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Posts posted by mr_e_s

  1. Ooh, while I have your attention, a point of contention among us has been, what do you use to separate your chapters, to mark one from the other? Is it like FE, with one big fight being the central point of a chapter, or is it a day to day thing, with one chapter ending when the night falls, and another starting with morning's call?

  2. DS, I'm sticking with ignorant, belligerent, and pretentious for you. I'm not saying your RP is bad, I'm saying that it doesnt mesh with my personal style I don't think, and that I don't get it. There's a difference. There's a big difference between me observing and me insulting, I can be quite acrimonious when the mood so strikes.

    Just to clarify, I'm not saying your RP is low quality. I am saying I don't like the idea of posting lots and lots because someone is on, and prefer the idea of following your own pace, regardless of who else is around at that moment. I'm not saying you guys aren';t writing a story, I'm saying I think the game element is a large one, ergo the story isn't as prime a focus as it would be otherwise.

    Also, you are a poopyhead and you smell funny.

  3. It's a discussion, you seem to be taking it as an argument. Every time I say anything about this RP, everyone seems to want to turn it into a confrontation. I'm not even really the competition, as our two RPs are pretty different from each other, enough so that anyone signing up for either is getting something they wouldn't be getting from the other.

  4. I didn't say no story, I said less of a story. As in, less story based then you're saying. I'm saying with the whole battle system it strikes me as a group of people playing a game mroe then a group of people writing a story. A game can have a story, it's still a game.


  5. Yeah, it definitely seems like mroe work then it's worth, and I'm unsure I'd even be welcome, but I'll admit this style of Rping is not something I've ever done before. I've always been in RPs where the focus was on the writing and the world.

  6. Who said it does? I'm not trying to convert your RP into anything else, or tell you that you're doing it wrong, just saying that I personally don't understand it. Not an attack, just an opinion. I was actually thinking of joining, giving this a try, seeing if there was anything to it I'm just not seeing from an outside perspective.

  7. Yeah, I've always seen Rping more as a pleasant stroll more'n a race. The lots of posting against the clock mentality always kind of baffled me. At what point does it stop being a silly hobby and turn into a problem?

  8. Yeah, I kind of tried to ironically point that out with "You should listen to him, he's from LoAF" That's kinda where pretentious came into mind for him. Also, I've noticed about the sensitivity, I have been skimming this topic off and on since I started my little RP that might. At first it was just to see what you guys thought of it (not much), but it became entertaining to watch the daily drama of a group of people somewhat newer to the game the the people I know. Back on LotE, we've been through so much drama, we're pretty much immune to it, so watching it is almost...quaint?

  9. Well, I do acknowledge I can be somewhat of an asshole, so by your definition, asshat, sure. I'd define an asshat as someone who regularly makes a fool of themselves though, and that one I don't think is me so much. I'm more irregular, I think. Personally, Dark Sage is striking me as ignorant and belligerent right now, but it could just be a belligerent post.

  10. Shu

    "Oh God, not again." Shu had the familiar taste of roofie on his mouth. He'd been drugged. He really had to stop accepting free drinks from creepy guys in trench coats, but...free drinks! Oh well, better to find out where he was... Ah, he was in a dungeon again. He wasn't alone either. After a quick check for his weapons, he decided to go up to the bars/dooor of his dungeon cell and get a look into the hallway, maybe get a feel for where he was in this place.

  11. Stark

    The sudden prospect of going through more bullshit got Stark moving out of the arena at a blistering pace almost matching walking speed. Which way did Eltiar get carried out again? Which way was the right way? Stark just had to find an exit, any exit. No more hurting. Stark's legs cried in protest. His arms, even the one not horribly ravaged by a lightning bolt, hung limply at his side. His heart was beating furiously with the mad effort of the movement, his head lulled down, unable to sustain it's perch any more. He was broken, he was beaten, but he would not be fallen.

    At least, he hoped not. He couldn't really see where he was going any more. His arms didn't want to feel around, either. The sight of him shoulder checking the walls lightly until he found an exit might have been humourous to someone who didn't mind laughing at the very sad excuse for a warrior. Stark didn't find any humour in the situation though, only a mild sense of panic at the thought of more fighting right now. No announcements, no sounds of more lions, no sting of further ligthnnig, everything seemed alright so far. He found an opening. Was it the one Eltiar went down? He could use some medical attention, but he was more then willing to settle for a safe place to lie down. He would just have to walk a bit further. Just a bit....furthe....

    Stark had made inside a smller doorway, just outside the view of the arena, he sitill didn't know what it was, but his legs finally refused to move any further. His upper body didn't receive proper notice and kept going, then gkept going down. It was all he could do to turn himself and not fall on his burnt arm.

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