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Knight of the White Lake

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Posts posted by Knight of the White Lake

  1. Epic Wins:

    The chapter where you get Mia (I can't remember the name of it)

    I moved all of my units up the center aisle once everyone but the boss and his guard were dead.

    *reinforcements come in from the back*

    "Okay, time to get farther away than I was and position a rear guard, heal who needs healing."

    *looks through units, Rhys can reach them, chooses Gatrie because he's lowest on HP*

    The two knights and (is it an archer down there?) move in and attack a unit I had completely forgotten about: Ike. I had accidentilly left him down there without moving him--and he only has 12 HP. D: As I saw this, I realized that only one of the knights would be able to move in and hit Ike.

    The first unit (long range, I believe an archer, I can't remember right now) moves in and shoots. Hits. D: Ike now has a lower amount of HP, way too near to death.

    The first knight moves in. *MISS* "OH MY GOODNESS!!* Ike hits once, then criticals--epic. I was screaming with happiness, remembering that with my current position only one of the knights would be able to move in on me. I then realized that in killing that knight with a critical, it would allow the second knight to come in.

    The second knight came in, and I'm squirming in my seat. He attacks--misses, then Ike, with one use left in his sword, criticaled and killed the knight. Leveled up, stats boosted in every stat but luck.

    THAT is an Epic Win.

    Just to add to it, I had accidentily put Rhys in the range of the knight with a javelin of the bosses guard. The knight came in, threw the javelin--MISS.

    Epic Win.

    Epic Fail:

    On the level with the three ships, I put Ike on the middle bridge to defend--I figured he'd be fine (full HP, forged sword). About 3 units could reach him, but I figured it wouldn't matter because I looked at their stats and saw that the nearest unit wouldn't be able to be killed in one round by Ike.

    Archer come in. *HIT* "COME ON!"

    Knight comes in *HIT* "Grr." Ike hits once, criticals. "WHOOOOOOO!!!"

    Myrmidon comes in. *MISS* Ike misses the myrmidon. "WHAT??" Myrmidon criticals. O_O "GRRRAAARRR!"

    Epic Fail.

  2. This is great!

    I really like the fanfiction you write anyway, but this, if you continue, is certainly a masterpiece.

    Perhaps Nintendo will pick up on it??....

    probably not, but it would be awesome if they would, or if a movie could be made.

    Anyway, I only saw two grammatical hiccups, but I forgot to write down where they were.

    Awesome job. Please finish this one, and don't leave us with a short synopsis of what would happen, because this is an AWESOME story.

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm concerned, and what I've heard from other people on this site, Jill just stinks... doesn't she? I didn't think a transfer would help her get out of that rut.

    And the only thing Zihark needs help in is stregnth, right? So, couldn't you just save yourself the trouble and just give him a couple energy drops in RD instead of other characters?

  4. You'll add to this list, right? Add at least Marcia, I'd add in Rolf. Rolf isn't so hard to train up. Probably Rhys too. His magic can be come incredibly high. And, I'm shocked at your lack of Soren on this list. Add him to it, and, if you can actually max them out, the laguz you want and you'll be awesome.

  5. Should have been multiple choice... But..

    But wouldn't it be easier to have Hungry Mage as your thunder person? I mean she already has D in thunder magic anyway.. But I guess you'll be benching her. Or kill her. Heartless

    If it was multiple choice, I wouldn't have gotten a straight answer.

    I've always found "hungry mage" lacking. I'm not heartless. I don't have anybody die.....

    But if Kieran or Mia die I'm not sad. I never use them. *cringes, waiting for the blow*

  6. You must have been screwed, or something.

    Base Tanith:

    HP: 32

    Iron Sword: 21 Atk, 53 avo, 24 AS, 125 hit--15 Def, 13 Res

    Iron Lance: 23 Atk, 53 avo, 24 AS, 125 hit

    Meanwhile, here's lv. 10 Mordecai:

    HP: 49

    29.2 Atk, 37.2 avo, 12 AS, 121.4 hit--16.6, 5.8 Res

    As for a generic enemy from Chapter 22...

    (This is from Vykan's HM stats) Halberdier lv 4 (steel lance)

    37 hp, 22 atk, 12 AS, 100 hit, 28 avo, 12 def, 8 res, 6 crit, 4 cev

    Mordy 3RKOs at while Tanith 2RKOs with that Iron lance of hers.

    Keep in mind that these are Iron weapons she's using. If she switches to Silver or w/e, her offense becomes even more pwnage. Also, note that her base defenses are roughly equal to Mordy's (1.6 less Def, 7.2 more Res) and while he has a huge HP win, she also has an avo lead of 15.8 or something or other.

    So if this is "stink", then I'd like to see what "good" is.

    (also, that level 1 Falcoknight reinforcement is actually better than her base)

    Excellent points, Fang, and it's possible you're right that my "good" units are what you would call "godlike", but I doubt it. Besides I've only had one full playthrough (first time memory card corrupted).

    It's also possible that Tanith was simply not as good as my other units, so I shoved her aside. I'm willing to accept that.

    Maybe I'll try Tanith this time through.

  7. Zihark, because, plain and simple, his personality rules and his stats rule even more. Mia just stinks.

    While I have no issue with someone saying Zihark is better, though it is debateable, saying Mia stinks is ridiculous. Plus their stats are rather similar for a long time. The main difference is Adept and Earth.

    So if you think Zihark's stats rule even more than his personality, wouldn't Mia's stats rule too?

    Maybe it's just me, but Mia is really weird and hard to train, for my team. She comes in at Chap. 7, and is nowhere near strong enough STR and DEF to take on Chapter 8. She comes underleveled for my teams, and therefore she seems like a stinky unit. And besides that her personality is funky. She's great in Radiant Dawn, in my opinion BETTER than Zihark, but that doesn't help for this poll.

  8. I have yet to complete Radiant Dawn, because on my first (and only so far) playthrough, I got to the endgame and went in. I didn't get any of the laguz royalties! I don't know why, I thought I chose them to go in, but they didn't come with me for some reason, and I got stuck with units that I hadn't trained since early part 2. Will someone explain to me what happened or what I did wrong?

  9. So what would you readers like, chapters or segments?

    I think I would prefer segments.

    Hey, I finally made it back on (couldn't figure out how to get Serenes Forest to work right on "forget password" for some reason. May have been my computer...)

    Anyway, I LOVE what you're doing with Taksh! Awesome. You really can weave a story. Really nice.

  10. Thanks for the advice Shuuda. In about 1/2 the sentences you marked (The ones with the capitalization errors) I thought I was using proper grammar. Thanks for the correction, it's exactly the kind of stuff I need. I'll try to change as many of those as I can. Same with the fight sequences.

    As for Allen, I purposely tried to start him off as the stereotypical swordmaster. But I plan on developing his character a tad more in this next part. The impatient thing wasn't intentional, but I find that most younger children are that way. As he grows older, he'll get more mature. I actually planned for Part 1 to be a prologue originally, but it got too dang long to be one chapter! The next part jumps 19 years into the future.

    As for member insertion, I think I'm too far into the story to change it. About all I could change is the names, because their individual back-stories will affect the story in ways I can't just get rid of. I know it'll kill you, but try to look past the names to the characters themselves, which I crafted on my own.

    Technically, on one of those errors, YOU were the one in the right. on the Allen retorted sarcastically, "Yeah, like I'm going to fall for that one" is actually correct, for his sarcastic retort IS what is being said. Otherwise, yeah, Shuuda is right. Just making sure that sentence is allowed. Also, another one of them said that the beginning sentence of a person's line should be lowercased. Er, no. Whenever someone is starting a new sentence, even if you have described half of what is happening, you always upper case the first word of a line that is the start of a new sentence.

    Keep writing!

    Oh, and I don't believe it's too slow paced. In fact, that would actually be a problem for the reader, not the writer. Just got to read it normally, not slowly. It doesn't help if you have a bunch of short sentences like "The duel raged" for no detail is inserted.

    Whoa. Did I just write that? I thought I was always the student of writing! Not the corrector! XD

  11. I'd like to read it. And I didn't really plan for this story to be as massively long as it's going to be. It just kinda got bigger and bigger as I extended it to match the game's plot. It wouldn't surprise me if this story gets to 20 or 30 pages. But short stories are good as well, especially the kind you described.

    Same thing happened with my story! The stories that I would post here would be FE free, but I'll post. And remember, these shorter stories are only the stories behind some of the characters. My REAL story is, if I did my math right (because I split things up into events that I believed would take 5 pages to write properly), going to be in the end, well, *coughs*, 300 pages. Possibly more. *laughs nervously* Will I ever finish it, I wonder?

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