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Everything posted by Chen

  1. i could adjust the stream quality to be low, since that seemed to always work for friends that had shitty internet/ computers makaze's a cool guy, i would totally discuss stupid stuff with him, but i would not ship him with anyone
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuE0bKkcqk0
  3. only if their hearts believe in it!
  4. i dropped some strawberry yogurt... but it's okay because it was cheap yogurt at the same time, damaging food is unacceptable completely unacceptable, what are the trials i must face to pay for my sins?
  5. nightmare, i will stream the anime on twitch (and get banned) if that's what it takes! also i dropped a yogurt cup onto the floor and the corner got bent.. ;_;
  6. popping in out of nowhere to say: you guys should, like, definitely watch yucie i have no one to discuss it with ;___;
  7. Your name is not important, what is important is what you're gonna do!
  8. I claim Kirei Kotomine and Kariya Matou!
  9. The term friendzone should be destroyed forever! You just want a relationship with a girl? Not considering her own feelings? You can't have a friendship? You just wanna fuck?
  10. i never noticed this until now

  11. i love eating cartilage

  12. Some people are missing out on so much - geez. Intestines are amazing!
  13. Chen

    Biggest brain fart

    Sometimes I forget if I had dinner or if I've brushed my teeth. This ends up with my teeth being . . . very sparkly clean. ...It's not that bad!
  14. I live for the sole purpose of looking at horrifying pictures and fanfiction! I don't need to wonder.
  15. Chen

    favourite holiday?

    I don't know, I like ALL the holidays. I always get free things on every holiday; free things are good. I'd say Christmas though. You get more free stuff on Christmas, plus hot chocolate.
  16. Warrior of Light - 27 Cecil - 28 Bartz - 25 Terra - 26 Locke - 37 Cloud - 21 Zack - 34 Vincent Valentine - 28 Squall - 25 Zidane - 29 Tidus - 30 Vaan - 21 Lightning - 18 Noctis - 25
  17. I think it might suggest that I like Koishi and Finnish Touhou comics. Just might!
  18. Chen

    Coke or Pepsi?

    I like Pepsi better than Coke! I don't drink soda much anyways. If I had to choose between sodas, I'd definitely choose root beer. Besides from that, I just drink tea or apple juice.
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