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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. Sick... aw that sucks :/ Yeah my Achilles is pretty inflamed. RIP my scholarship haha I think I'll be back in about two weeks.
  2. I'm doing well. Injured, but I'm in physical therapy so hopefully I'll be back on the trails in a few weeks.
  3. Good to be back! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Roy: Marquess of Pherae
    3. HK Motendra

      HK Motendra

      I'm all right for the most part. Online classes really take out of my free time though haha.

      How're you?

    4. Roy: Marquess of Pherae

      Roy: Marquess of Pherae

      I'm fairing well. Trying to make the most of my high school years haha.

  4. Does anyone see what DLC is really doing? 5 bucks for a single programmed character. It's easy money!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DodgeDusk


      To be fair, building a character from scratch takes a lot of time; I think Mewtwo for Project M took over 700 hours to create. A fair bit of money goes into DLC when it comes to fighting game characters

    3. Roy: Marquess of Pherae

      Roy: Marquess of Pherae

      I understand, but Nintendo has better software for things like this.

      For me, its worth the money, but for the average Joe, not so sure.

    4. Starman


      if the dlc isn't downloading a whole part of the game that should have been there in the beginning, then it's ok enough

      the prices could be a bit better, but business is business, sadly

  5. Hey Sol, My Eshop is still not working because of the high traffic...
  6. What I mean is... do you think its official now?
  7. So I heard about the recent code decrypting in Smash 4... thoughts?
  8. The Black Knight is one of the most interesting characters in Fire Emblem as a whole. The game teases you by revealing little to no information about him until endgame of the second game! All of his motives, his pain, and the fact that he makes you shiver every time he appears is only part of what makes him so interesting. HIs desire to test Ike. His honor and ability to acknowledge that Ike is stronger than him. He is a much more developed character than Ike ever will be. Ike is strong and he cares about his mercenary family. He wants to do what his father would do. Aside from that, there is nothing about Ike that really makes him all that interesting.
  9. Marx: Badass Elise: Adorable. Camilla: cuz boobs Least favorite: Leon. Looks kinda bland to me. They should make slightly different dialogues for the avatar based on one's personality. Robin was bland as hell.
  10. For whatever reason my browser isn't supporting SF's URL system, but pull up the Nintendo Trailer and go to 0:37. A Pegasus Knight Flies in. Pause on her. Red and White Armor, Vibrant Blue Hair. I believe this is Sheeda.
  11. FE12 rose to heaven the Sunday after it came out and has been watching over me ever since.
  12. And he's such a hard boss! *Cough* Ballistitian *Cough*
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