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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. I thought it doesn't carry over from group to group...
  2. So I better use up all my bexp on the last chapter of part 2...right?
  3. Stay focused! Stay sharp! Lux and Shock: YES SIR!
  4. http://link8342.deviantart.com/art/Not-Bad-Dunban-376104577
  5. <object width="450" height="573"><param name="movie" value="http://www.deviantart.com">DeviantArt</a>
  6. In fe10, should I invest in Geoffrey, kieran, or makalov ?
  7. I have a ylisse Falchion cosplay prop...so that one holds a special place. It's hella pretty sword. I also really like the original because it raped. I haven't finished fe10, but when I do, I'll move on to fe4 and 5. Ragnell is hella cool and hella strong. Alondite is neat too. Screw the fe8 legendarys..Myrrh and Seth > Ephraim and Eirika. Durandal was way underrated. The Sol Katti is meh... Armads is omg so stark: Did I forget any...? Hmm... Oh that's right! My beloved Sword of Seals. The weapon that transforms me from a crappy character to a rape machine for the last few chapters.
  8. Lol waiting for chem to get out so I can go to gym.
  9. If I recall, Cordelia refers to her breastplate as a "sham" in the Dlc. Anna: "Afraid your size won't cut it for the guys?" And that was the last time I played the summer Dlc. Didn't know it was a fanservice.
  10. School is so boring... I need to do something exciting today...
  11. Myrmidon and sword master. I'd have good hp and strength with dece defense but sucky luck resistance and magic lol
  12. I think I'd consider xenoblade to be my favorite video game. Fire emblem being my favorite series
  13. lol oh fe6... The glory days *goes back in time 2 years
  14. So what happens to the convoy, money, items on characters, and bexp when you change parts. I'm on the last chapter of part 1. Also, do you advise I move or use any particular items at this time? Thanks
  15. I used to be good at lucid dreaming. Those days are over.
  16. Well I read it could also mean cloud or passionate. I could associate all of those with me.
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