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Everything posted by shmobum

  1. Change the topic to 'What is it to be a good person'
  2. Red: CJ Yellow: ASH Gold: CJ Crystal: CJella (girl) Ruby: CJ Emerald: CJ Leaf Green: Clayton Pearl: CJ Heart Gold: Enix White: Enix Black 2: Enixa (girl)
  3. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time... Meibay watched my reaction, it was not pretty ;_; But I was very happy when Jesse got out safe
  4. 1. Black 2 2. Heart Gold 3. XD Gale of Darkness
  5. Pyre couldn't believe his ears at how rude the Swinub was. Pyre sighed and a little bit of black smoke puffed out of his mouth. "Listen if you're not going to help me, I really can't deal with this right now." He pouted for a bit and looked to the left of him. Pyre noticed that the Swinub was also being somewhat rude to a nearby Swablu. Pyre inched over to the Swablu and tried to start a conversation. "What's that Swinub's problem?"
  6. Pyre left his home, still clutching that everstone. The second he stepped outside, he blacked out. He woke up to a bunch of Pokemon around him and a gigantic wall of ice behind him. His head was feeling very stuffy and he was incredibly confused. There was an angry looking Swinub yelling at him and the group of Pokemon. He seemed to be accusing them of creating this large ice wall behind him. "First of all, before you continue, I'd like to ask where I am and how I got here. I need to get back to my trainer, she's worried sick about me I'm sure."
  7. Pokemon: Cyndaquil Level: 19 Gender: Male Nickname: Pyre OT: Katrina Nature: Modest Attacks: Flame Wheel Quick Attack Overheat Smokescreen Anything else: Pyre is a quiet Cyndaquil who is incredibly faithful to his trainer, Katrina. Katrina trusted Pyre a lot and let him sleep outside of his Pokeball, so he would sneak out at night and train using an everstone, so he wouldn't evolve. He wanted to get stronger to get praise from his trainer. One night after training against some wild Pidgey, Pyre went inside to take a nap, snuggling up with his precious everstone. When he woke up and saw Katrina was gone he was devastated. He kept waiting and waiting for her, searching everywhere. Desperately, he checked in her backpack. He found a present all wrapped up nicely with a little pink tag that read 'Pyre'. He used his snout to rip off the paper and reveal a strange looking contraption with the text 'TM-50' written on it in industrial lettering. He pressed a button on it and felt a strange rush of energy course through him. His memories felt hazy and he now felt that he knew how to use a new power, but unbeknownst to him, this power has some drawbacks. Afraid of this new world, Pyre left his home, tightly clinging onto his everstone, in fear of evolving and never being recognized by his trainer again. It was time for him to find some clues to where Katrina was, or at least figure out what was going on in this world.
  8. 1. Well one day I was really bored and signed onto my old Skype for the first time in a few months. My extremely socially disturbed friend Blake added me to a 'TROLL GROUP' as he called it.... well I humored him and joined the call. It was a sausage fest in there except for this one girl with a Tokyo Mew Mew avatar. She had the cutest voice I've ever heard and I kept listening to what she had to say in the call and tried to involve myself in her conversations. Eventually the call died down and it was just me and her, I didn't wanna go and it seemed like she was fine with chillin as well. I decided to go on Omegle and mess with people, I shared my screen so she could watch. I did a lot of strange things such as duct tapping my nipples, I don't know what I was thinking but it made sense at the time. She didn't seem to be bothered with it, she in fact seemed to enjoy it. So I learned her name was Katrina and I added her on Skype, I didn't think she'd accept but when she did I felt so happy <3 she loved to use Twitter so I started using my old Twitter again. I would always tweet @ her and we would always be each other's most mentioned person. We got closer and closer and eventually started Skyping nightly until like 5-6 AM. It was wonderful, we watched a lot of weird anime and movies, like the Room and School Days. Eventually I got the courage to finally ask her to be my girlfriend, even though we were very relationship-y already. 2. I love everything about you, you're so beautiful and kind and intelligent. We spend hours and hours together and I honestly believe that we were made for each other. I never get bored around you and I always feel so happy every time we get to talk. I love your laugh and all your silly mannerisms. You have such a wonderful outlook on life and amazing morals. I love you with all my heart Katrina and I always will<3 3. It feels like we've been together for our whole lives, a lot of that has to do with that when we talk we usually talk for 8 hours plus ;) I see our future together and it's beautiful and lasts til the day we die :) I love you<3
  9. It was accident, I'm too lazy to type so I copy pasted your name and it linked haha
  10. Welcome to the juuuunnnggglee ~
  11. Same, Jesse is my favorite character. I cried last episode :(
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