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Status Updates posted by Dayni

  1. Okay, just a moment to indicate I'm off.... on holiday.

    Definitely for the next week, we'll see about the week after.

    1. Dayni


      .....Remember when I thought that I might actually show up again regularly after a week? Only for me to have to run off again and only show up again now? Yeah, that happened.

      Apparently there was a fake Genealogy leak while I was gone too, that at least was proven quick.

  2. So, late evening, deciding to play Lunatic Conquest again for the first time in ages after not even playing any video games outside of the Teehee SoV for weeks.

    Somehow I actually managed the waves for the first time ever, captured what I wanted to get and cleared in 25 turns, which is faster than I anticipated for it (And that's with wasting Azama'a Hexing Rods).

    I actually cleared 24 Conquest on Lunatic.

    After what feels like over a year of bitching.


    1. Dayni


      Just checked, it was just over a year.

      Do I finally have a map that did more to hold me back than that first attempt at C19 Thracia? Yes I suppose.

  3. Admittedly been busy enough the last while, so not much to say on here.

    But decided to pop on Mario + Rabbids to try and make progress. Got past the last map that bothered me a lot cleaner, then did another map similarly, then I got to the next map.


    Nobody fucking warned me there'd be Rabbid Wario and Waluigi. Sorry, Bwario and Bwaluigi. Blech.

    Noped out of it after seeing that, partly due to that but also the realisation there's likely a sorta boss like structure to the rest of the maps and I am not up for that at the moment.

    (They didn't even get the proportions right, smhsmh)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dayni


      >Tries to do mission with two green units again.

      >They keep charging ahead when it'd be easier if they didn't move at all.

      >They keep dying and the one time I managed to get the generics dead enough for them to be docile I lose someone to the boss.

      >Losing nobody is a sub objective in this fucking map.

      I think I'm quitting Stella Glow because of green units. FE never managed that.

    3. Dayni


      First Stella Glow ticks me off because skeeviness and green units, now I manage to force myself to lose progress in another game because it trapped me in a puzzle I had already cleared. It wouldn't let me reactivate the door opener, so when it closed behind me, I was stuck.

      Oh, just to add a few more points, Spirit of the North is a game I do not recommend on Switch for a second graphically, because it is a shame the game looks like it does. People seemed to talk pretty positively about it's graphics, visual style taking inspiration from Iceland and music, but I don't think the latter matters much thus far and the former two are not something the Switch version does well at all.

    4. Dayni



      Well, I know I've had issues with Spirit of the North, but right when it's about to go into it's last act after several minutes of having to crawl in game because that was needed for narrative reasons, the game crashes out.

      This game is not worth it on Switch.

  4. The death of the 3DS eshop saw me get Metroid's remake, but I also picked up an SRPG called Stella Glow because it was 4 euro. D3esign wise, there's a certain character who is pretty ridiculous by any standard, but I am not going into because yikes.

    It turns out there's a guy named Archibald, a noble figure who's being billed as the serious member of the knight squad. And his quote on his turn is "I'm coming".

    This guy is ruined because of ProZD

  5. Beat Engage by the way.


    I took 2 and a half hours on the last chapter, the only one over 2 hours long, with the the only real stumbling block being on the first turn because units kept dying. Got all the convos, finished with Bond Blast, all that jazz. Shame I used all the royals, I could have kept them all out and still had a full team. Yeah, I had a problem before and it didn't go away.

    I ended up on 90 hours total.... which makes sense when you use a bunch of units, take time looking at supports, wandering the somniel and doing a fair amount of activities. For example the preps for the endgame took 2 hours and used 60,000 bond fragments to get all the emblem arenaing done. Ended up using the pact ring after all, I'm assuming being able to pick a bunch of female units means what I think it means, but I used it on Seadall, because he was the first unit I got to A rank and the only one before that endgame rush to get supports using rocks.

    I think I'll have a lot to write up before giving any serious talk on it and it'll be a while before I go back to Engage, that took a fair amount.

  6. I'll be honest, I'm writing this for me, because the ides hasn't gone away since I first thought of it.

    When the Sonic demo runs out of time:


    It's time to face your fear,

    'cos when your time has come and gone,

    You'll have to pay to carry on,

    and you can't finish me cost free

    'cos I ain't complimentary

  7. Just got through 21 and 22.


    I wish I could say I avoided spoilers, but alas. What wasn't alack was the amount of times I laughed while going though the story for these maps. And I see we've evolved again on the degrees of separation between the avatar and the Fire Emblem: As in they are one and the same full stop. Alear is the messiah! The emblem ring landing on her finger looks like it should hurt considering it's design and RIP two-tone though. And that's just at the end of it all.

    Sadly this two chapter run doesn't hit quite as hard as 10-11, partly because I think there's not enough reinforcements on Hard on the second map. Maybe tie them to reaching each Emblem area with Alear.

    Edit: Turns out she still has the two tone in her physical body? Whut.

    1. Dayni


      Back on Engage, just cleared 23 (I'd done the last emblem paralogues first)


      I'd left myself in an awkward position with Zephia, who moved right up to my eastern party and had caught me by surprise, mainly because I hadn't Emblem Alasalak charged. I try to bring her down best as I can, but I'm somewhat exposed, a berserker goes for Alcryst (Who'd Luna crit one of her lifebars the mad lad) and she'll Thoron him dead any second now-

      Oh, you're going for Boucheron with the Georgios. Who doubles to kill with each hit. And he does.

      And I thought Griss was a masochist. He'd already been dealt with by the way, even Lindon did good damage on him (Two crits, one unneeded. 🙂 )

      Why is she helping us by the way? And why is she Nyx but not a small child?

    2. Dayni


      Further progress, cleared 24, honestly less stressful compared to the last few maps, barring that gimmick being an annoyance and having to rescue Louis up to tank a Lodestar Rush. Bit of a relief alongside clearing the 13th paralogue right after it (Barring a poor tactical call that risked Saphir and Fogado).

      25, on the other hand. Hoo boy that was rough. Barely scraped a win there without losing someone and this was a combination of the lasers and the stupid number of reinforcements that turn up by turn 10 or so. Things could have been worse to start (The entrap guy was surprisingly easily dealt with by Timerra after he warped her in, making it easier to charge up), but I may have been a little slow on the left, which got worse when the right side had to deal with both the laser and 4 or so enemies, which took a few rewinds sadly. Then it got worse after moving in to clear out the guys standing between the boss and your forces. the second entrap guy missed but the freeze guy hit Alasalak, which made planning out a turn where I wanted to move her up alongisde a Goddess Dance and remove all the units around the boss while also sufficiently walling off the frickton of reinforcements (whose mages ensured Louis would not suffice), before the next turn became a pileon on the boss and getting the chests. That was stressful. Also, why were the lasers Def-targetting?

  8. Okay, I am at the point where I am stumped with Engage.

    Chapter 20 crosses a line of elements to watch out for: Griss's madness and not knowing how it works, the FoW limiting movement is still annoying, alongside the enemies I obviously won't see and the thieves combined with the Entrap guy push it over the line to not be asking in the void of here for suggestions.

    Obviously buying a Freeze may make sense (I have no uses in the convoy, RIP me), but it's just tight enough to be unsure what the hell I need to do to pull off the thieves + Entrap, while also surviving 4 turns of Griss being himself.

    1. Dayni


      I managed to find out something.


      The theives leave the way they came.



      Fuck sake Engage.

    2. Dayni


      Man, I have laughed a lot playing Engage.

      This post-chapter story bit has been a barrelful.

  9. Chapter 20.


    So, you know how Griss says he'll fuck off and teleport in random places?

    I wasn't expecting him to teleport into the bottom right corner and charge right at my army. He hear one-shots Zelkov.

    Then fucks right off.

    This didn't happen last time.

    Yo what the fuck, that's hilarious.

  10. Thracia Ballista were imported into Elyos, that explains this paralogue.

    1. Dayni


      The only way to outcheese Thracia: Fates Cheese.

      (Specifically Qi Adept's Ice Wall to block Leif from pretty much anyone at risk of getting Quad hit while I cleared the NE part of the map with three units, which was everyone not named Goldmary or Diamant I guess)

  11. I haven't really spoken about Engage at all yet, kinda holding off, but an example of this game being itself.

    So I've a stupid Louis at the moment, 35 Def, but of course slow (10 AS could be worse, probably a little blessed). Playing one of the paralogues and I am up at a wave of enemies. I have Louis 1-shot a mage despite there being another in that range because I figure he'll have it and 1-shot to avoid being doubled. Not accounting for an enemy having a Fracture staff in range. Naturally the enemy goes for it, the mage attacks.... and doesn't double. The meal I'd fed everyone gave +Spd and it was enough to take him out of doubling range.

    This game I swear.

    1. Dayni


      So, the Sigurd paralogue.

      It for some reason has a pair sitting in the corner well above the recommended level for the map. I mean, they're sitting at over 50/60 magic attack and the over 60 one is doubling pretty much anything coming near it. Of course, you have to call them over to you and I uh... didn't anticipate a 1-shot happening. I decided to hold off for a second and think about it before doing it again.

      Any recommendations? Not related to Emblem skills I mean.

  12. And another thing, where was I at in playthroughs?

    SDatBoL, MotE II..... and nothing else left.

    Add the routes from 3H to bring it to 22 routes..... that's 20/22.

    Or if we talk just full titles 14/16

    Hadn't done this in ages, thought of it now.

  13. So, just writing this status update because I noticed I apparently have 4200 posts.


    Just.... just wanted to have something to notice it with before I go past it.

    (It's like blaze it... but a decade of it, man /s)

  14. Well, it's been 9 months.

    I can finally say I've had my fill of 3H.

    Not because I found something more bullshit than Reunion at Dawn. I definitely did not. Just got to the end of my Maddening run and I feel like I've had my time. Raphael got MVP for the finale, because QR and Knuckles are fair, turns out the Linhart ending wasn't as bad as I necessarily expected (Certainly I don't feel like throwing up at the CG this time, so that's good)

    I'll probably post in the maddening thread with pics.

    I'm happy to be done.

  15. Three houses has issues.

    There are things that can be complained about across the board.

    But there is nothing as bad in it as the fishing. The fishing is the worst thing about the game, no question. There's no good in how it's designed, the gameplay is an awful minigame and the sheer RNG involved is a massive fuck you to the player. It absolutely should be redesigned from the ground up.

    #ISmadefishingmoreboring #Ocarinahadbetterfishing #fishingemblem

    1. Dayni


      For clarification, if 5% seems more like 0%, DO NOT FUCKING MAKE RNG WITH 5% RATES LIKE THIS

  16. So, having finally played to completion Reunion at Dawn in maddening, I have only this to say.

    Fuck Reunion at Dawn.

    It is the worst kind of difficult map and once you've dealt with the first 5 turns it evaporates so long as you've been able to have a sufficient amount of stuff to work with. It's challenging, but absolutely unfun in that. Your cast can be all over the place in terms of relevance and playing blind would be awful. If most of them are dead and Byleth and the lord aren't supremely OP you're fucked.

    Fuck Reunion at Dawn.

    1. Saint Rubenio

      Saint Rubenio

      Can I just say "I told you so"?

    2. Dayni


      I won't stop you.

      At least unlike you I finished it. 😛

      It also turns out if you recruit Ferdinand he comes straight back after Chapter 13 instead of waiting three months to do so. So that was nice.

  17. TIL holding B speeds through cutscenes in 3H.


  18. Finally finished 3H with SS now. That fight was.... well, it could have been worse once I actually got to fighting Rhea and at least it wasn't as tedious as CF Also, there was some painful lag early on (I said it, you happy?). So final map is VW > SS > CF > AM.

    I'm thankful to be done, even if I'll have to deal with CS someday and try to see if I can actually beat Maddening beyond C1. This route had me questioning the light touch handling of the objective big plan villains more than I had before. For now, I'm just happy I can move on to other things.

    In the medium term? I've hinted at it and now I think I can really start prepping a big piece on the game of what I'd consider a personal rewrite of the routes to make them more distinct and try and throw some other ideas with it. I don't promise everyone will love it and any commentary could make me see something I missed so when I have something up go ahead. Despite that, no I absolutely don't hate this game's story. But you can tell a lot of its issues are tied to time and budget, it got delayed twice for at least 7 months it doesn't surprise me.

    As for the Rhea support, MY WORD I REGRET PRESSING IT.

  19. So, how about the end of CF huh? I was concerned I wouldn't make it at first, but after retrying 17 once (That gimmick caused me to flip the first time I saw it, but the second time I just outpaced the entire north of the map) 18 proved to not be as bad as I expected. 

    I somehow feel like I have more to ask about after that ending than for VW (where I had one question), but all that can wait because there's still AM and SS left.

    Also this credit music's making me think of pokemon, feels similar.

    So yeah, 2 routes left, to be precise their part 2s.

  20. Three Houses update, finished Part 1 on all routes. I have to say it's giving me a lot of material to consider and what I feel should be improvements. I already have an idea of a long essay on Three Houses.

    Also, fuck Reunion at Dawn. Just, fuck everything about it. I'll expand on it if people want, but know it's managing to anger me more than Nuibaba, even if it's the principle of the thing that's the cause of my anger instead of being an utter BS map.

  21. Okay, so I've been playing 3 Houses like mad since Mid-January.

    Finished VW and Part 1 of CF so far, have got playthroughs for the other routes ready.

    Would like to ask if there's a big bunch of information relating to NG+ (I'm not using it for a first playthrough for any route though).

  22. Nostalgia train's a hell of a drug. Reignited Trilogy is finally here! So that's a thing I've been waiting on.

  23. Adrift appears

    IS: Hey fans, we've got a new banner here set in Valla-

    Angry Fans: THE SALT MUST FLOW!

  24. Didn't mention it but I finally tried Apotheoisis. Managed to unlock the secret route first try, decided I wasn't on the crazy juice yet and after a few tries got the normal route, which I cleared deathless up to the last wave.

    Still cleared, got Katarina finally and may someday finally try the secret route.

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