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Posts posted by kurthnaga

  1. I believe I have found a bug - or maybe perhaps just an error in wording: I received the "Traitorous Swine" achievement, which states "I kill Erik before he helps me" (paraphrased...), but I had recruited him and he was killed by an enemy. Is this intentional?

  2. Hey guys! I'm going to start making a Let's Play for the last promise, though I'm not sure if I should do it with video or pictures/text... And I want you guys to pick my units! Now I know not all of you have probably played it, but give it a gambit if you have! I'm looking for a team of about 12-15.

    1. Shon

    2. Kelik

    3. Anakin

    4. Corben

    5. Cia


    7. Tekun

    8. Ben

    9. Noah

  3. This is my first time ever doing something like this where I plan out my units before the game, and I want your guy's help! I'm looking for a team of twelve. PMU GO!

    1. Wallace

    2. Ninian

    3. Lyn

    4. Bartre

    5. Kent

    6. Lowen

    7. Karla

    8. Matthew

    9. Sain

    10. Marcus

    11. Pent

    12. Wil

    E1. Fiora

    E2. Will

    E3. Sex Panther

    I will probably be using Hector as well. Because I'll be doing Hector's mode. So it'd be stupid not to use him.

    -1. NO SERRA

    -2. NO RATH

    These characters will not be used at all in the entirety of the playthrough - upon obtaining them I will trade their items away and use them only for recruitment.

    Oh yeah, one more thing. Do you guys want videos with voice commentary or pictures with text commentary?

  4. Hello forums! I've been a stalker for a while now checking out different hacks, and I've decided I want to make my own. Of course, I know nothing about coding and I am pretty inept at the whole concept. Story, Art, and Design, however, I can take care of. I am looking to put together a team to make a recreation of Dante's Inferno in Fire Emblem - Each Canto being a new Chapter, and having a few levels set up as puzzles and not really combat.

    My lack of ability to code doesn't mean I don't want to learn how to code or do it myself, but I just don't know how and I've had issues finding tutorials that I personally can follow on the internet.

    If you are interested in the idea in general or want to help let me know!

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