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Posts posted by Lt.Smirks

  1. Is he looking at his hand? What's he doing with it?


    I think he could use some broader shoulders.

    Noted and Agreed.

    Is he for your hack?

    He is. It's a Selfie mug for my co-creator.

  2. Posted 04 March 2016 - 07:03 PM

    The animation looks cool, but it is a little too fluid. You know the part where he lifts himself off the ground and jumps back into position? When he is holding himself up with one hand? Make that frame longer or make his arm bend before he pushes himself back up. This will give a better perceived "weight" of his own body and add an additional pause. It would balance the animation out, because you already have a pause after he slashes, so you should add a second pause for his recovery...instead of having slash → pause → recovery, you would have slash → pause → recovery → pause → re-position.

    Does this make sense to you?

    I see what you are saying but I disagree as he's not so much lifting himself off the ground but pivoting on his arm and the return as whole is meant to be incredibly smooth. Thanks for that though.


    New mug WIP

    Also I'm happy to say that my hack "The New World" is back under development! So you'll probably see a bunch of stuff I'll make for that.

  3. That's pretty cool looking. One thing though, have you tried using the lighter brown for his clothes? They look a little un-detailed.

    Actually looking at it I think the face could do with a little more refining too.

  4. cBPYwhX.gif

    I made his sword, added some dirt splashes and finished 1/3 of the frames.

    Timing still needs some work but I'll polish that after I finish the frames.

  5. Currently it's just a placeholder "weapon". It will become a sword later and the size will probably change. The standing frame is kinda boring but I don't think I'll change it.

  6. wfb3Xuz.gif

    Inspired by Circles' success I'm giving blender animations another go. This is straight from blender without any edits done.

    I messed the speed up though so it's a little fast.

  7. Second Page? nooooo!!


    Continuation of my Stream of Fates mug.

    Someone help me with this face, I cannot get his expression right.



    Nearly finished. Mouth and far eye are still a bit off.

  8. @Lon'kill- A lot of time and practice. The battler used Keiran's outline for a base and the mug is just Matthis from Shadow dragon.





  9. Merry Christmas!

    A few months ago some of us were talking about a bunch of ideas for Christmas events and so here's one of them.

    hopefully the first of many


    Make an Ornament for our Tree!

    Anyone is welcome to participate.

    You can make whatever you want as long as it's 32x32px.

    There's no color limit so if you want yours to have the colors of the rainbow be my guest!


    Just submit it in this thread or PM me and I'll add it.

    Also if anyone wants to make tinsel or lights feel free and just PM it to me.

  10. yl8nb4H.png

    Getting there. Now that they're shaded the fingers look a little more proportional and his hair is spiky but that's how the OA had it.


    slight modifications to maybe help the angling error although I was trying for an angle closer to the ranger/nomad.

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