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Day Breaker

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  • Member Title
    Just a person

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    Making Fire Emblem stories and such. League is my baby.
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Kin of, they are more speedy, yet more fragile. And I took his feedback, and just erased the whole longbow idea.
  2. I never considered it, but I might look into it. Have you hacked anything before?
  3. No I have not, I'm trying to learn, but it's so confusing to me :( A lot of people tell me to go to Archsage's tutorials but it doesn't really help me.
  4. Yeah it does :/ I'll try to change it a bit more, kinda add more "oh I hate you" and all that good stuff.
  5. Thanks for the feedback, and yeah I agree with you on everything you said. My idea didn't make much sense. I kind of changed it, hope it actually makes a difference. You could read the new one if you want.
  6. Hi there! My name is Day Breaker, and i'm pretty new to this forum (though I've been following it for some time). And over the past few years, I had so many ideas that has been going on in my head. And this one that I've thought of just made me consider this to be a possible hack. Although I have no hacking experience, I just want to throw my idea out there. So here we go. P.S : I've received some feedback from a few users that some of my decisions seem weird. And I've thought about it, and that maybe I should refurbish it. So here I go, again. Palavos (Pal- Ah - Vos), a continent of Greandos (Gree-On-Dos). 8 countries in all: Alavria , the Grand Elysium (Ala-vree-a) Valoria , the Home of Champions (Val-lore-ria) Rodwall , the Freelance Dunes (Rod- Wall) Walliz , the Magick Realm (Wall-lease) Dajan , the Land of Dynasties (Dodge-jon) Zaune , the Steel Fortress (Zo-Ne) Eithedus , the Futuristic World (Eat-Tho-Dus) Lione , the Beast's Empire (Lee-Own) Freyydor , the Frozen Abyss (Frey- door) The continent of Palavos was scarred by a tragic past. After the War of the Knorj , the whole continent was shattered ; buildings , homes , countries, lives - destroyed. However the remains of humanity fought through hard times, and rebuilt the continent slowly. After centuries, the continent was restored to its' former self, however the people didn't forget. There was much discrimination between all the countries, even between the members of the High Council. (The High Council is a group of representatives of each country). One day, at night, the country of Alavria was attacked, by an unknown group of assassins and dark mages. How they got access into Alavria was a mystery, as Alavria's defenses are second to Zaune. The king and queen was brutally murdered, and the once beautiful Elysium was destroyed. Only a few soldiers , General Liandra, and Prince Skye survived. They fled Alavria, before the assassins could get them. However, as they were about to leave the border, General Liandra commanded them to surrender. She betrayed them. She told them "Once I showed up, my plan wasn't to serve Alavria, I wanted to put you Alavrians to place, you dumb, innocent do-gooders. But you guys aren't half that bad as what they say.Still, it's my mission. Surrender yourselves. " The group of assassins and dark mages worked together: The Assassins are men and women that assassinate for gold and sometimes pleasure. They are known as the Dark Moons, made up of famed warriors . The dark mages are led by The Wretched Witch, Renee. The group is called The Orphans, made up of child mages and warriors who have lost family . And the story goes on ~ ( I'm going to try to write a short story for this have it up in some time, so that this paragraph makes a little bit more sense.) Characters (Important): Skye: Prince Penny: Peg, Knight Janvier: Great Knight Fevrier: Paladin Kassandra: Princess Andrew: Elemental Knight Some changes I've thought of: *Mages on horses - Elemental Knight (Elemental) , Luminous Knight (Light) , and Dusk Knight (dark) + The mounted and on-foot mages will have differences of stats, some more stronger in some attributes, while the other has more than what the other class has . *Renaming some classes, not a huge deal. *A rare class will be availible, Samurai, will be a tad slower than Swordfighters, however having a little more strength. + When Samurais promote, then promote into Vegabond, taking the skill Silencer, and being able to use bows . *Sentry and Guard classes will be added ( like Agro's "Eternal Bond"). *Zombies will be added! ( Yay to the undead! >:D) Leave your questions and comments below in this topic! I would like some feedback and how I could improve more on my story !
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