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Everything posted by Serenity

  1. Cindy grunted and wiped the flowing snot away from her nose and pointed at Soles and Esmund.
  2. "Kay." Cindy was tired of being rejected. "Anyone with a heart can feel love. But whatever, I just wanted to be your friend..." Cindy sighed. "I don't blame you there are girls a lot prettier and more experienced than me that you'd probably want to be with..." Cindy broke down crying. She was never good enough. The only kind of water that didn't make her happy, tears.
  3. "Since when? There are half bloods all over the place. I know a lame excuse when I hear one!" Cindy turned and pouted, her twintails blowing softly in a passing breeze. "You must like someone else then... who is she?"
  4. Cindy frowned as she waited outside of the forest with Sonny. He was clearly not interested. A few seconds of awkward silence pasted by, "I know I'm not as developed as the other girls but that doesn't mean I can't be sexy too!" She looked up at Sonny with tears flooding her eyes. Athena sighed and rolled her eyes as she removed the flag from her thigh. Feanor was just not worth the trouble, "take it and in return never speak to me again." Athena continued on her way to the forest when she spotted Felina and Aleksander checking out their weapons. "What have you two gotten for yourselves?"
  5. "it means big brother silly!" Cindy kissed Sonny gently on the cheek, "do you have a girlfriend?"
  6. Cindy climbed back up on to Sonny's back. "Onii-chan! Onii-chan look!" Cindy swung her sceptre around and created little sparkly bubbles around his face. She smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I know we're going to make a great team. You'd never let anyone hurt me? So I'm glad we're teamed up together." Cindy pointed the sceptre at the doors, "carry me out now!" Athena did not want to work with Feanor. He was a complete moron. Athena took the red flag and tied it around her upper thigh and then took her bow and left without Feanor.
  7. SHMOY

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Serenity


      nuthing much chicken butt

    3. shmobum


      don't kno how 2 feel bout dat

    4. Serenity


      u shuld feel u need to rp rightnow

  8. Cindy waved at Chris cutely as she held on to Sonny's back. "Don't worry about Chirs! I like your name by the way! What kind of magic do you use?" Athena sighed quietly, "I wish that was true but sadly a lot of elves do hold some type of superiority complex when it comes to humans. I do not concern myself with such petty prejudices however." Athena guided Aleksander to walk with her which was in a direction away from Feanor. "A lot more than a little late." Athena commented as they walked by Aria.
  9. "I can do that!" Cindy cheered as she climbed on to Sonny's back and began to massage his head. Her little hands really hit the spot. "I feel so close to you." Cindy then spotted Chris standing alone in the room, "he looks sad. You should go invite him over here, big guy." Athena was both shocked and saddened by Aleksander's story, although you wouldn't know it by her emotionless face. She gently rested her hand on Aleksander's shoulder, "it always saddens me when people do horrible things to other people. But I can tell it is not your fault. It was never your fault I think your-" Athena was interrupted by Feanor's hand groping her boob. Athena winced in disgust and quickly dissolved her shadow cover to glare at Feanor.
  10. Athena shook her head. Aleksander was right. They weren't worth getting mad over. "You don't have a last name?" Athena starred intimidatingly into Aleksander's eyes. She looked around and quickly used her magic to cover them in a sheet of darkness using her shadow magic. "What does that mean? Who are you?" The bubble coming out of Cindy's nose popped as she woke-up. she slept with her eyes open and had missed everything. She faced Sonny excited to see him back, she lept into his arms and gave him a big hug. "I missed you! Also what happened?!"
  11. Athena sighed heavily as everyone started attacking her, "SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!" Athena stormed off into the corned of the room to be alone, she was tired of all these despicable people.
  12. Cindy's eyes sparkled at Sonny's heroic acts, "wow you're amazing!" She had never met anyone like him before. "I'm a water element so I could have put out that fire easily. If it happens again, we're friends now so you can call on me." Cindy looked into Sonny's kind eyes and wanted to know more. Athena was appalled by the the elf brutality happening next to her and went to help Feanor up off the ground, "what the fuck is wrong with you!?" She shouted at Esmund.
  13. "I don't know what they mean. Soles, the girl with the big boobs over there, tried to use magic but epicly failed." Cindy blushed a little, his shy behavior made it seem like he liked her. Suddenly Cindy felt bad for laughing, "yeah he's fine I'm sure!" she exclaimed, "he's a guy afterall. and a fight?" Cindy was shocked, "what happened? Tell me everything!" So this is the school bad boy. Athena leaned towards Cindy and Sonny eager to hear about the fight.
  14. Cindy waved excitedly when she saw Soles entered only to be turned down as she went and sat next to Carter. What a bitch. Cindy pouted as she took a seat next to Sonny. He was so much bigger than her, it kind of scared her but she also kind of liked it. Maybe he would let her ride on his back. "Hey you're number four too!" Cindy said as she noticed Sonny's ID card and showed him hers. Suddenly a guy came flying in and he didn't even have wings. Cindy laughed loudly as he crashed on the floor and ripped his paints. Athena finally arrived to the lobby and frowned as she saw the other students laughing and having fun. They would never understand her. She recognized her room mate Carter and decided to have a seat next to her.
  15. "WOW YOU SUCK!" Cindy exclaimed as she watched Soles try and use magic. Suddenly a loud announcement thundered through the building. Cindy held her hands over her ears, "ow! Fine I'll do as you want!" Cindy shouted back at the intercom. Cindy grabbed her card back from Soles. And went down to the lobby to join the other new students. Athena was surprised by the sudden announcement. Perhaps this is what the number on my bed from before meant. "I guess we should head down there then." Athena spoke to Carter. "Perhaps this going to be our first exercise."
  16. Athena smiled a little and shook Carter's hand, "Athena, shadow elf. It's a pleasure to meet you."
  17. "There are a lot of strange and wonderful creatures in this school," Athena spoke softly to her roommate. "I bet you don't see many in the human villages where you are from." Snarky attitude? Should I be worried? Perhaps I'll keep an eye on this one. Athena laughed nervously along with Carter.
  18. Athena shook her head, "I'm an elf actually. And you look like a human, Carter? Is it?" Athena spoke to her frazzled room mate. She had never seen such a shade of red hair before. Perhaps her element was fire at the flame power burned through her hair, "is that your natural colour?"
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Blue perfect blue is a great anime movie.
  20. Cindy went over to her bed and opened up the envelope on it as Soles recommended. She tore it open quickly nearly ripping her student ID in the process. "What am I looking for again?" Cindy asked, "a number?" Just a she said that Cindy found her card with the number on it. "I got the number 4! That's one more than yours. I wonder what this could mean? Do you think anyone else knows? Is this normal? Did they say anything?"
  21. Cindy wiped the tears from her eyes. Not one person stopped to try and comfort her. "I didn't know prestigious was another world for heartless..." Cindy sniffled and collected her books, It was already half past noon and the majority of the students had already found their dorms. Cindy stood up and began to look around when she noticed her dorm was only a few steps away from her. "GOSH! Wow Cindy you goofball!" Cindy exclaimed. "No one wonder those kids made fun of you earlier." Cindy quickly ran upstairs and into her room eager to meet her room mate. "Hello!" Cindy shouted at the beautiful fairy standing in her room, "wow an honest to life real fairy." Cindy admired how stunningly beautiful the fairy was, "I wish I had your wings!"
  22. Athena looked around blankly at the passing faces of the other students at magic valley high school. They are seemed so happy, without a care in the world. They didn't know what it really meant to suffer or hurt. Athena hated them. Trying to keep a level head Athena stormed through a group of passing students. They were not ready to move out of her way and ended up shoving her to the ground. Athena frowned as she brushed the dirt off her dress and went to her dorm room to be alone. "I didn't know that I was going to have a room mate." Athena noticed the second bed in her room. "Did I miss something?" Athena was confused and then became more confused as she saw the number 1 on her bed. Well at least she was alone for now. Cindy was super excited for her first day of school! "Oh boy!" She exclaimed to the world. The other students didn't seem as excited as she was as she lept off the bus. "I sure hope my room mate is more exciting then these sad lugs!!" Cindy laughed loudly to herself. Cindy was shorter then the other students and a little younger to. She knew they didn't take her or her magic seriously. "I think I'm lost." Cindy thought to herself as she tried to figure out the map for the school. The map wasn't written in english and Cindy never payed attention to her other language classes before. "Hey do you know where room two is?" Cindy tried to ask some older looking students. "Get out of here little girl this place isn't for you." They said back to her. Cindy sat down on a nearby bench about to cry.
  23. what is wrong with having a crush? he may like you back i would tell him how you feel since you cant just no like someone you like
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