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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. I don't think that the Steelers are as bad as everyone seems to think they are. Sure, their offense blew yesterday, but so did Tennessee's, and that was in part due to the defense. They also lack a real starting tailback since they cut Dwyer, much like the Broncos, and are thus similarly one-dimensional in their offensive tactics until Le'Veon Bell gets back from injury. Once that happens, the Steelers will be good again, but I don't think they'll be challenging for the Super Bowl for the time being.

  2. As for mainstream shows, Naruto is the worst by far imo.

    Eh, debatable. The dub I can at least watch some of it, but the Japanese is just unbearable for me.

    One Piece's dub is really bad, even the Funimation one. I can't even watch it again, although it's leaps & bounds better than the 4Kids dub.

  3. Now that I can look back at the game, it raised more questions than it answered. I wasn't impressed by the bronco's backfield, but I was impressed by the ravens pass rush in the first half. And then the biggest issue of the day comes with the fact that Oher is out and there are now questions about the offenses overall power. I think that the broncos need better balance early in the game, and the ravens need to get a tight end that doesn't drop the ball.

    The Broncos' backfield is probably their weakest area, considering they don't have a legitimate starting tailback. Unfortunately, there's not much else they can do but hope Moreno returns to his old form, Hillman proves he's not just a change-of-pace guy or Ball gets better as a rookie.

    And yeah, Baltimore's really missing Dennis Pitta right now. Clark is decrepit and done.

  4. Ooh, I knew there'd be a topic for this.

    There's been a lot of balancing changes too.

    Full list here: http://pastebin.com/j6eJnPxh

    Notable changes I've seen include a general damage nerf, a lot more new moves (pretty much everyone has at least one) and everyone's Persona Cards changing - characters who rely on their Personas to do most of their good moves such as Liz & S. Lab have more cards, while the physical fighters such as Akihiko & Kanji have less than the original four now - but they all come with different regen speeds (basically, more cards means longer regen).

    Also, Mitsuru & Yu are getting the biggest nerfs, with Mitsuru's being more notable due to Bufudyne now being air blockable. Yu's nerfs are mostly in his techs, so that won't affect online too much.

    Dunno if you guys saw this, but I found this on IGN's boards via NeoGAF:


  5. I'm a huge fan of FF series; however, I've never played VII, interestingly enough. I'm going through the story ASAP right now because it's garbage. ... Also, I hate Cloud (and starting to hate Sephiroth). I will not be doing side quests.

    The story/character combination is by far the weakest of all the FF games I've played (though I have yet to play one after X-2 because that game was bad in a whole different way), but Cloud is easily the worst. I never did get the Sephiroth love until I got to Kingdom Hearts and he was suddenly absurdly powerful and actually difficult as a boss, but now I find he's not that terrible.

  6. I've beaten Persona 3: FES and Devil Survivor, but that's the extent of how far I've gotten in the series. I own but still have yet to beat Soul Hackers (second vision quest), Strange Journey (getting rare forma for Jack's Squad), SMT4 (stuck on fight against Minotaur), Persona 4 (stuck on Shadow Yukiko T_T), and Persona 2: Innocent Sin (currently level/card grinding at Giga Macho Records).

    Got a long ways to go. >_>

    Alright, I can help with these. I'm pretty heavy into SMT.

    Minotaur's main problem is the War Cry debuff, which he then follows up with the Labrys Strike. War Cry's pretty lethal to the point where it wouldn't be out of place on a boss closer to the endgame, which is just terrible. That said, you'll likely want to abuse the Press Turn mechanic by peppering him with Bufu and using any turns that someone without Bufu may have on either buffing (mainly to either offset the War Cry or to boost Agility so that he misses more and loses Press Turns) or passing to someone who can cast more Bufu.

    Word of advice, though, after this fight; overhaul your team to outfit them with Zan skills (with Zio or Gun resistance, if at all possible), or come packing lots of Zanma Stones. Medusa comes pretty quickly after Minotaur, switches up resistances and may well be just as hard because her Gun attacks hurt like a bitch.

    As for Shadow Yukiko, it all depends on which version you're playing. If it's the original, she's much harder due to not having any glaring weaknesses and forcing you to essentially coddle Chie through the entire fight. If she or one of your Personas has Mabufu after she summons her first mook, you can use it to get a One More chance and deal damage to Yukiko at the same time.

    In Golden she's much easier because now Shadow Yukiko is the one who's weak to ice, not her Prince Charming, so you can initially spam Bufu with impunity for All-Out Attacks and just keep Yosuke using either Sukukaja buffs, minor healing or some lesser damage. Of course, the next major boss right after is Shadow Kanji, and he's even more of a pain due to his two mooks... but worry about that later. If all else fails, grind grind grind.

    Also, if you can find a copy of Devil Survivor 2 somewhere, I highly recommend it. They fixed a lot of the gameplay issues that were in the first game - it's much easier to level up your full party now due to leaked EXP, there's more demons to fuse, more bonus bosses, you actually have to earn your bonuses as opposed to the original throwing them at you all at once... Plus the characters are actually more interesting, too.

  7. I would think that the notions we have in our head of the world around us are affected primarily by things directly involved with our lives, such as friends or family or even coworkers, but these notions and beliefs; building off of the example that someone mentioned before, people who are more into big-boobed women may eventually decide that big boobs aren't his thing after all, and it may or may not have anything to do with an external stimuli.

    It's all a matter of perception; we only perceive one side of any particular event in our lives, and thus that notion - our own perception - is the only basis for our thoughts and beliefs on anything.

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