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Everything posted by Drifloon

  1. FE6/7 Nightmare - Right at the bottom of the character editor module. FE8 Nightmare - Use the battle palette editor modules. Put in the correct classes on the first one and then the palettes on the corresponding spaces of the second.
  2. By the way, your last screenshot's dialogue is pretty badly written. "I'm not just on a sunday stroll. I'm here to do buisness with you sir." Would look better as something like this: "I'm not just out on a Sunday stroll. I'm here to do business with you, sir."
  3. There's a perfectly good translation already on this very site.
  4. That would only take like a few seconds to do in Nightmare. You don't really need someone to upload a patch for that. To elaborate: open FE7 in Nightmare, open Item Editor module, and add the "Indestructible Weapon" ability on to whatever weapons you want.
  5. It's worth noting that Tuck with his Silver Axe can kill Jarod in a few turns.
  6. Don't ask for ROMs, they're illegal. You'll have to find it yourself.
  7. Get Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits on PS2. Amazing story and really cool battle system. The way the story switches between the two groups keeps things interesting.
  8. I had one once. But we both went to different high schools, so I never saw her again after that. =/
  9. Leena, Shion and Isara aren't playable.
  10. Tied really =/ I like Wind best in 4, Thunder in 9 and Fire in 10.
  11. Has anyone else here played any RPG Maker 2000 games? I've played a lot and many of them are surprisingly awesome, and better than a lot of commercial games I've played. Some of my favourites: A Blurred Line - AWESOME plot/characters, some really cool gameplay ideas too. Shame it never got finished. The Way - Amazing plot/characters, and extremely innovative gameplay as well. Graphics are also top-notch. Fighting can get tedious around episode 5-6 though. Three The Hard Way - Love the plot/characters and Act 3 is the most non-linear thing I've seen in any game, commercial or otherwise. The amount of subtle dialogue differences depending on things you've done is mind-blowing. Gameplay-wise, it's pretty average, but the replay value's massive. cRaZy_gUy's Journey - Absolutely hilarious, and really fun and deep mini-games. Getting to 100% is near-impossible.
  12. Bad ROM, I'm guessing. Linoan should be taking damage from that bandit for sure.
  13. Amelia is a prepromote? How come? =o Are Freya and Vector OCs or from some game I haven't played? Also, Vector's grey pegasus looks awesome. And I love how you've given every single character in this map a new weapon...this is looking awesome. Can't wait for the rebalancing patch, hopefully Ross will suck less now. By the way, what is Bronze going to promote to? Halberdier? What animation are you using for it, General like in ATOM?
  14. Obviously, the gameplay is the main appeal. It's easy to learn, but hard to master. Besides, 4, 9 and 10 had decent plots and most of the series has good character development from supports. EDIT: And FE4 is not overrated. It's just plain good. XD
  15. Drifloon


    I don't even have a mobile phone and doubt I'll ever want one TBQH. However, from what I've seen, texting is really awkward and they could do a lot more to improve the interface and make writing messages easier.
  16. Hey Arch, is FE4 Advance still being worked on? There hasn't been an update for ages =(
  17. Honestly, that would be a ridiculous amount of work and I'm not sure it'd be worth the trouble, especially with new music. Also, I don't see the point in such a drastically increased level cap, unless you're significantly increasing the length of both games. I doubt there's enough room in the ROM for that many chapters anyway, though.
  18. Well, I'm on Test 10 now...and I must say that this is a great hack. I'm not too fond of the overuse of swearing and sexual jokes, but the mysterious voice had a lot of great lines, and gameplay-wise it is almost perfect. The difficulty now feels more strategic rather than luck-based as in GhebFE. My only problems are that it seems anyone who isn't either a new class or a prepromote seems to kind of suck. My Ross, Bronze and Denning have all been failing to do much damage at all compared to people like Batta and Ai-ke. By the way, is there any way to get new Psychic Blades and Knives? Natalie and Ai-ke are useless without them.
  19. Monsters?! More than 10 Lyn Mode chapters?!? Ballista animations?!?! MUST PLAY. *downloads*
  20. Uh, please explain how Luna outclasses Cruz in any way at all. Not that it really matters, since archers suck anyway >_> And I agree that the YU characters' faces look awfully out of place. I've never played YU but is there any reason why they can't be in normal FE style while still looking like the characters?
  21. I don't really find it necessary. Hammerne has so much uses in this game that weapon durability is never really an issue for me. Plus Starlight's animation looks awesome XD
  22. I think all the new characters in this hack are fine. I'd just work on replacing the characters that were kept the same, like Matthew and Sain. I don't think anyone actually uses them anyway with all the new choices. I'd also have liked Eliwood to be replaced, but obviously that's not happening =P
  23. AWESOME, custom maps! =O By the way, is Ike in this game? Since Zelgius is, he could probably be a latejoiner with Ragnell (Syrene replacement maybe?). 'Twould be cool. This hack is looking so amazing. What chapter will the first demo release go up to?
  24. I'd just like to point out that it's Altenna, not Alteena, since you seem to be consistently making that typo :P Great job with this. Maybe one day we can have debates for this hack! XD
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