubes and spheres...if I had a dollar for every time I had to draw one of those in middle/high school I'd be rich. The fact of the matter: cubes and spheres are boring. Nobody wants to see them. People want to see awesome characters.

    But two things:

    1) Just because you do them does not mean you have to share them. I have my own fair share of drawings that nobody else has seen and likely nobody will see.

    2) They do help, some.

    I know a lot of people who say that before drawing a face but after drawing the outline of that head you should draw a few lines so you know where the eyes/ears/nose/mouth/hair go...

    And I didn't start doing that until two years ago, because it felt wrong to me. It really did.

    And I can state with great confidence that my art has improved from doing experiments with making shapes into bodies instead of just starting with the outline of a body. ><

    On the subject of pixel art versus traditional art versus digital art...

    Nah. Dibble in each one if it pleases you. Stick your hands in all the pots-- but I've personally found that no matter what all the skills are intertwined. In all of the mediums, you've still got the same end task:

    Make a representation of a thing.

    I mean, personally, I went from drawing to spriting to drawing to spriting to drawing to doing both and then later threw in digital art, then I dropped spriting and then I dropped doing traditional art, and then I went back to spriting and traditional, and then I dropped spriting again...

    I'd say that each time I was still progressing in all three, even if I had dropped one for a time I still was better at it when I returned.

  3. Eliwan: How many colors do you suggest? I totally didn't catch how Lenh used more colors.

    Well, I'd say...

    4 for the main body

    4 more for spots/stripes (yes even on a 'generic', it removes the blob-feel)

    But regarding use of colors, it was not that they used more-- my word choice was misleading, for that I apologize. Lehn used the colors to define a shape-- the contours of the body, and /then/ shaded based on light.

    In Lehn's cat, the mouth and back of the head use more colors on the interior of the shape, compared to yours. ><

  4. I think you should use more colors, honestly.

    By limiting yourself to only four? colors, you can't really distinguish between the features. Look at Lenh's-- see how a fair amount of different colors are used to define the shape of the face?

    The leg is separated from the body by a swatch of the second color, neglecting use of the third color except to separate that from the leg-- while yours uses a very soft progression from the second to the third at the edge.

    If... that made any sense.

    And you could also try blocking it out, using different colors to remind yourself of different parts? Instead of thinking of the sprite wholistically, try breaking it down into pieces and then assemble them later. That helped me when learning anatomy for sprites.

  5. The top of the first's left eye (which is to the right from our point of view) looks like it does not close to an eyelash properly, but I'm not sure where it needs adjustment. It also looks like the armor got increased in size, based on how there are some squares of the outline color.

    The second one's beard and eyebrows don't quite look connected

    The third one... what happened to the rest of the body? I think it also needs some shading on the right side (our point of view) of the hair, where the bandanna connects.

    The hair on the fourth one doesn't quite look like it's folded behind the ear, I think you need some outline color near the top-left of the ear. The neck needs some more of the third shade on the left side of the neck (towards the character's right).

    Somebody else who named their account after their OC! :newyears:

  6. What goodperson707 clearly meant was in reference to the "Feature Creep"-- and that the introduction of this doesn't feel like it

    When it is, by the definition of 'creep', a form of feature creep.

    It comes somewhere, and then others adopt it. That is feature creep.

  7. My brother insisted that splices take a long time to do well (3-5 hours, he said).

    NWbIMuz.png«No», sadly

    Firancas Dilyan Qentil

    So I decided to make a splice (<2 hours).

    But then something went bad:


    The last smile frame bugs out and I am incapable of figuring out why.

    some proof

  8. I'm sorry, but how can you not know who blazer is? He made probably the best hack out there Besides my private hacks and last I checked he was still the owner of FEShrine. The guy who made the Ultimate Tutorial?

    You do know that Crimson Red IS Blazer, right?

    Trails in the Blaze Crimson Red Feb 15 2015 08:57 PM

    Blazer Trails in the Blaze Jan 29 2014 06:48 PM

    Burning Gravity Blazer Jul 22 2013 08:12 PM

    soiweuqjasdklirewvxzcbnm Burning Gravity Nov 12 2012 07:31 PM

    Strawhat Luffy soiweuqjasdklirewvxzcbnm Sep 19 2012 12:26 AM

    Luffy Strawhat Luffy Sep 10 2011 05:16 PM

    Fire Blazer Luffy Dec 23 2009 05:14 AM

    Or are you just messing around and I can't tell

  9. Use NUPS.

    1. "Create a new UPS Patch".

    2. Select an unmodified ROM.

    3. Select your modified ROM.

    4. Name your UPS patch.

    5. "Create Patch".

    6. Upload somewhere.

    7. Send link to people.

    8. Cry because everything broke.

    otoh if you actually want to use LIPS, the instructions are located at the top of the file selector, weirdly enough:



    However, don't use IPS, because it only can check the first 16 MB of the ROM; therefore if you need more space than that you are completely screwed (so use NUPS).

  10. So I know that the dissassociated Falcoknight palette exists (TBA/Dei's "Black Beauty"), but is there a weapon-pegasus dissassociation modification for the Pegasus Knight? I can't find one anywhere.


    wow i am stupid, it's already done by vanilla, it's just that the sheet uses almost the same colors that I can't tell.

  11. maybe the familiar would move to the player on player phase, and protect on NPC phase.

    ... But... what?

    How could you command the familiar to move during both player and NPC phases?


    So... for example on the event-side.. would it be anything like

    -- 'if (summoner unit) deployed' (like how the vanilla game has the post-recruit-chapter convos)

    -- place (familiar unit) at [location specific to given map], under ally control?

    (end of map)

    --if (familiar unit) is on the map/rescued, (familiar unit) gains a level


    The logistics of this are important to figure out because of how the player would use it.

    For example, as a player, I would call the above absolute garbage and would rather have the familiar deployed as my own unit. d=

    Which solves the problem of needing an AI for it in the first place, right? :/

    That's just event assembler + adding the familiar as a separate unit; right?

    Not sure how event assembler works, I haven't dabbled in it yet ;_;

  12. I quite like! Still have the same problem as with the lancer, though:


    This frame sticks out as a bright flash.

    I like this frame myself, which is why I kept it.


    The miss animation looks like it kinda breaks his wrist; I recommend letting his arm swing further down instead of just the axe.


    And, if you're going to have the axe hit the ground...


    ...dirt splash? :awesome:


    Hand axes aren't actually that tough.

    Basically, at the first red line, the boomerang axe animation comes out, and then it waits at the second red line until that's done before finishing the rest of the animation. The flying axe is handled automatically; you just need to sprite the part where it's in the character's hand.

    Oh. Okay. Phew.

    I just remember something weird being said about them.

  13. if you could make that into a generic axe soldier that would be lovely and potentially useful. nice animation regardless.

    Was already planning on doing that! d:


    Axe attack is done.

    Axe return is done.

    Axe missed is done.

    Axe missed return is done.

    [Well, I mean, done in the sense that it's workable. Not that it's particularly -good-.

    I don't know how to make a good 'effort exertion' sprite that fits in the rest of the animation and I'd rather not redo 5-6 frames. ;;]

    This leaves crit w/ axes, dodge, and ranged anims.

    [And then reskinning it for generics. Twice.]

    Range with axes is something I don't know how to do I am led to believe that there are special rules regarding them? I dunno, I'll muddle through making the sprites and then find out later. >_>

  14. Alt+ printscreen works in windows for screenshoting the active window, although it copies the screenshot to the clipboard, so you need to copy it into paint or something every time you take one. This makes a screenshot button vastly less tedious to use, so i hope that it is still included(although i would prefer that it come in a latter version, as that i can start enjoying the core functionality without waiting for it to be programed.). Some versions of windows also have a snipping tool, for added flexibility (mac osx and unix also do, but that is currently irrelevant in this context.)

    Having to tab out of the program, paste, and save the file is a huge interrupt because I can't do it quickly with exclusively keyboard shortcuts (either have to open a new paint window each time which takes a long time if using shortcuts, or use the save as function, which doesn't have a properly made keyboard shortcut, so instead buttons have to be held down for a second before the menu can be navigated at all).

    On the other hand, with VBA, I just tap Q and get my screenshot, properly sized and all.

    It'd just be really nice to have as a feature, for people that want to do LPs of it. :/

    I asked mainly because it's incredibly convenient/useful and I have no idea how difficult it would be to add in.

    Holding the alt key captures only the window (although i belive that the frame is included), plus you can use a batch processing tool to crop that out and resize latter. FIJI and GIMP are both free programs that can do this, although the latter requires a plugin).

    It includes the frame.

    Which... is frustrating to work with, because I've never gotten a batch crop tool to work properly :/

    Batch resize, yes, but never batch crops.

    Heck, there is probably a program that just captures the inside of a window with a hotkey.

    I am unaware of any.
  15. Gender uniforms are a thing. /shot

    Slightly confused Eliwan... are you talking about this greave here? ...not seeing how this appears short as it is the same pixel height as the male one... just missing two darker blue pixels on top? Perhaps you could show me? ...especially if I misunderstood what you meant?

    Yes, exactly. The lack of those two pixels makes the greave seem much shorter than on the male-- it isn't the same height at all.

    1 pixel of height when the item in question is 7 pixels tall in the first place corresponds to a reduction in height of 14%.

    You'd notice ANYTHING that's 14% smaller or larger than it should be pretty quickly.


    I meant as the two on the far right of this-- reincreasing the height of the greave to match, but perhaps resculpting it to show how the greave's height decreases-- to still keep the idea of the greave being the same size relative to the person.

    ...as for the true white, I dunno that is really necessary? lightest skin tone and lightest white are sharing the same shade... of white at the moment...

    I guess what I am saying, is as far as I am aware, it is using white already... where/what do you mean by utilizing true white?

    Right now my color counts are pretty much the same.

    31-31-26 != 31-31-31 and I'm able to tell the difference at a glance because neeeeeeeeeeerd

    (skin v true white)

    The spear, pant leg, and skirt use(d) skin tone when they should've used pure white.

    The lack of the full use of 15/15 colors is more just in case I decided to re-use the same base soldier body and take off the helmet, giving me access to three colors for the hair, whereas now, the female hair only needs two for what is shown, but could potentially be utilizing 3 colors when it moves.

    Cavs use two colors for hair. Including female Cavs!

    Hector, Mage Knights, Rangers and Troubadours do, too.

    Priests, I think, as well.

    I do not know what would be best. I'd say that you can get away with two colors on the hair even when you remove the helmet.

    More Slight Tweaks... would be good if I could start trying to convert the base sheet into this wouldn't it, well at least the male soldier. XD

    Please do, yours is so much better than the IntSys one. :|


    -Adjusted the fem breastplate... not sure if better... fiddled with some slight shading things. Cut off pixel of the staff of the spear for each, as it was looking oddly long for the female for whatever reason. Still not super happy with the skirt, but eh. Problem is without the skirt its difficult to tell the gender.

    Maybe include pants -and- the skirt?

    Actually, make it more like a tutu or a flowy piece, since already having leg cover. :3

    Or you could just not.

    I actually prefer the unadjusted breastplate myself.


    I honestly, HONESTLY, see more value in the white than the extra hair definition, but maybe I'm not thinking enough about the hair.

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