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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. I don't fear you ever meeting me, so I'll tell you. I have several mental disorders that make me feel very intense sadness and worry. Sometimes, I have no will to live. But I have help and I'm learning how to live a healthy life.
  2. Soledai! Good to see you! I'm learning to cope. It's going okay.
  3. Communicating how you feel appropriately isn't this. I have much more intense emotions that I have learned to communicate in a healthy way. No I can't right now. Supposed to be with family lol
  4. ...if you knew the shit I've seen, your problems would be forgotten very quickly. *ahem* This thread does have a friendly atmosphere. You just need to speak like you would in public. Don't start fights. Please...
  5. Thanks Waluigi! Nice to see you around. John, why aren't you excited?
  6. I think I might have an eevee plushie from childhood... Yeeee found it ^^
  7. Thanks, Shock. I appreciate it. So...how about dem holidays coming up.
  8. Glac, I'm still battling a lot, but I'm on the right path to success. And my athletic success is really helping me cope. John, Wii U preferably (We will friend sometime later) 3ds works too. And I understand your outlook with the past. I use...similar strategies.
  9. Phew...only one more final... I need a 68% on this one. It's weighted Algebra 2...
  10. I need a 48% on this one to maintain my B in a weighted class. I always feel like I need a 4.0 gpa... I am not motivated to study. I just want to run and play Xenoblade. And find a real woman.
  11. Putting off finals studying. Hahahaha...haha...ha..... *sigh
  12. It's been awhile, hasn't it? And Glac, you just have to try it!
  13. Thanks guys. I'm trying to take it one step at a time, but the thoughts can be overwhelming. I'm an ultra sensitive person.
  14. It's a bit discouraging. After winning this big race, making a huge statement, and achieving this awesome milestone, seeing her after the race was still overpowering. She watched me get my first place medal, shake an olympian's hand, and get swarmed by my team. She cheered too, but missing her hurts. I know it's ridiculous when I did something as huge as this, but the thought of her, and I want to cry. I'm physically strong, but so emotionally weak. I'm trying to stop thinking about her, I really am. I don't want to love her anymore.
  15. 9:52 two mile. Won frosh/soph race. I got interviewed. I was on TV! :D
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