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Status Updates posted by Roxas

  1. Page 5673.

    I passed. =D

  2. Roxas

    This is t--

    Hey. my friending made your friends list a perfect 3 x 11 array!

    Hooray for Asian math ADHD! =)

  3. Oh. Sup Rag. Umm... Not yet. I've been pretty lazy and don't feel like doing recon in Beast's Castle and The Cave of Wonders... I think I'm on day...75?

  4. Clever. RF member badge.

    Damn. i have to get around to making a KH one. :sob:

  5. That's actually a lot. For one grade? We have, like, 4 Korean kids, 2 japanese girls, 3 chinese, and a few half-ies.

    LUCKY. ;____________________;

  6. SEE MY POINT!? D:

  7. A cookie that, her last name...

    is one syllable.

  8. Koreans: I can't blame you there. Fuck. How many Korean kids do you know that have the last name Kim? I think my ancestors had a shot of aphrodisiac with their morning tea. <_<

    Chinese: Sort of. Wang is popular. But Li is also seen a lot over here.

    Japanese: Anything over 3 syllables is Japanese. I barely think anybody can be intertwined here. There's so many names, Ta...

  9. Of course we don't :P

  10. ...nooo that was Yuuka. =_=

    Because remember, Marthur was our "mom" at some point at the end of the summer, and as Marthur was acting as Yuuka, therefore, posting a picture of Yuuka = posting a picture of our "mom" = posting a picture of a relative.


  11. I was checking on Soul's wall to see where I posted there last. :D

    Anyway, not really. I started GOING OUT with Yuuka after 3 weeks of knowing her. :P

  12. So whose this Michelle? <3


  13. riiiiiightttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. xD

  14. *Facepalm**facepalm**facepalm*


  15. i'll keep that in mind :D

  16. I lol'd @ your about me. =J

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